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Old December 30th, 2008, 08:24 PM
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Adriann, thanks for the update.

How much does Horton sleep? Puppies sleep a lot. I would expect that a weekend full of seizures would knock the stink out of any size dog too

I hope you are planning to share some rinced hamburger with him...couldn't hurt, could it?

Playing seems like a very good sign too.

Have you spoken to your vet again today? Does he have any input?
:group hug: for you Judd and Horton.

Pics, of course, are a wonderful idea...I miss him
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Old December 30th, 2008, 09:16 PM
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Just have to say what wonderful people there are on this board. I do not post that often, but that doesn't say I don't cry a lot over posts, and I want to thank Marko for such a great place. I cried so much over Bumjug, and we never had an ending. Let's hope and pray we have a happy one with Horton. Take care.

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Old December 30th, 2008, 09:16 PM
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Bless you for all you have done for sweet Horton. You are all in my thoughts and prayers for a positive outcome, but as others have said, and you yourself, he is soooo loved by you guys and you've done so much for him, if his life turns out to be a short one it will have been filled with much more love and caring than many other furbabies are blessed with and he will remember that. You are his earth angels! Let's hope that the New Year will bring Horton much needed good health. Bless you again. Stay strong and follow your heart.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 11:02 PM
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C'mon little Horton .....I'm still hoping for that miracle.
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Old December 30th, 2008, 11:57 PM
joeysmama joeysmama is offline
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C'mon Baby Horton. Grow, grow, grow!! Grow right out of those seizures.
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Old December 31st, 2008, 07:33 AM
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Adriann,keeping him a little dopey is probably not a bad thing,as long as he eats,poops and pees,it will make him stronger
I am happy he had one good day,one playful puppy-dayfor many more
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Old December 31st, 2008, 08:43 AM
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Like Chico said, as long as he is eating, pooping and peeing OK, then being a little doped up is OK.

I am still praying that he will grow out of the seizures
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Old December 31st, 2008, 09:37 AM
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Doing Good!

Horton is doing well. He slept about 12 hrs last night, but ate this morning and went poddy.

He's sleeping again. But he will get up for small periods of time to play.

One question, last night and then this morning he's been trying to eat his poop and drink his pee (YUCK!!) I have to fight him to keep him from doing it. He's never done that before...is that normal?
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Old December 31st, 2008, 10:00 AM
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So happy to hear that he made it through another night

Keep up the good work Horton

Is Horton doing his business outside or in the house? How is he getting to the pee/poop? Ginger enjoys freezing poop and there are dogs that eat poop. It is disgusting but not all that unusual I have never heard of the pee however. Seems to me with all the drugs he has been on that once it is out of his system it should stay out.

Can you try to steer him towards some fresh food and water instead?

Sorry I can't be of more help. I am sure you will be talking with the vet at some point and that might be a good question to ask.

Glad you are all getting some sleep and Horton and the meds can get passed this.

Happy New Year!!!!
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Old December 31st, 2008, 10:09 AM
joeysmama joeysmama is offline
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I'm so happy the Horton had a good night. I agree with Chico too. He's eating, pooping and playing and he's not in pain. If being a little groggy for awhile gets him through this then that's not the worse thing in the world. My nephew was upset when his dog was groggy from the meds but eventually he came back to his old self.

When Cooper was a puppy he loved to eat his poop if he could get to it. When he was outside we would have to steer him away from it right away. We'd think he was just checking out what he did and the next thing he'd be trying to eat it. Ewww.

A couple times, before he was reliably housebroken he snuck out of the room and came back with poopy breath. I used to say "Cooper made himself a snack."

We kept a very close eye on him and he outgrew it.
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Old December 31st, 2008, 12:44 PM
binkybuff binkybuff is offline
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Good Morning, it is good to hear that Horton spent a comfortable night, that he is trying to do his business.

Eating it? Scratching my brain for all the animal medical knowledge that I know, and it seems to me, sometimes animals will eat their poop, in order to hide it. I know that some of the wild dog bitches do that in their dens, in order to keep the smell down, and to hide the fact that they have a litter there. Also some animals do that when they are ill and trying to hide the fact from preditors.

