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Old October 30th, 2006, 09:51 AM
jawert1 jawert1 is offline
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Holy attack of the cutes! I love that look on Sparky's face "you can't see me, but you're soooo done for!" and the girls are just, awwwwwwwww. Thanks as always for the pick me up, I check in here since your writing style is awesome and they just look so loved!
"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you"
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Old October 30th, 2006, 06:53 PM
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Kashkin,I was in South Carolina for a couple of weeks,hence no reply from me,but I'm back,those pics look great...sooooo cute.
I will read everything you've written tomorrow,right now I'm poooped,a long drive.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 30th, 2006, 07:51 PM
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OMG!!! Have you thought of blogging about your experiences? I just read this for the 1st time and it reminds me of a story I once wrote about "socializing" a feral cat who needed to come in out of the cold so to speak. I was much younger then and was thinking of the Spy that Came in From the Cold so the cat became Jamie as in Bond, James Bond, aka Jamie. These days of course we have blogs and bulletin boards. My meezer has a blog but she is about to fire her assistant who has been to busy to update aforementioned blog - which is about cat welfare and stories about cats. This assistant is so bad she forgot the url of her meezer's blog. NOT good at all at all as my Irish grandmama might have said, lol

I have not read the entire story thus far (My life has been a tad busy of late) but will when I have time. I'll also post YY's blog site when and if I ever recall the name, lol (It's om Blogger if anyone wants to search.) I would be eternally grateful and offer free flu shot to anyone who finds it, lol (Kidding, I'll find a better prize - like some of the toys not yet opened in my office for the kids ) Maybe I can talk my vet into free vet care for a month or something but unlike docs, they do not yet have universal health care to work with. I do wonder how long it'' be before someone comes up with universal vet care???? Given the number of pet owners - and a PM who loves and fosters cat, hey ya never know. I dare not mention the word dog and Tory (esp since I live not far from Central Nova, home to Pictou well New Glasgow really and to be accurate, West Lorne Pete) in the same sentence however.

My parents - animals lovers themselves but not as crazy as they think their offspring are - often claim my cats are better cared for than most children. Sadly, in my work, I see children who do receive less care than my feline fur babies. My coworkers laugh at my kitties' carriage or pram or whatever the best word for it is and I've admittedly taken much "ribbing" of a good nature tho for this wonderful cat ATV but I do think it gives people at the clinic something else to discuss besides cancer and other serious subjects!!!

Thanks for all you are doing for these cats!!! My bf and I finally watched the movie "Walk the Line" and a pair of cats dropped off at my clinic (someone knows I like cats!!!) have been named June and Jonny! They have been vetted and already spoken for - will try to remember to find pix one of these days. I've been so busy I never got time to tell that story but this one reminded me of the J's. They are meezers (why om earth would people "dump" meezers is beyond me but it alas, happens and being loud meezers who aspire to their heritage, they do indeed give their names much justice. Now if I could only find a small "geetar" for Jonny. One of my young patients painted a picture of Johnny and left out the H so he became Jonny after that incident - well, he needs something to ID himself from the big J after all. They of course have been spayed and neutered but if they;d had offspringp[ when they arrived, the consensus in the clinic and amg my friends and family was that a baby would HAVE to be called Sue, lol A 2nd choice was Queenie given that my fav Johnny Cash song is Ballad of the Teenage Queen.

The cats are adorable - looks like you have done very well with them. I am only sorry I missed this discussion before. I have socialized many a feral kitty (do not believe in the word tame) and wish I could have helped!!!! Or at least read your wonderful narrative. Sounds like you have managed just fine =- as have the cats!!!!

Good luck!!!! Thx for sharing!!! (and sorry for my digressions!)
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats" Albert Schweitzer

Last edited by CyberKitten; October 30th, 2006 at 07:54 PM.
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Old October 31st, 2006, 01:43 AM
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Smile feral post flub?!

