Dog Tips

Dog coats and shedding dogs – Pet tip 103

Shedding dogs and coat types - is Canada's source for info on pets including dogs cats birds and more. We have articles and information, pet store, free petsites, ask the vet, contests, breeds and breeders, bulletin board, dog parks, lost and found, pet cemetery and more.

We choose our dogs mostly based on their character and their appearance. But for some of us, our preference also accounts for the dog’s type of coat. Some people prefer fluffy dogs, while others prefer short-haired dogs. But few take …

Dog eats poop – coprophagia – Pet tip 150

Dog eats poop - poop eating in dogs - corpophagia

According to most dog owners, poop eating is one of the most disgusting, unsightly and absolutely revolting habits that a dog can develop. The immediate response is one of disgust, and perhaps denial. My dog would NEVER do that!! Ah, …

Dog food is for dogs – cat food is for cats – Pet tip 97

Dog food for dogs - cat food is for cats.

A common problem in homes that have both cats and dogs centers around the food issue and which species should eat which food. Unlike many cats that are finicky, in general, dogs truly love their mealtimes and puppies will eat …

Dog is a Crotch Sniffer – Pet tip 245

Get your dog to stop sniffing other people's private parts

Most dog owners are aware that dog noses are extremely sensitive. This is due to the quantity of olfactory or ‘smell’ receptors in a dog’s nose. Whereas humans have around five million olfactory receptors, dogs have two hundred and twenty million. This makes their noses exponentially more sensitive than a human’s. Most times a dog’s sensitive nose works to our benefit. All kinds of dogs are used as service dogs to help humans find missing people, sniff out explosives, drugs etc. They can smell people coming from quite a distance and alert us to their presence. There are some embarrassing occasions however, when a dog’s nose is just too sensitive from our human perspective. Most notably this occurs when dogs try to sniff humans in their private areas.

This behaviour is a common one in dogs and equally common is the fact that it upsets most dog owners. The reason some dogs sniff at a human’s private parts is the same reason they sniff the private parts of other dogs. We know that when they smell other dogs in this way they can tell the sex, rank (is the dog more dominant or submissive) age and other information about the dog.

Dog Jumps on Counter – Pet tip 204

There’s a really cute anonymous quote that says “never trust a dog to watch your food”. This advice should be well heeded because even though we trust dogs to protect us and warn us when trouble is near, most untrained …

Dog leashes and dog collars – Pet tip 106

Choosing a dog collar or dog leash - quick tips - is Canada's source for info on pets including dogs cats birds and more. We have articles and information, pet store, free petsites, ask the vet, contests, breeds and breeders, bulletin board, dog parks, lost and found, pet cemetery and more.

Dog leashes come in a variety of shapes and styles and not all leashes (AKA leads) are created equally. Given that a leash is going to be one of the primary tools that are used on your dog’s daily walks, …

Dog Noses – facts and myths – Pet tip 115

Dog noses - myths and facts about your dog's nose

Whether it’s big, round, and the palest pink or small, pointy and glossy black – you can’t miss it, it’s right there in the middle of your dog’s face: its nose. You’ve probably heard all sorts of stories about the …

Dog Noses – Tip 92

Dog noses - is Canada's source for info on pets including dogs cats birds and more. We have articles and information, pet store, free petsites, ask the vet, contests, breeds and breeders, bulletin board, dog parks, lost and found, pet cemetery and more.

Has your dog ever sniffed the air or ground and then seemed to follow some predetermined path you can’t see? Your dog’s sense of smell is one of the primary senses he/she uses. The anatomy of the nose and the …

Dog Park Etiquette – Pet tip 160

Dog Park Etiquette - How your dog should behave in a dog park

Perhaps one of the most fulfilling moments for a dog owner is to witness the pure joy their pet experiences during a day at the dog park. Whether your dog has his fun romping around with friends, breaking into a …

Dog Shows – Pet tip 200

Dog shows - how to show your dog at dog show competitions

Although most dog owners have never seen a live traditional dog show, they are still enormously popular with many dog lovers. Traditional dog shows such as the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club dog show from the U.S. and the Crufts dog …

Dog skin – cat skin – skin problems in pets – Pet tip 143

Dog skin - cat skin - skin problems in pets

The skin is the largest organ in the body. This is true for all animals. Being the largest organ in the body also means that it is very important to the health of the animal. If the skin and associated …

Dog Training Styles – Pet tip 206

Although most dogs are ‘good dogs’ many dog owners are faced with the occasional behaviour problem. Normally dog behavior problems are pretty straightforward; jumping, over-barking, chewing on inappropriate things are all common examples of dog behaviours that humans don’t appreciate. …

Dog Training Tips – Pet tip 236

Training your dog to follow some basic commands does not have to be difficult if you have a bit dedication and patience. Depending on the command you wish your dog to learn all that is needed is some repeated practice …

Dogs – Cats – Noses and Sickness – Pet tip 226

When it comes to determining if our pet cats or pet dogs are sick we often try to gauge their levels of health through quick checks. A quick check might involve running your hands along your pet’s body with gentle …

Dogs – Cats – Pets and Divorce – Pet tip 232

The divorce rate in Canada and the U.S. is extremely high with nearly one out of every two couples getting divorced. Many couples that are divorcing don’t think much about how the divorce can affect the family pet. This is …

Dogs – Cats and Budgeting – Pet tip 242

How to budget for your cat, dog or other pet

Times are tough and many of us have less money coming in (income) but still have the same costs. This leaves most people with very little extra money to just ‘throw away’. This may cause some pet owners to become worried about how to provide for the health and well-being of their pets.

