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Old April 1st, 2004, 08:39 AM
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They just found another body.

It was of a young boy who went missing in December.

He was found North of Orangeville....He went missing from Mississauga.

I just caught the tail end of it on the news...

This is just heart breaking.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 09:28 AM
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Mona_b, if you hear any more, let us know.K?
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Old April 1st, 2004, 09:39 AM
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Yes I heard this on the news late last night.

He was 15 and was reported missing in December. Funny how nobody takes 'teens' seriously huh! They all have to be runaways so they never bother making a big deal about it until the kids dead!!

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Old April 1st, 2004, 10:05 AM
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I know Luba..

It seems that not much is ever said about the teens.

I never even heard anything about him missing.There were never any updates.Nothing.No searches.

Chany,not much has been said.All they said id he never returned home from school.That's all that has been said.I'm sure they will say more later on.He was found in a dumpsite in Orangeville.That's all I know for now.

But anymore news and I'm sure Luba or I will keep posting.
"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
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Old April 1st, 2004, 01:42 PM
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Here is the full story thus far peoples:


For already over burdened Peel Police Homicide detectives, it's another blow. For the community, it's frightening. But for the family and friends of Rene Charlesbois, it's the end of their hope.

The 15-year-old Mississauga student has been found dead, his body discarded in a landfill in Mono Mills Township near Orangeville. His remains were so badly decomposed, dental records had to be used to confirm his identity.

And in a city already reeling from the death of Cecilia Zhang, it's another stop on a long trail of tragedy.

Charlesbois was last seen leaving Meadowvale Secondary School after classes let out for the day on December 12th.

By 9pm, his frantic parents called police, who put out a description of the missing boy. But for three long months, there was only silence.

That ended with the discovery of his remains March 19th. His clothes were found haphazardly strewn en route to the dump.

And while it's unclear how long he'd been there or who committed this latest outrage, police are looking at the youngster's habit of logging into Internet chat rooms as a possible clue.

They're checking his computer to see who he was in contact with, and are looking at the school’s P.C.s to see if he made any contacts there.

“We know that he was a frequent MSN chat line user and that … he was also a frequent cell phone user. And that stopped the day he went missing,” confirms P.C. Wendy Sims. “That is an avenue that we are certainly exploring.”

It’s an avenue that starts in a landfill far from home, and police hope it eventually leads to his killer.

If you have any information about what happened to Rene or saw him as he left school for the last time, call (905) 453-3311.

My two.5 cents
They're checking his computer to see who he was in contact with, and are looking at the school’s P.C.s to see if he made any contacts there.
WTH?????? Checking his computer NOW why not in DECEMBER
the child could have be saved!!!

This makes me so mad
If he was preyed upon and what should have been done wasn't done to prevent this!!! Pycho's know it too dont' they, they know that the police don't take missing teens serious enuf so they prey on those ones...vulnerable. IT will be ages until someone actually thinks of looking for him, then when they find him they actually decide to do an investigation

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Cats only have nine lives because they stole them from dogs!Teehee
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Old April 1st, 2004, 01:47 PM
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More info from www.ctv.ca

Three months after a fifteen-year-old Toronto was reported missing, police have opened a murder probe into his case. Police say Rene Charlebois' body was discovered in a landfill site outside the city almost two weeks ago.

The teen was last seen leaving Meadowvale Secondary School at the end of the day on December 12. Police were contacted when he failed to return home by 9 p.m. that night.

Now, Peel Regional Police say dental records have confirmed the boy's identity, and that foul play was a factor in his death.

Constable Kathy Gagnon told reporters that it is likely he has been dead "for a little while," because it "took some time for him to be identified."

A frequent Internet-chat participant, Charlebois' online appearances ceased with his disappearance.

Investigators would not confirm, however, whether he died as a result of meeting someone he spoke to on-line or whether arrests are imminent. Nor will they reveal what led them to the Town of Mono landfill, about 50 kilometres northwest of Toronto.

Two other Mississauga area teens are also missing -- one of whose cars was found not far from the landfill site.



I was in shock because I just wanted my son to come home. I didn't believe it was him," said his mother, Jaitoon Baksh yesterday. "This is the kind of pain no parent would want to bear."

Baksh described her son as a "very caring, friendly and happy boy."