I just spent a while on a post, and I bopped something on the keyboard while posting a pic at the end! I'll repost the pic for now, and hope that maybe the text will show up somewhere-ARGGHHHH!
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old November 3rd, 2006, 01:22 AM
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Smile Fee-fi-ferally-fo...

It's been such a busy week: between the non-cat vet stuff (figured it was time to fund another wing of ye olde vet clinic ...) and getting la ponita moved to her 'winter pony palace', I've hardly had time to pout about the Lost Post.

Computer programs etc. make it pretty hard these days to irrevocably lose stuff online, but I somehow managed to make my Tues.? post magically disappear-poof/waaaaa!!!! Subsequent scrabbling around in a crazed cyberspace search yielded nothing but bitterness , and a desire to club the computer to bits .

However, I have now regained my composure, and will not even try to duplicate any of what I wrote, as that will be sure to cause brainburn...meanwhile, sometime soon I'm going to have to officially transfer the feral young'uns from the Fiercely Feral category to the Formerly Feral one.

Big Pepper still has a propensity for window scratching in her infrequent stressful moments, and I certainly wouldn't leave any doors leading to the great OUTdoors open in kitten vicinity; however, the 3 amigos are well on their way to being 'complacently domestic'. On some instinctive level, I'm sure they realize that this new lifestyle has unparalleled benefits vs. the outside grind.

Once again-because it definitely bears repeating-I'd like to convey my gratitude for all the comments/encouragement/advice during this intense feral experience. I honestly can't imagine how I would have gotten through it all without 'you-all/the BB' backstopping me every step of the way. Soooooo...huge THANK-YOU!! I feel like I should host some cyper partay in order to adequately express my appreciation...

For now, big group hug ; I've got a few more snaps of les kitties at rest and play (Sparky has grown so tired of my camera cavortings that he heads for his box when he hears the digital fire up!). After the chaos of this past week, I plan to spend the weekend psyching myself up for the upcoming round of carting kitties vetward (I find the visits with the two Peppers particularily 'nap-inducing!).

P.S. Wee Wilhelmina is still keeping me on my toes with the outdoor buffet...
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old November 3rd, 2006, 06:34 AM
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The BIG thank you should go to you for saving 5 lives+all the unwanted kittens that would have been born had the Tom not been snipped and Wee W,not been relieved of constant motherhood
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 4th, 2006, 11:53 PM
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Smile 'former ferals' 'fess up...

...thought I'd post another couple of pics today, along with the news that the Two Peppers have been misleading me regarding their plans to join Kitty Cirque du Soleil!! I shelled out for a trapeze, splashy performing togs, choreography et al., and all along the deceitful little monsters have been instead practicing dropkicks and cage matches.

Professional wrestling is certainly an entertainment that takes physical skill, and some charisma, but I had such high hopes for the girl's career in KCduS; it's a great opportunity to travel the world, and showcase some truly unique talents and routines.

I guess I can't stop Les Peppers from pursuing a pro wrestling path , but we had a little chat; they are now responsible for reinforcing this poor old house with I-beams, and for hiring a contractor. I wish them well, but I am not bankrolling every career change those fickle ferals come up with!!
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old November 5th, 2006, 06:52 AM
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Awww thank's for the pics,they are beautiful
I looks like they are going to be BIG wonderful kitties,sorry about the career-change:sad:
Wrestling is the most important activity for my Rocky and Vinnie,hence the furlined floors in my house
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 8th, 2006, 02:57 AM
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Exclamation sparky calling...

hey my name iz sparky, and i here that kashtinwhatever haz bin telling my life storey (it iz copeewrited buy mee, buy the way). well, i jest wont to tell u that my life iz vary hard and i am showing u sum picturs as proof. jest sew u know!!!!
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old November 8th, 2006, 07:00 AM
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Morn' Sparky,I can see you are really suffering a tough time:cat
I've really enjoyed your bio,right from the start,so don't quit,keep your co-writer on her toes!
Ps.You look very much like my Rocky in his younger years,he sends his regards:love:
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 8th, 2006, 02:06 PM
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Oh such a tough life....