In this article we will try to help you structure your pet-related spending in a way that will keep both you and your pet in good shape. We will start by addressing the essential costs involved with keeping your pet healthy. Then we will mention some options that may help you afford these essential costs. Finally, we will look at what pet-related spending we can consider a luxury (non-essential).

The most important thing you can provide for your pet is health. Budgeting for an annual check-up and vaccinations is absolutely necessary.

Dogs – Cats and the Physical Exam – Pet tip 167

What the vet looks for during a physical exam of cats and dogs

When we take our pets to the veterinarian, we all assume that our pet will be given a ‘check-up’, a physical exam. But what exactly does a physical exam include? Veterinarians do physical exams on every animal they see, and …

Dogs – Cats and Ultrasound- Pet tip 216

When most people hear the word ultrasound they normally think of the device that gynecologists use to check the health of growing fetuses in pregnant women. In fact, ultrasound can be used to check the health and proper functioning of …

Dogs and Cats that Drink Too Much Water – Pet tip 240

Drinking too much water can be toxic for cats and dogs

Water is the elixir of life and it is essential to all living things. Our pets need to have access to water at all times and their water bowls should be filled with fresh water every single day. When our pets don’t get enough water dehydration can occur. Sometimes though, our pets drink too much water and although we know that water is good for our pets, too much is too much. Serious health problems can occur when our pets drink too much water. Sometimes the reason they drink so much stems from psychological or behavioural problems; other times the reason is medical. Either way, drinking too much water is dangerous for pets.

When a pet drinks too much water, its urinary system is also affected. What goes in must come out so thirst and urination are naturally linked.

Dogs and Tapeworms – Pet tip 163

Dogs and tapeworms and why dogs get tapeworms

The simplified tapeworm story is that tapeworms are parasites that live in your dog’s intestine and they usually get into your dog’s intestine by way of ingested fleas. The flea itself is the host and is necessary for your dog …

Dogs Cats and Anesthesia – Pet tip 239

Anesthesia in cats and dogs

Most cats and dogs undergo some type of surgery that requires anesthesia during their lifetimes even if it is only the surgery done for spaying and neutering. Other common procedures that require anesthesia include dental cleaning or dental surgery as well as repairing broken bones. Whenever surgery is done on a pet the topic of anesthesia arises. For the purposes of this article we will be talking about general anesthesia where pets are completely unconscious. We’ve all heard about the potential risks and possible complications regarding anesthesia in our own lives, and so it makes good sense to wonder about anesthetic complications when it comes to our pets as well.

Luckily, veterinary medicine has made huge strides in reducing anesthetic complications. So long as the pet is properly monitored during the actual surgery and the pet has been carefully prescreened for possible problems, anesthesia on pets is quite safe and problems are few.

Dogs Cats and Fur Battles – Pet Tip 251

Quick tips on fur and shedding issues in dogs and cats

Cats and dogs have plenty of fur and the battle of the fur and the household never seems to end. Cats and dogs don’t seem to care much about losing a bit of fur but it does bother many humans. Given that the fur problem for humans is not likely to end anytime soon is there anything we can do to reduce the amount of fur that cats and dogs shed?

The answer is ‘yes and no’ and has a lot to do with the personality of the human not the cat or dog. Dogs and cats shed and that is a fact of life. They can no more stop shedding than we humans can stop shedding. (Humans shed skin cells and lose body/head hair every single day).

Dogs eating grass – Pet tip 18

dogs that eat grass - why dogs eat grass

Dogs eating grass? Some people will have never heard of this before as their dog has never exhibited this behaviour, but others may be wondering why their dog sometimes acts like a lawnmower. The reasons are not clearly known, but …

Dogs in Mourning – Pet tip 246

How dogs deal with death and mourning

Dogs are extremely sensitive animals and can feel many of the same emotions that humans feel. Although many seasoned dog owners already know this, newer dog owners are often surprised by the depth of some of the emotions that dogs can feel. We all know that dogs can be very happy creatures; their broad wagging tails give them away every time. But dogs are capable of feeling more complex emotions than just happiness. At the other end of the spectrum there is sadness and depression and dogs are capable of feeling these emotions. Perhaps there is no greater testament to this fact then when a dog’s owner or another dog from the household dies

Dogs in their golden years – elderly dogs – pet tip 141

Old dogs - elderly dogs

Congratulations! Your dog has reached its golden years! After all those years of romping around, giving you love and giving you a hard time, it is now time for your dog to slow down the pace a little bit. This …