Police found Charlebois' body in a public landfill two weeks ago.
Cats only have nine lives because they stole them from dogs!Teehee
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Old April 1st, 2004, 03:50 PM
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So, NOW are they taking the other missing teens disappearance more seriously??
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Old April 1st, 2004, 04:45 PM
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Luba,yesterday was the first time I heard of this missing boy and I read the paper religiously every morning and watch the news and you say there are two more missing?
What's the problem,does the police think that because they are boys and teenagers it won't matter too much?
Something is wrong here...it would hurt as much no matter what age or gender they are
I still remember Kristen French and the Mahaffy girl when they went missing and the police screwup...
At the time I drove a Camaro and had to bring it in to be searched,since they believed the abductors car was a Camaro.
It was to me the most horrific case and I still shudder to think Karla Homolka will soon be out of prison,her hubby(I don't know how I could,but I forgot his name,old age?)will hopefully rot in jail.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old April 1st, 2004, 05:01 PM
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As for chat-rooms,everyone in my family have been affected by them.My ex-daughter-in-law had an affair with a man she fell in love with in a chat-room,which led to divorce from my oldest son.
My other son fell in love with a lady in Alberta ten yrs his senior in a chat-room,she is a wonderful woman and he's lived with her in Alberta for five yrs now and they are still very much in love.My youngest son too was influenced by a girl in California,unbeknownst to me(he lived on his own)he sold everything he had,took a BUS(a three day trip),called me from Chicago to say good-bye..
It did not work out well,the girl was married and her and her husband wanted to have some fun,no need to get into details
My son eventually was able to escape in the middle of night and took a bus back home,with only the clothes on his back.
I knew nothing of what was going on,since the girl wrote me e-mails in my sons name and said everything was wonderful.I think he was lucky to escape with his life and hopefully has learned a lesson.Chat-rooms can be very dangerous to a gullible innocent person.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old April 1st, 2004, 05:53 PM
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As I sit and read your thoughts I cry, there must be no pain greater than loosing a child. In the last few months I have lost my dog Travis, my grandmother and on Tuesday our cat ran away but none of these match up to how I would feel about losing one of my children. I helped a friend through losing a baby that died at easter time 11 years ago, it is soon comming up on his birthday and I shall shed a tear for him too. I am glad they found her though at least there is closure for the family, I would die not knowing what happend to my child do you hope that it is alive, or prey that if it is in pain that it is dead. I work in a nursing home and deal with death all the time but nothing can prepare you for losing a child, rest in peace beautiful child of god. My hearts goes out to the parents.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 06:39 PM
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Anita WOW thats a lot of influence the net has had on your family. I know of stories like that as well, some pretty bad ones.

I never heard of these missing boys until last night, so I too am wondering why?? Like I said it is probably age discrimination. They are teens and therefore MUST have run away.

Well ya know what, even if they did darnit FIND The boy!! He is a BOY and needs protection, whether from his family or from any strange'rs that he meets up with or comes across.

This has really really put me in one of those 'moods' today, I guess with the rain too, it's somber and I feel so horrible that this young boy lay in a landfill. YET for 2 weeks after he was found we didn't hear about the death??? Come on they can't (and I know factually) blame forensics on that!! Forensics just as in Cecilia's case can determine within hours the identity of a person. Hey if even they needed dental records I'll give'm the bene of the doubt and say 72 hours. BUT I can't believe the rest, it's all hog wash. My gut tells me something is fishy fishy!!!

Doglover ((HUGS)) to you for you very very difficult times with your losses.

There is a virtual pet cemetery on here that you may like to pay tribute to your beautiful dog with a verse, explanation of his life and a picture. It helped me I hope it helps you a little too.

I am in Scarborough as well!! Nice to have you on the board!
(hugs again)

btw I haven't seen any pictures of the other missing boys posted ANYWHERE even NOW?? Have any of you????
Though I missed the six pm news tonight.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 06:42 PM
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I have a big pet peeve....when these sicko's that torture & murder children or anyone for that matter are called "animals", this is an insult. "Animals do not do this. Even the eating machine, uncaring sharks do not torture, dismember,rape and kill their prey for the mere thrill of the act.
These people, and I hate to call them that, need a better name for what they do.

Some people should never be allowed to reproduce.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 06:43 PM
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I think thats why we got so worked up over this. It's absolutely the worst fear any parent has. And it just seems to be getting worse... Although sometimes I wonder is it getting worse or is it just that now you hear of everything from everywhere. The news, papers,and now the internet.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 07:10 PM
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I think it is a combination of events...internet, TV, ( 30 years ago you would never see a toilet on TV..look what they show now..primetime) and population....the more the population grows..odds are there will be more "defective" humans.
I hate to bring this up...but I will.
Jeffery Dahmer
William Gacy
Ted Bundy
Gene Giles
Danny Rollings
Susan Smith

..just a few. If everyone can be more observant then maybe, just maybe we will have more Elizabeth Smart stories to read about.

