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Old October 2nd, 2005, 02:04 PM
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Rocky and Chico...
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"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 02:06 PM
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Awww Chico, that's a wonderful pict of Vinnie!!! No wonder it is your fav. I like YY in the Willow Chair

Yin Yin in HER Willow Chair
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 05:06 PM
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wow vinnie has beautiful eyes
and all your guys kitties are so pretty
YY looks really playful reminds me of my dads kitty shes a handful of course i cant say her name on here lol itd blank it out
ill have to see if i have any better pics of smokey and weatherby besides the one in my profile
if not i can just go take a few
and baby is just chillin in his kennel im pleased that hes finaly gotten used to hangin out in there even with the door open makes things a lot easier so i dont have to hunt him down under my desk or behind my tv to give him his pills lol
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 05:15 PM
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ok heres a picture of smokey and weatherby
i have so many pictures of all the kitties i might just make a website with all the pictures i have hehehe
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 05:17 PM
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heres a picture of me and my dads cat about 4 years ago ok lets see if i can figure out a way to say her name on here without getting into trouble
her name is sh%thead but i just called her cutie
oh yeah sorry about the bad hair... i had just woken up from a long night of dying my hair so it wasnt brushed lol
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 05:18 PM
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and last but not least i found this picture of baby and i about 4 years ago i thought it was adorable so here it is
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Last edited by xFire Angelx; October 2nd, 2005 at 06:09 PM. Reason: typo ;-)
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 05:37 PM
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All the cats are lovely xFire. What a God awful name to saddle such a beautiful kitty with!! What was your dad thinking? I hope he treats her extra special after giving her THAT moniker!!
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 06:09 PM
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LOL well he wrestles with her and plays with her everyday... he spoils her so much that she hates everyone... of course while i was living with him she slept on my bed everynight but of course during the day she pretended that she was just a daddys girl but we know the turth... she was a sarahs girl as well heheh
baby and smokey were in the same room about 20 minutes ago and baby wasnt in the kennel... smokey sniffed babys face baby stretched out his aw and touched smokey softly and smokey started sniffin out the room and laid down behind me about 3 feet away
thats a good sign that smokey wasnt all that interested in baby right?
jeeze i hope smokey doesnt start messin with baby like he did before we moved to this house
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 07:49 PM
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That does sound good - no hissing is always good when one kitty has been to the vet and a sib or housemate I should say has not. I think if they got along well before, they should do OK soon. I'd be cautious about his injury tho - no roughhousing just yet!! Give him lots of TLC (like you even need to be told that, lol) and keep him quiet till it is healed. And hopefully, your mom will acede to your lobby to keep him indoors.

As to your dad's kitty, I have the opposite prob when my dad comes to visit. YY becomes grandpa's girl, lol (Thought I could find a pict quickly but alas, that was not to be!) The 1st time he meezer sat, he could not find the food so he gave her an ENTIRE tin of Pounce. (which explained how quickly she'd bonded, lol). Seriously, she loves to curl up with him when he sits in a certain chair in my living room. It's "his" chair - the man bought me a Mustang sports car as a gift, he can surely have whatever chair he wants in my living room, lol (I can be dady's girl too, ). It is a lazy biy kind of chair and the 2 of them look so wonderful together!!! He is always saying cats (and dogs) need a job - he grew up on a farm and is an analytical engineer type - but he treats YY like the diva she has assumed she is, lol
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 08:07 PM
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lol she sounds like a sweetheart
and i worry about smokey with baby because in our old house smokey picked on baby and scared him and chased him sometimes hed bite him kinda hard too
baby was afraid of smokey up until we moved to this house and it was nutral ground because neither one had been here before and we made a point to bring them over to the house at the same time smokey hasnt been pickin on baby since we moved it seems like they just tolerate each other... so im hoping that when he gets all better smokey wont go back to his old ways and pick on baby
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 01:08 AM
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well i got tired of seeing baby lickin his butt its not totaly raw like it was yesterday it is better theres just 1 spot where it looks like he has licked it down so much its got a TINY bit of blood just like if you scraped the layers of skin off your arm or something also his penis area is almost bald so i put the cone on him and he freaked out for about 5 minutes after that he calmed down laid there and looked at me and tried to fall asleep... i then relized because the cone is so small he is stuck with his chin pointing straight up and couldnt rest his head in any way... i watched him for about 20 minutes to see if you could possibly get comfortable with it... all he could do was sit there lookin straight up at the ceiling... of course eating and drinking were totaly out of the question with that thing on so i had to decide.. him lickin his butt until i can get a cloth cone or him not doing anything not eating or drinking or being able to go pee or poo(not being able to see where hes going he cant walk) just wasting away... he figured he could lick his bum for 1 more night
i put myself in his shoes and i cant imagine being in that position for more than an hour before my neck started to hurt from having to look up
you guys have any suggestions at all as to what i should or could do?
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 08:25 AM
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Wow,your kitties are all beautiful...but I have yet to see a cat that is not :love:
About the collar,I don't really blame Baby for not wanting it on,it's a terrible contraption.
I really have no advice to give,my cats never needed one.When Vinnie was neutered,he almost needed one,since he would not stop licking,but I was home and could make sure he did not.
On the picture of you and Baby,you can really see how beautiful he is,his tail especially,but he will be again be it with a shorter tail.
I am hoping Smokey will leave Baby alone and what you have told us sounds promising.
My Chico,who gives kisses and is an absolute velcro-cat with hubbie and I,just cannot accept Vinnie,especially when Vinnie wants to play,but there is never any fighting,Chico just hisses and tells Vinnie to back off,which he usually does
I take it your dad does not live with you and it is kind of sweet that he has a cat,although the name is not all that nice
I have a male single friend who has 5 cats,3 Siamese..here's a pic of 2 of his cats,BiBi and Junior..
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"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 12:01 PM
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I have to say that checking this thread every day is just an amazing experience. Angel, I'm glad that Baby's recovering so very well, and it's great to see pics of everyone's darlings!!! They're all so beautiful and loved
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 02:42 PM
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those kitties are so adorable sleeping together like that
everyone calls smokey my puppy dog because if hes awake hes right next to me following me everywhere even into the bathroom sheesh when im brushin my teeth hes right up on that counter next to me hating the smell of the toothpaste and mouthwash but right there lol
so its been really hard on smokey because he hasnt been allowed to sleep with me since baby got home hes getting used to it but i feel so bad for him