How ever will Sparky make it through to old age?!

My cute little demons:
Leo - male, kitten, April 15th 2006
Pawz - male, kitten, April 5nd 2006
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Old November 10th, 2006, 02:13 AM
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Exclamation Feral falsehoods!!

Well, I see that a certain kitten has hi-jacked my keyboard and spread some nasty rumours. Just to clarify matters, Monsieur S. is due to be 'neuter-alised' next week; his bitter accustations may just stem from a bit of resentment??

It's nice that the 3 Amig-o-a's hold me in such esteem! It's not like I'm looking for anything as silly as gratitude (hey, they ARE felines, and I totally get that I should be honoured to be at their beck and meow!).

However, I must admit to a slight feeling of, um, bemusement since the 2 Peppers seem to have drafted me into their new pro wrestling routine; so far it just consists of Little Pepper leaping onto my back (no claws if I behave!), while Big Pepper gallops around us.

I guess I can handle that, but I have to confess I'm more than a wee bit concerned about what else they have in mind...I've seen some pretty scary- looking diagrams that seem to involve a cannon, dynamite, a parachute, and a person who resembles me to a suspicious degree.

Methinks it is time for some negotiation...

p.s. attached is Sparky's 'pictorial' apology for his denigration of my character (although yes, it IS true that behind his paw he is snickering...I have to take what I can get).
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old November 10th, 2006, 03:33 AM
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OH that is soooo cute! Awwwwww.

lol yes he definately has a rather rough life...*sigh*

My cute little demons:
Leo - male, kitten, April 15th 2006
Pawz - male, kitten, April 5nd 2006
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Old November 10th, 2006, 07:48 AM
jawert1 jawert1 is offline
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oh to be a feral rescue in your house! the humanity!

great pic and great updates as usual
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Old November 10th, 2006, 07:48 AM
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What beautiful big paws you have Mr S:love:
Next weeks snip-snip is no problem,you'll not even miss the little thingys..my 3 boys can tell you all about it
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 13th, 2006, 01:42 AM
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Smile Flighty feral fables...

This past weekend the outside 'hardcore' ferals were more in evidence than they have been for a while. The hubman was working on some stuff in the garage Sat. aft., and Wee Wilhelmina was hanging around (she's awfully free with advice for someone without an opposing thumb).

When I freshened up the feeding station fare just after dark, I was expecting to catch at least a glimpse of WW...instead, I saw that elusive fella Darrell the Feral bound off into the night, as WW's hissing head emerged briefly from under the horse trailer. It would seem that 'ladies first' is the law of the land hereabouts.

I had wondered if D the F was still in the vicinity-at least on occasion-as the food being consumed a la station de kibble has been considerable, and it is a certainty that WW is not 'eating for 6' this fall . The formerly romantically linked couple must be coexisting to some degree; I was hoping that some sort of platonic relationship would endure...guess I'll have to keep checking the kitty tabloids!

On Sunday, as I was catching up on horsechores, my aforementioned hubby busied himself constructing an insulated maison du chat to tuck into a sheltered corner by the horse trailer. WW and Darrell have a few pied a terre/nests in the area, but this convenient bungalow located in a pleasant district will at least provide them with another option. There is no jacuzzi, alas, but if they are willing to compromise...

Over the years, I've calculated that I do 80% of the critter care--and el huberino gets to see 99% of the incredibly amusing things that the critters do (I guess my eyes are focused too much on the ground , where so much of my glamourous work is done: "Manure-ser-cise Forever!").

