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Old March 8th, 2011, 01:29 PM
Belliffin Belliffin is offline
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Smile My Lovely Animals

I'm brand new to the forum so I just thought I would post some pics of my animals and say hello to everyone!
My cat, Bella, is almost 2 and has a whole whack of medical problems! After getting her spayed at 6 months we found out (5 surgeries later) that she had a rare disorder that doesn't allow her inner linings to heal themselves. So after all the surgeries her dissolvable stitches would dissolve and then her insides would burst back open poor girl.. I don't know if it is due to all of the surgeries or what but now she is way over weight and I cannot for the life of me get her to lose weight, but I'll keep trying! Right now she is fighting off a horrible bladder infection.. it is her second one in a month!
My dog Griffin is a 10 month old Beagle and a complete sweetheart. He completed puppy, intermediate, and advanced obedience before he was 8 months old and he is a great dog! He has canine papilloma virus which I hate but I'm hoping the papillomas go away soon! We got him when he was 12 weeks old which was a shock and a challenge (even though he was undeniably adorable!) but after we got passed the rough puppy stage it was smooth sailing! I love him to death!
p.s. I've never uploading pics onto a forum so let's hope this works!!
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Old March 8th, 2011, 01:30 PM
Belliffin Belliffin is offline
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Nope didn't work... damn... lol
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Old March 8th, 2011, 02:00 PM
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Welcome to the board, Belliffin! Poor Bella!! That sounds awful!

Looking forward to pics of both Bella and Griffin, though!

Are the pics on your computer or on a photosharing site? If they're on your computer, click on the paperclip icon in the reply window and you'll be able to browse to and attach the pics from your computer. Good luck!
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Old March 8th, 2011, 02:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Belliffin View Post
I'm brand new to the forum so I just thought I would post some pics of my animals and say hello to everyone!
Howdy, and welcome to the board!

Originally Posted by Belliffin View Post
My cat, Bella, is almost 2 and has a whole whack of medical problems! After getting her spayed at 6 months we found out (5 surgeries later) that she had a rare disorder that doesn't allow her inner linings to heal themselves.
Yikes! Sorry to hear that. Do you know what the name of the disorder is?

Originally Posted by Belliffin View Post
now she is way over weight and I cannot for the life of me get her to lose weight, but I'll keep trying!
What is she eating right now (wet? dry? brand?)? What other foods has she eaten in the past?

Originally Posted by Belliffin View Post
Right now she is fighting off a horrible bladder infection.. it is her second one in a month!
Poor girl. How were the bladder infections diagnosed (ie was a culture and sensitivity done)? And how are they being treated?

Would love to see those pics of your furries when you've got that figured out.
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Old March 10th, 2011, 12:43 AM
Belliffin Belliffin is offline
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Thanks for all of the welcomes
I am going to attempt (again) to get some pictures into this message so hopefully it works this time! As for the questions about Bella I can't remember what the name of her condition is but I do remember that I couldn't pronounce it even when I did know.. haha The food she is on now is MediCal and it's the hypoallergenic type as it is the only food that I have found that doesn't give her diarrhea. We just moved and I attempt to change her over to Red Moon pet food because I was scared our new town wouldn't have her food but she doesn't handle it well and I'm pretty sure that's what gave her the awful bladder infection. Before we realized she needed specific food she was on Royal Kanin(sp?) kitty formula. All of her food has always been dry. As for the bladder infection the vet took a urine sample to test for crystals and it came back negative thankfully. She weighs 14lbs and the vet said she should be around 9lbs ideally.. I have honestly tried everything but she is has never been a very active cat to begin with so other than diet there isn't very much I can do. Hope to have some replies again soon!
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Old March 10th, 2011, 01:40 AM
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Welcome to the Forum! Your fur babies are adorable! I am sorry to hear about their health condtions though.

Our Willie use to be fed dry before I found out wet was better for him. It took him about a year before he completely got off dry and he was a heavy cat too. Dry has more calories in it than wet btw. I found out lots of things I didn't know from people in Pets. *S*

I also got 2 kittens when Willie was 6 years old and slowly introduced them to each other. I fed the kitties only wet and Willie slowly got onto the idea by watching Mirabelle and O'Shawnnessey(who were adopted at the same time and are brother & sister) eat the wet and raw and cooked chicken. He also plays with them and went from a 13-15lb cat to now 10lbs at 8 years old. He also eat cooked turky and chicken, but he won't eat the raw.

Maybe u should consider getting a kitty friend for your kitty. *S*
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~Tegan 9 year old yellow lab~
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Old March 10th, 2011, 02:07 AM
BenMax BenMax is offline
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Welcome to the forum.
My goodness your furbabes are adorable.
For your cat..will she play with a lazor toy? This will provide her some exercise and you..loads of laughter.
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Old March 10th, 2011, 10:22 AM
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They are really sweet together
I too have an over-weight cat,it's very difficult and my cats don't eat dry food,only as a treat ever now and then and I've stopped even that.
One of my cats is just right and my other is fat,although they eat basically the same amount every day
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Old March 10th, 2011, 05:58 PM
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My, what lovely animals indeed! Bella looks very squeezable .