anyone and eveyrone is more than welcome to show pictures of their babies in this thread and you guys that read this thread feel free to post whenever to say anything theres no need to just sit and read the thread
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 03:40 PM
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Well,Fireangel,you have to give Smokey some special time too,so he does not feel left out,which I am sure you do.My Rocky(tabby)is like that,wherever I am he is not far behind
As for people reading and not commentig,I think it has to do with the fact many dogs/cats we've had here,as severely wounded as Baby did not make it :sad: Baby is sort of our miracle-kitty and your thread has certainly been an amazing one.
I am certain many people are cheering for little Baby and you,for not giving up :love:
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 06:44 PM
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oh i understand.... id just like to get to know everyone and encourage people to post anything... the more pictures and posts flying the better ok im sure that sounds a bit weird but im used to being in a virtual chat world called vzones and boy am i chatty in there lol
baby is doing very good today his poo has almost no blood in it anymore and hes having even less accidents now... so far the past day and a half ive only cleaned up 1 accident of his
he still preffers to use the towels to pee on instead of the litter but his bum area is so sore id imagine the towels are softer
his wound has been bleeding a little bit from him walking so much luckily today he has been sleeping so he hasnt been pacing my room trying to get out and walk in the hallway lol
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Old October 4th, 2005, 10:09 PM
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spoke briefly with my mom today about keeping the cats inside
she didnt read the links i sent in the email she only read what i wrote
she tried to avoid the entire conversation by interupting me every moment she could. she kept repeating the same 2 thigns over and over and over.. i hate the smell and the litter on the floor... i told her to walk over to the litter box and tell me if there is litter on the floor or an odor to it(i know there wasnt because i cleaned it twice today and the floor around it also we have a hood lid thingy on it with a filter to clean the air) and she wouldnt get up because she knew i had a point
i told her before she makes her final decision she has to read the 3 links i sent her and she has to concider it she said she would but not tonight
i told her if you found weatherby tomorrow morning dead on the side of the road you would have to live with regrets about that for the rest of your life because of what? the smell and litter on the floor is it worth it? of course during that time she was talking over me to my grandmother and wouldnt answer me
my grandma of course wasnt speaking to my mom because atleast she has a little respect and thinks my mom should atleast talk to me about this... but i think im fighting a losing battle
any ideas guys?
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Old October 5th, 2005, 06:39 AM
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I think I know what you are dealing with :sad: I have a"former"friend,who would not even consider having her poor dog in the house,there was no way she would have hair all over the place,to her an animal stays outside....in the meantime the poor animal was suffering outside 24/7.Not that your mother keeps the cats outside 24/7,but just an example how some people think.
But being priviledged to be loved by an animal comes with responsabilities,other than feeding him and provide a place to sleep,you also have to make sure you do everything to keep him safe.
I can say with almost 100% certainty,your moms cat will one day not return home,or return home seriously hurt like Baby.
There are just too many dangers out there for a small cat,coyotes,cars,dogs,insecticide and even people.Litter can be swept up and I am assuming there would be no reason for your mom to have to"step"over it,if the box is kept out of the way.
I know,if any of my cats were out there on their own,I would not be able to sleep a wink.My Chico was missing for 2 hours one day,after jumping the fence when we were not watching and I don't ever want to experience that feeling again,I was terrified for him.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 5th, 2005, 07:30 AM
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When I was growing up, we could never have pets. I used to drive my mother INSANE, and bring home every stray animal, sometimes I even "borrowed" the neighbors pets. I could never understand why. She always had dogs growing up, and she always fed the neighborhood visitors.