To wit: when he was working away on the 'cathouse!?' by the open garage door, hubby was entertained by WW's airs [sorta] above the ground. There is a hayshed attached to one side of the garage, and a lattice shade that kind of bridges or joins the hayshed and a section of fencing; WW was apparently zipping up the shade posts to the roof of the garage for a quick glower at the carpenter below, and then zipping back down.

So you see, the Kamikaze Kittens come by their wrestling/circus ambitions honestly-a few sequins, et voila!
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old November 13th, 2006, 01:55 AM
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LOL I can picture the crazy antics of WW!

You ought to put this all together into a book -- I'll bet it would sell! At least until your readers discovered they could get it all for free at pets.ca!

I love your updates -- and the pics of the kitties are great! Keep 'em coming, please!
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Old November 13th, 2006, 02:35 AM
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Hilarious thread, I very much enjoyed the antics and your writing style.
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Old November 13th, 2006, 07:11 AM
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He,He..awww these kitties,I think WW is thanking you,without coming too close,for years of potential mommy-hood being avoided.
They are so much smarter than most people give them credit for,I am sure WW will happily move in to the new condo.
I have a beautiful calico coming by(not a stray),watching my birdefeeders every day(a pain in the butt),she is incredible agile,climbs trees and somehow finds a way up on our roof,just like a little monkey,hides inside our cedarhedge for a feathery snack,maybe it's a female thing
My lazy big boys stopped that kind of acrobatics years ago,except Vinnie,who sometimes ventures up a few feet in the tree.
Thank's for keeping us updated and in stitches
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 14th, 2006, 09:07 AM
Ptrcmcc6 Ptrcmcc6 is offline
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Wow, Kashtin!! What a great thread!! I started reading this around 7:00 this morning and here it is 8:31 a.m. and I've enjoyed every bit of it. It is amazing at how well adjusted Sparky, Cash, and Pepper have become. You've done a fantabulous job!! I'm sure WW and D the F are very happy being the outside cats they love to be also with the added benefit of not having to forage for food. I don't think they'll ever find any greener pastures than the one they are at right now. It's going to be so hard to see Cash and Pepper separated but as long as she is going to a good home......that's all that matters.

I was just wondering if you had re-introduced Sparky to his siblings and if you SIL has taken her kitten yet? Keep us posted. This is one thread I will be reading every day as it is so enjoyable. I love stories with happy endings and if you ever find yourself in need of extra cash for all your vet bills.......just take this thread to a publisher. I'm sure once they see your talent in combining your love for writing with your love for your furry friends.......you'll have a book published in no time.

Keep up the great work!!


P.S. Your feral family is absolutely adorable!!
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Old November 15th, 2006, 12:45 AM
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Smile ...[a] Grey [tabby's] Anatomy...

We'll be off bright and early Wed. a.m. for Sparky's anatomical adjustment. It's about time; for the last little while the Sparkman has been affecting the 'testosterone swagger', so this visit to the vet should bring his mildly elevated level of aggression down to a tolerable level.

The whole alteration maneuver will also mean that Sparky will be able to frolic with the Two Peppers without my eagle,er, mole eyes on them the whole time. As well, the 3 semi-senior cats will be spared the worst of Sparkster's intimidation tactics...should be a more serene household all round. Not as much need for human referee intervention! (Best of all, maybe I'll get to keep my milk money !)

When I pick Sparky up in the afternoon, I'll be bringing Les Peppers in for their second set of shots. I do so enjoy these relaxing jaunts to the vet with multiple cats; it's amazing how much energy it takes to deal with three 5ish lb. kitties. I swear it is a lot less stressful to round up a few head of cattle on horseback!

So, time to see if los felines have left me a teensy space on the bed so I can recharge the ol' batteries! Wish us luck !!
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old November 15th, 2006, 07:20 AM
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too Sparky!! It will be like an initiation into your kitty-family.
How many cats do you have,other than the 3 babies??Any dogs??
How do they feel about the newbies??
Good Luck taking 3 cats to the vet
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 17th, 2006, 02:38 AM
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Smile Fatiguing [semi]feral vet expedition...