Why they do it? who knows. The above is a guess, although I had some Schnauzers do that, I would have to make sure it was cleaned up right away. Nikki on the other hand, if she finds some cat poop, will try to eat that, if I don't get it first. (if she could, she would clean out the cat poop from the litter box, it is now in a room she can't get into, but Koko can)

From what I remember when I worked for a vet, he told us, that some dogs do out of boredom, some do to hide it, and some do it, because they aren't getting all the nutrition out of it. The way he put it, "some other animal species do it as well, but otherwise, who knows."

My suggestion is, if you are watching him go, praise him, then be ready to pick it up. If he wants to smell it, just let him smell the area he did it in.

Licking up his pee, again, who knows, it could be something to do with the meds, and maybe trying to hide that.

Adrian, am not sure if any of those suggestions will help you, you could give the vet a call and see if maybe he is trying to get more of the meds or not, or just trying to hide it. Which is my gut feeling.

More prayers are with you, and may God grant your prayers

take care
binky,Nikki & Koko
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Old December 31st, 2008, 01:01 PM
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Adriann,eating poop is not at all unusual with some dogs,you just have to try to pick it up right away.
Drinking pee could be something he picked up at the breedersor BYB as we should call these people.
I don't think it can hurt him,I really don't know,but try to get it cleaned up quickly.
I can imagine him peeing on the floor has been the least of your worries,do you have a puppy-pad in his crate,I assume a pad would soak it up,so he cannot drink it
I am cautiously soooo happy for the little angel
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old December 31st, 2008, 02:29 PM
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He doesn't go in his crate...he's so rotten, he's usually not even in it unless he is sound asleep. The pee I noticed last night, he had a little accident, layed in it and started to lick it up. I thought...."Are you that high?"! The poop I knew was really not that uncommon. My Augie used to LOVE the cats litter box...YUCK! As long as he is peeing and pooping, I can keep him away from it! He's still doing really well!!
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Old December 31st, 2008, 02:45 PM
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Excellent news, Adriann! Still lots of s and coming Horton's way!

Puppies often show an irresistible attraction to their poops and pee... Luckily, if they're thwarted in their attempts when young, they usually lose the urge to indulge later in life. It's the ones that pick up the habit late in life that are so hard to convince that poop is not the new caviar hazel has a couple or three of those...
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Old December 31st, 2008, 03:14 PM
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Glad to hear that Horton had a good night.

As far as the pee/poop eating, the "leave it" command works best and of course picking it up right away. My yellow lab (now 3 1/2) was a poop eater until he was almost three years old.

Sending continued prayers for Horton to stay seizure free.
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Old December 31st, 2008, 03:26 PM
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Thinking of you Adriann27 and of course Horton. Sending as many pawsitive vibes as possible.
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Old January 1st, 2009, 12:02 AM
DaisyDuke* DaisyDuke* is offline
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I haven't really followed your threads because I don't really understand this site.. But I have read all of these ones and I am sorry about what you and your pup have gone through.. I am so happy for your family that you got your Christmas miracle and he is recovering. I wish you all lots of health in the New Year!
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Old January 1st, 2009, 10:07 AM
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Happy New Year Adriann and Judd and Horton.

Hope you all had another uneventful night with Horton
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Old January 1st, 2009, 12:34 PM
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A tiny set back

Well, I woke up at 8:30 this morning to get Horton up and give him his meds. He was having a seizure when I got to his crate. He seized for about 2 minutes...that I know of. Then he was absolutely disoriented and very scary. He bit me twice and then did the strangest thing....he was chewing on his ears and screaming in pain but wouldn't stop bitting himself. I had to fight him to get his ears away from him...they were pouring blood. I gave him his pill and a valium only because he was so disoriented....I thought it would be best to sleep that off.
I'm not discouraged over the seizure. I gave him his meds earlier than normal last night (6:30) because he was acting strange and I didn't want him to seize. So, he went over the 12 hours by two hours, but the vet said that was okay as long as we didn't skip a dose period. Well, I know better next time.
It took him about 20 minutes, but the meds kicked in and we slept on the couch until Noon. He is back to his normal self....and he seems to even be getting used to the meds.
I have to admit thought, his aggression after a seizure really scares me. It's easy to manage as a puppy...but how would you handle that with a grown dog?
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Old January 1st, 2009, 12:35 PM
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Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old January 1st, 2009, 12:53 PM
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Adriann,I think we all suspected another seizure is imminent,the aggression afterwards is scary but not uncommon(at least not in people).
I had to manage a 6'4,200 lb's son with after-seizure aggression,my concern was always to keep him from harming himself and I'd deal with my bruises after.
I think the same goes for Horton,maybe always have a pair of thick, big gloves handy,whenever he seizes.
His long ears are a different story,how do you keep him from biting them??
Tie them on top of his head??
If he sleeps in a crate,it would probably be a good idea to line it with something soft and make sure it's fasten securely.
The hospital used to give my son Valium to lessen the aggression or even stop his seizures,the times he had to go to hospital.
Oh,I forgot..Happy New Year,to your little family!
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old January 1st, 2009, 02:21 PM
joeysmama joeysmama is offline
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Joey used to be very aggressive when he had to have his eye drops, which was 4 times a day for a long while. I bought some REALLY thick kitchen gloves from Pampered Chef and my husband would hold him with those while I gave him the drops. He ALWAYS tried to take a good bite out of Tom's hands but the gloves were great protection.