As an adult, I realized something. She didn't want a pet, because she didn't want to care for one. I understand now that she was very responsible in making her decision not to get one. She doesn't like the fur and mess that pets can bring and felt it unfair to have a pet in a home like that.

I can never picture my home without a dog, my mom could never picture hers with one. She loves my dog, and spoils him rotten, but she's content with a visit. Although, if circumstances changed and I had to live with her, she would never dream of making Toby live outside. She believes it's cruel to keep pets outside.

I think I know where your mother is coming from, but animals don't ask to become our pets, we made them that way and we need to accept the responsibilty that goes along with choosing to own them.

Sorry, just babbling. I can see your frustration, and hope your mom comes around.
"You can say any fool thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look that says, `My God, you're RIGHT! I NEVER would've thought of that!'" - Dave Barry

"Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear." - Dave Barry
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Old October 5th, 2005, 12:12 PM
justncase justncase is offline
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Someone may already have mentioned it but have you thought of trying one of those covered litter boxes? They are supposed to control the odor problem. Also, there are different types of litter, one is a type of pine pellet( turns some cats off, others find it OK) that has odor control built into it. There are others. In actuality, when debating whether or not to have a cat go outside( Washington? Fairly cold , damp winters? Lots of snow? How do your cats manage if they have to go outside to go to the bathroom? ) or having an indoor kitty litter box instead( and keeping the cats inside) , one would think that a vet bill exceeding $1,000.00 ,because a cat was allowed outside and there was no indoor kitty litter box,would be a big incentive to do both.
" In order to bring about a complete change in public consciousness one only needs to convince 15 percent of the human population."
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Old October 5th, 2005, 12:49 PM
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well we have a covered litter box it does help on the odor(there isnt much one of anyway concidering its cleaned out twice a day) and it also helps smokey not spread the litter all over the kitchen floor
we've had a litter box in the house since we moved in a month and a half ago but baby HATES litter boxes we had to keep the cats inside for a week or so when we first moved in... he didnt poop at all for 4 or5 days thats why i finaly let him out... he just wouldnt use the litter box but of course now that hes been hurt he uses it just fine we have to use the newspaper litter with him because his wound is still open but downstairs with the other cats litterbox we use scoop away... its the kind that clumps when they pee wich helps a lot with cleaning the box plus the wet litter doesnt get on the floor
im really begining to wonder about my mom... i mean this may sound really really bad but since babys accident the thigns my mom has said and the way shes acted about things she sounds so selfish... she wants a cat because she loves animals and wants a cuddley kitty but doesnt want to take respinsibility for the other parts of owning a cat
she just doesnt want to deal with it... she likes everything to look perfect... she fusses over EVERYTHING to make it all look absolutely flawless(wich is impossible but she still tries) so the conclusion ive come up with is
during the winter time we'll have the litter box inside(our old house had a huge overhand around the entire house the cats would walk under that to the back of the house and go to the bathroom but our new house doesnt have that) so ill have this entire winter to get enough money and move out... when i move out i plan on taking weatherby with me and baby and smokey
thats the only thing i can come up with... smokey and weatherby are best buds anyway and it would kill weatherby if smokey and baby left so it would be best if they were all 3 together(everyone in the house doesnt like smokey cept for me so leaving smokes here isnt a possibility)
no matter what i do to fix the problems my mom says about the litter she will ALWAYS say that she smells the litter box(altho she has sinus problems and everything preventing her from being able to even smell anything most of the time) if its not 1 thing its another and thats because my mom is stubborn and is set in her ways and she will not listen to anybody after she has made up her mind
she made up her mind a long time ago on this one
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Old October 5th, 2005, 01:28 PM
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Moving out,of course is one solution..I know you are 20yrs old,but still it's expensive on your own.
So,having 3 cats was more your idea than your moms?
I have to give her some credit,she did go all the way with Baby paid more than $1.000,she could just as well have had him put down.
I know in the old days,when I was a girl,my cat was always let out at night,but only lived a few years,some kid had kicked him in the head with skates on,split his head open :sad:
I just hope that if Baby has to eventually go outside,he has recovered back to his old self and will have a fighting chance to get away from any danger,except cars of course,the cars usually win.
You say you have a litter-box in the kitchen,I don't think I would want one in the kitchen either,but it's only temporary right?for Baby...
I keep my boxes in the downstairs bathroom and there is no smell..
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 5th, 2005, 02:05 PM
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well see that was my suggestion to have the litter box in the downstairs bathroom its only a half bath so its got quite a bit of extra space in there
it was my moms idea to have it in the kitchen near the backdoor simply because she wants the cats to go outside so she plans on soon puting the litter box out on the back door step... we've tried this once.. she got her way and the litter box went outside... now if you guys know anythign about washington you know it RAINS and rains and rains
well the clumping litter and the rain didnt get along very well... of course the lid was off at that time so it was just a litter box with soggy litter
my mom then relized the litter box will be inside for atleast the winter
i want to put the litter box in that bathroom wich is only 15 feet away from that back door but that to my mom means that cats are indoor cats
atleast with the litterbox near the backdoor in her head she thinks they'll soon be outdoor cats... now guys also keep in mind.. we have a litter box in the kitchen for smokey and weatherby to use but weatherby also hates litter boxes... so even tho i dont let the cats out everybody else does
theres 4 other people in the house besides me... so its 4 against 1 with the cats being outside
gah ok baby got that dang darn ecollar off i gotta go put that thing back on him
yanno im begining to think that babys neck is the same width as his head... i cant tie it any tighter or itll strangle him yet he still pulls the damn thing off
and his wound is only being held by a tiny peice of skin that has healed and attached to the other side but theres a good size open wound on each side of that skin... im so worried that peice of skin is gonna get ripped... and he will not stop lickin it(or his butt) and he will not sit still no matter what i do
well he sat still for about 5 hours while he slept on my pillow with me last night
sorry for the rambling today... im getting some sort of flu and its hard to keep a clear thought lol
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Old October 5th, 2005, 02:22 PM
Trinitie Trinitie is offline
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I would like to make the suggestion that you repost all the (absolutely adoreable!) pictures to the picture forum, as this appears to have run it's course now.