It's hard to believe that for a few years I single-handedly sailed off to the vet clinic every fall with 5 cats in tow...4 in carriers, and one on a harness ! Compared to that 3 ring circus, 3 kitties should be a cakewalk; although the day ultimately did not rob me of what little sanity I cling to, I definitely needed my 'Wheaties' for b'fast.

The easy part came first, as le Sparkster strolled into his crate with his customary savoir faire. I only had the use of our 20+ yr. old pick-up truck that roars ferociously and has the suspension of a tank, so we arrived at the clinic having had our hearing compromised and recovering from the effects of a rather violent involuntary 'massage'.

Sparky was checked in without incident for his minor alteration, and I blasted back home to do horse chores and psych myself up for crating the Two Pumas. When les Peppers are stressed-which we generally avoid, if at all possible-they do revert back somewhat to their feral personalities ; despite my calm as possible demeanor, the whole crating maneuver cost me a small amount of plasma and left the Peppers glaring balefully at the newest item on their kitty hit-list .

The girls were as unimpressed as Sparky with Steady Ethel [the truck]'s loud labours. Once at the clinic however, Big and Little Pepper were actually quite cooperative re: booster shots/weigh-in, tho' their poor little hearts were beating like hummingbird wings...mine too! With Peppers x 2 safely back in the truck, I trudged inside to retrieve Sparky, minus a minor body part or two (him, not me!).

When he was checked in, it was confirmed that Sparks was alas, still a 'cryptorchid' (finally learned how to spell and pronounce that word!). So, there was a chance the vet would have to make an incision, as opposed to the simpler 'pluck and run' routine. Fortunately, Sparky's parts were just barely scoopable; he managed to avoid the more invasive surgery .

Upon arriving home-enough trucking for one day!-I staggered upstairs with the girl's 'crate pour deux', and let the ticked off twosome out to plot their revenge. I then took Sparky's crate into his bathroom domain; he only goes in there to eat and rip his favourite cardboard box into shreds, but I was planning to leave him in for the night to recover his delicate balance et al.

Le Spark, not surprisingly, had a different agenda in mind; as he is fond of leaping up in a somewhat Nureyev-like fashion to clasp the old fashioned door knob in his paws and twist it open, I felt he would exert himself less ascending Everest...or simply wandering about the house. After an hour or so of becoming reacquainted with his?? kingdom, Sparky seemed to realize he'd had a rather arduous day, and abruptly subsided into his 'tuna box bed' on the kitchen table, where he remained in a blissed-out stupor all evening.

I managed to re-ingratiate myself with the Peppers by offering them some extra special snacks, but they made it clear that I've got a lot of ground to make up due to my shameful act of treason. (I am sooo not looking forward to their upcoming spay date...perhaps I can get them hypnotized prior to the trip to the clinic??!!)

A slightly longish account of a very l-o-n-g day! It's nice to have one more item crossed off the critter to-do list; I'm not even gonna think about the spay thing, and the Pepper's eventual separation (Big Pepper's going to be spoiled to bits by my s.i.l., but I'm still not looking forward to her departure-sniff!) for a while. Time for a catnap!!
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.

Last edited by kashtin's kin; November 17th, 2006 at 02:42 AM.
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Old November 20th, 2006, 11:16 PM
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Cool Sparky: End of the Tail/Tale

Sparky's disappearing act (+ the cat's in the bag...).
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old November 21st, 2006, 08:25 AM
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Somehow I missed the Vet-Trip,wow,what an adventure
Sparky has certainly grown into a beautiful Tabby,just like my Rocky.
I know it's an individual feline thing,but somehow it seems Tabbies have a very special personality....Sparky and Rocky could be twins,eh especially from this end!
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"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 26th, 2006, 04:11 PM
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Look at Chico's last picture, and Kashtin's Kin's above it. They're like twin kitty bottoms. So cute!
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Old November 27th, 2006, 01:34 AM
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Smile Twin Tabby Trouble?!