We now have the Amber Alert in place and is working very well.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 07:23 PM
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Karin, I agree with you totally but the tops of my list are
Diane Downs,Susan Smith and Andrea Yates. Because these were mothers!! Maybe I'm being discriminating but as women, we carry these lives in our wombs, nourish them, love them and send them on their way but always with the knowledge that no matter what we'll be there for them.
The first 2 women killed their children for what reason: a man, a man because they didn't want kids and the third woman was obviously just plain nuts. But to chase down your child, and to drown all of them... Well I just think these women are the worst example of human beings yet but thats just my opinion.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 07:28 PM
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AMEN ladies AMEN!!!

Amber alert only works when they release it in time...sometime they wait hours and hours the it's too late....
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Old April 1st, 2004, 07:33 PM
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Chany,growing up in the 50's-60's,I actually think people were less violent,,sure there was less media,but we still had newspapers,TV and radio.The most violent movie I saw as a child was "Tarzan"
Life was calmer at least from my point,not too much stress,we still had bullies in school,but they did not come with knives and guns.
My mother did not worry about me,the way I would worry if I had a young child today.
I'd never heard of drugs,we drank coke at our parties,the worst thing we could do was take a puff off a cigarette...but I grew up in Sweden,maybe things were different here.
But then again,I was pregnant at 17yrs,but it all worked out well
And Karin you are right,calling evil minds"animals"is an incredible injustice!!!
The cruellest animal is the human animal
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old April 1st, 2004, 07:56 PM
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I must also add Laci Peterson to that partial list.

Gods Speed Laci & Conner.

There are so many.....I am still learning to navigate this board and I know this is a pets forum...but I saw somewhere a request for a seperate conference on this subject. Is this a possibilty?
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Old April 1st, 2004, 08:04 PM
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Uh Karin the women I was talking about killed their children..
Wasn't Laci killed or has something new developed. I would love to find a chat room like that too.. Just to vent... If you ever find one let us know...
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Old April 1st, 2004, 08:32 PM
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Originally posted by Chany
Uh Karin the women I was talking about killed their children..
Wasn't Laci killed or has something new developed. I would love to find a chat room like that too.. Just to vent... If you ever find one let us know...
I know Chany. I have a hard time fathoming a mother killing her own children. Or a father killing his pregnant wife.

I thought I read somewhere on this board a request for a topic on this subject.

Scott Peterson is being held for the murder of Laci & Conner. New legistration handed down today will make (if passed) the murder of a pregnant woman a double homicide. Laci was over 8 months pregnant and Conner would have survived.
It will be one year ago this month that Conner and his mother surfaced in San Francisco Bay.
I am getting worked up now.
Someone please tell me how far the human race has evolved over these centuries and are better for it..
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Old April 1st, 2004, 08:56 PM
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Luba thanks for the hugs and Travis is in the cemetary if you care to look. But like I said this is nothing like losing a child due to some cold blooded killer that should be put to death painfully. Just my view. The more pain for them the better I say.
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Old April 1st, 2004, 10:00 PM
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Travis is beautiful!! I loved your tribute (hugs again)
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Old April 13th, 2004, 07:45 PM
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Incase nobody heard on the news.... regarding the two other young men missing. Well, a sex offender has comitted suicide he was suspect #1. They arrested and released on bail a 14 yr old today who conspired after the fact of murder and of disposing of two bodies in Quebec of these young men.

They have found the torso of one of the poor boys and are presently searching for the other.

Apparently they found remains in Quebec in the fall but are just releasing the information NOW??

The father of one of the boys did a tv interview with some press, expressing how angered he is. The police had and did know more, enough to maybe protect victims or atleast find the body of his son sooner so they could end their suffering. HE wants to go himself to search for his sons remains. It was heartbreaking, just heartbreaking.

A 14 yr old?? Conspiring after the fact, isnt' that lovely. And to boot they let him out on bail. GREAT STUFF~!
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Old April 13th, 2004, 09:44 PM
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Mr Moore and I call him that lightly,had a history of sexually abusing children and yet he was out on the streets,in the US he would have been looked up long ago and for a long time and the lives of these three young men would have been saved.
The remains of the one young man was found three days after they disappeard in november and the parents just found out last week,no wonder they are furious on top of their grief

It disgusts me the way we protect the criminal and endanger children by letting pedophiles,who cannot be rehabilitated,even work with children,like Moore did..
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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