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Hound Dogs - Dog Breed Listings | Pets.ca

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Hound Dogs

Hound dogs also are hunting dogs but much more various than the Sporting dogs. There are scent hounds and sight hounds. They are a diverse group, ranging from the low-slung dachshund to the fleet-footed greyhound. However, they all are dedicated to the tasks for which they were bred, whether coursing over rough terrain in search of gazelles, such as the Afghan hound or the Saluki, or going to ground after badgers, like the dachshund. Hounds such as beagles, basset hounds, harriers, foxhounds, and coonhounds run in packs, while others, such as Afghan hounds, borzois, pharaoh hounds, and Salukis, course alone. The Hound group also includes the Petit Basset Griffon Vend»en, the otterhound, the Rhodesian ridgeback, which was bred to hunt lions in Africa, and the bloodhound, best known for its remarkable ability to track. The Irish wolfhound, Scottish deerhound, basenji, whippet, and Norwegian elkhound are also in this group. In Canada, drevers belong to the Hound group as well, and in England the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen is included.