Originally Posted by Belliffin View Post
The food she is on now is MediCal and it's the hypoallergenic type as it is the only food that I have found that doesn't give her diarrhea.
Ya, Medi-Cal kibble really ain't great, and is most certainly not helping with her chubb-factor. It would be in her best interest if you could manage to switch her over to a quality canned food instead (or even a raw diet, if you're up for it). Here is some excellent reading for you on the subject of feline obesity and how kibble is the main cause: http://www.catinfo.org/?link=felineobesity

Originally Posted by Belliffin View Post
As for the bladder infection the vet took a urine sample to test for crystals and it came back negative thankfully.
But did he send it out for a culture and sensitivity? That's the only way to know what type (if any) bacteria are present and which antibiotic will be most effective against it. It's actually quite rare for a young cat to get UTIs and bladder infections, so you want to make sure that's really what's going on (and why they're occuring, as it can point to other serious health problems). What were the symptoms that caused you to take her to the vet? See, cats can also get sterile cystitis, which is inflammation of the bladder often brought on by stress (such as moving). It looks an awful lot like a UTI, with straining to pee, urinating outside the box, even blood in the urine. But there is no bacteria. Antibiotics would be useless in these cases. A moisture rich diet (ie canned or raw) would be much more effective (and reducing stress, where possible). Info for you to read on this subject: http://www.catinfo.org/?link=urinarytracthealth
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Old March 10th, 2011, 08:45 PM
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Bella and Griffin are gorgeous, Belliffin! The pics were well worth the wait! Glad you were able to figure out how to attach them!!
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Old March 10th, 2011, 09:44 PM
lindapalm lindapalm is offline
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We have a cat that looks just like Bella, and he too, is very over weight. Our other ones aren't. I thought we were the only ones that had cats with weird sicknesses, but yours definately has ours beat. I love the innocent look on your dogs face.
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Old March 11th, 2011, 09:45 AM
Belliffin Belliffin is offline
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I was completely unaware the dry food has more calories in it than wet! I am really starting to question the vets I've seen as I was never told that nor was I told that MediCal was poor quality food, the vet was the one that recommended it to me!
As for possibly switching my chubby kitty over to wet food how does that work if she needs hypoallergenic? The MediCal hypoallergenic has soy protein and beet pulp so the vet told me that's why it will probably work better for her because it has a completely different protein and carb than most foods. Actually I want to ask another question as well.. My vet told me to give Bella 1/3 cup per day of food.. That seems like SO little to me and the recommended amount for a 14lb cat according to the bag is 3/4-1 cup.. any thoughts on that? She has been on the food for quote awhile and maybe lost a pound at a time but then regained it. Also, what are we looking at cost wise for dry food, I'm assuming more expensive?
The vet did not send the urine sample away to the best of my knowledge. The warning signs for me taking her in were little bloody urine puddles around the house and before that I knew something was wrong as she was just acting different. She was having trouble jumping in and out of the tub where she gets her water and I noticed a few other odd things as well. I am confident that it is a bad bladder infection for a few reasons, one is that we have moved before as well as taken Bella on trips multiple times and she is fine with it, so she was kind of used to it although we do have a room mate now who has a cat so maybe that was a stressor? They are good friends now though which makes me happy as they do chase each other around a bit so hopefully this can help her lose some weight (fingers crossed!). Also, the first set of antibiotics they gave me worked within 12 hours.
As for the "innocent look" on my pups face that is his "I didn't do it" face.. he has it on quite frequently, almost daily in fact! haha He is quite the trouble maker that's for sure!
Sorry to write a novel, just trying to address everybodys questions! Thanks so much!
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Old March 13th, 2011, 09:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Belliffin View Post
I am really starting to question the vets I've seen as I was never told that nor was I told that MediCal was poor quality food, the vet was the one that recommended it to me!
Really, that's how most vets are. In vet school, their nutritional education is paid for by companies like MediCal. And because they sell it in their offices, they make money off of every bag or can they sell.

My old dog had heart conditions and I used to by a specific Cardiac food from the vet, as that what he told me was best and I believed him. Now, a few years later, I realize that there was probably a better option. But, we are all human, and we simply make the best decisions we can, with the knowledge that we have at the time.

I've learned a lot from this forum, starting with facts about nutrition. My new dogs are now on a grain free diet, supplemented with some raw food as a treat. I beleive that I'm giving them what's best, and I've had some long discussions about it with my vet, explaining my research and my point of view.
In the end, he agreed with the benefits of grain fee food, but said it doesn't necessarily work for every dog (fair enough). And he also realizes the benefits of feeding raw, but doesn't advise it to his patients as not everyone takes the time to ensure their pets are getting enough nutrition from different sources, and as such, can lead to an imbalanced diet if not done properly (again, a fair point).
He also is dead-set against the idea of feeding raw bones. He's seen too many injuries from both cooked bones and raw bones getting stuck inside, and recommended I supplement with bone meal or something instead (a valid point since I understand he probably sees injured pets more than healthy pets, but I still give some soft bones like chicken breast, etc).

My point is, most vets will, by default, recommend to you the brands that they sell on their shelf (just like a store clerk would). Some of these foods do have some medical benefits and are better than some of the alternatives out there. But we all know, vet food isn't cheap. And for that price, there's usually a better alternative out there, you just have to do your reasearch and find it.
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