I would like to close this thread, with appropriate warning so you can restart where you left off. Unless someone beats me to it, I'll do that tomorrow. Plenty of time for you all to start a new thread.
I'm firm - but fair. Mind the rules and enjoy your stay.

According to the Humane Society of the United States:
There are an estimated 3-4 million dogs and cats euthanized each year in the US alone! PLEASE - spay and/or neuter your pets!
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Old October 5th, 2005, 03:27 PM
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On no,Trinitie,I like to know how Baby is doing,but I suppose a new thread is ok.Something like"Baby's progress"..
Angel,my husband and I just finished 10 days of some sort of flu and it was pretty bad,hope you get better soon
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 5th, 2005, 06:43 PM
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Angel, I don't suppose there is any way you could have a small bath associated with just your room where the litter box could be kept??

Chico, I will have that image of your cat being hit by skates at night in my mind all night!! How horrible for him and you!!!
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Old October 5th, 2005, 08:51 PM
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yes i have no problem keeping a litter box in my bedroom.. when we first moved in the cats were in my bedroom for a couple days before they wandered about the house it wasnt all that fun concidering i have carpet floors but if thats what i gotta go thats what i gotta do
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Old October 6th, 2005, 08:04 AM
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CK,yes it was a horrible thing,my first encounter with human cruelty,I was only 8yrs old.My mother ran after this kid and gave him a good lashing,not a big deal in those days..
"Nalle"was my very first Tabby :sad:
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 6th, 2005, 08:51 AM
Trinitie Trinitie is offline
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Chico, good suggestion of starting a new thread relating to Baby's progress. Does everybody agree? It's just that this thread is very long and it would be nice to have a "lighter" thread to read.

I won't close this one forcably, as it's not an out of control thread. But I would like the suggestion of a new thread considered.
I'm firm - but fair. Mind the rules and enjoy your stay.

According to the Humane Society of the United States:
There are an estimated 3-4 million dogs and cats euthanized each year in the US alone! PLEASE - spay and/or neuter your pets!
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Old October 6th, 2005, 01:58 PM
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i like the idea of a new thread about babys progress
will make one later today
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