Re: above pics...they ARE awfully similar (distant relatives??). Out on the prairies I had a 'Friendly Feral' adopt me for a few years; one year the annual Xmas pic/card featured Brutus sitting backward on my shoulder, while I smiled cheesily along with one of my horses.

I posted the card/pic at work (so as to avoid multiple card giving ...more $ for critter food!), and I got a TON of comments about my 'raccoon'!! Evidently Brutus' tabby ringtail drapped down my front convinced most folks that I was a raccoon handler.

To be fair, the prairies aren't teeming with raccoons; people had the basic tail ring thing right, minus the raccoon bushiness. For a while there Brutus and I enjoyed a minor sort of 'mistaken celebrity'...I was obliged to label the card before I got reassigned to the city zoo!! (That would have been great in some ways, but I liked my modest recreation dept. seniority/hours, plus how many different types of manure does one person REALLY want to have close personal knowledge of??)

Tabby raccoon anecdotes aside, the formerly feral youngsters are doing well. Sparky has more breezy confidence than your average politician; the Two Peppers are not nearly so cheeky, as one minute they will be crawling all over me and purring up a storm... then in the blink of an eye they apparently receive a message from their FEWS (Feline Early Warning System), and are off in huddle mode.

Sometimes it's hard to believe that for 3 months all 3 kittens lived together with their hardworking momcat, WW. As I slowly got acquainted with the kittens over the course of the summer, it was obvious that Sparks was the boldest one, but the gap in trust between him and his sisters still surprises me somewhat.

Every trip to the vet sets us back a bit, and nets me accusatory looks for the next few days...I'm thinking a visit to Mouseworld, or maybe a gal's day out maxing out plastic at Pet Valu followed by tuna melts might help deepen our bond??

As for 'Miss-Trustful' herself (and as a dedicated feral, she is wise to maintain that outlook), WW...the hubster (that would be the person in this partnership who is capable of hammering a nail in straight without: breaking a sweat/cussing a blue streak/straining the resources of the local ER) has her condo nicely situated.

In this part of the country we've had a kinda weird 'late November Indian summer', so WW hasn't really availed herself of her detached bunglow with deck, yet...but I'm sure there's snow somewhere on the horizon. (I'd better take a pic of Maison Willi before winter sets in.)

For now, here is a snap of le Sparkster executing his Escape from Alcatraz...well, the bathroom, actually. It may LOOK as if he's standing on the floor and reaching up to the doorknob, BUT in fact he has launched himself at the knob of the [closed] door, grabbed onto it with his front paws and jiggled it open...in the pic, he is just in the process of deftly dropping to his feet (when he started this routine-his first time in the bathroom!-he used to crash to the floor in a kittenish heap, but he quickly managed to coordinate himself).
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old November 27th, 2006, 02:06 AM
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Red face Sparky: Escape from Alcatraz

...see above...
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Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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Old November 27th, 2006, 08:21 AM
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Aww Sparky,it was only a matter of time before he would escape
I was wondering where you were,but I guess you probably have your hands full,between horses,feral cats etc..and Christmas on it's way
We have plenty of raccoons here,beautiful little guys(some not so little ).
You'll probably have more cuddle-success with Sparky than the girls,I find males are not quiet so cautious and skittish.
I would have love to see the Christmas card with the "raccoon"tail..
Here's one of my visitors
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"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 27th, 2006, 02:50 PM
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Kashtin & Chico - great photos! Here in San Diego, I've only seen one raccoon on the loose. I'm curious about Kashtin's ferals & how they act with outsiders. My Miss Peabody, former feral kitten, is so terrified of everyone (other than me, of course) that she hides when anyone comes into my home. Most people accuse me of making her up, since they have never seen her in the flesh.
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