Let's just keep praying that by the time Horton is big enough to be a handful that the seizures won't be an issue any more!
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Old January 1st, 2009, 02:31 PM
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Happy New Year Adriann & Judd ....let's hope it brings nothing but improvment for little Horton.

The oven mitts sound like a great idea and, I agree, hopefully Horton will outgrow the seizures before he gets much bigger.
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Old January 1st, 2009, 04:37 PM
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Great Idea!

Gloves are a great idea!! I do worry more about him hurting himself than me.
IF it comes down to it, I read that you can give the animal a shot of Valium for quicker relief. May just have to learn to do that. He's still doing well this afternoon and whatever the deal was with the pooh and pee, he's not doing that anymore either.

I'm hoping though that we do have the right "cocktail" of meds now, and that the seizure this morning was just because the meds where wearing off.
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Old January 1st, 2009, 04:40 PM
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Adriann,if he is Epileptic and there is no other reason for his seizures,with time,I am sure he can be managed with meds
We have an epileptic kitty here,his/her name is Peaches,hopefully Peaches mom Meg will come around.
Peaches is doing fine,probably not much bigger than Horton.
for another good night
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old January 1st, 2009, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Adriann27 View Post
I'm hoping though that we do have the right "cocktail" of meds now, and that the seizure this morning was just because the meds where wearing off.
I hope that is all it was as well. you have the right combination to give him relief
Lukka Jan.20 2006 - Aug.19 2008
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Old January 1st, 2009, 05:51 PM
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Does it seem like the seizures are coming less often and are maybe not quite so severe?

I hope 2009 brings your family all the happiness and good health it deserves, Adriann!
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Old January 1st, 2009, 11:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Adriann27 View Post
Well, I woke up at 8:30 this morning to get Horton up and give him his meds. He was having a seizure when I got to his crate. He seized for about 2 minutes...that I know of. Then he was absolutely disoriented and very scary. He bit me twice and then did the strangest thing....he was chewing on his ears and screaming in pain but wouldn't stop bitting himself. I had to fight him to get his ears away from him...they were pouring blood. I gave him his pill and a valium only because he was so disoriented....I thought it would be best to sleep that off.
I'm not discouraged over the seizure. I gave him his meds earlier than normal last night (6:30) because he was acting strange and I didn't want him to seize. So, he went over the 12 hours by two hours, but the vet said that was okay as long as we didn't skip a dose period. Well, I know better next time.
It took him about 20 minutes, but the meds kicked in and we slept on the couch until Noon. He is back to his normal self....and he seems to even be getting used to the meds.
I have to admit thought, his aggression after a seizure really scares me. It's easy to manage as a puppy...but how would you handle that with a grown dog?
Adriann, when Peaches first began having seizures he was very aggressive as well. I got bit several times and he would continuously attack his tail, meow/screech in pain and then do it again. Fortunatley, he gradually stopped doing it (not sure if he's gotten used to the seizing and isn't quite as bothered or if the meds have contributed to it) and now will only wander around a little disoriented for about half an hour following seizures and then back to normal! Hopefully this is the case with Horton too and you won't have to deal with it when he is older!

When I spoke with my vet about the aggressiveness, that's when he suggested using the valium and it seemed to help quite a bit, but I think I only used it 2 or 3 times... I remember him being very lethargic for several hours whenever I used it.
Peaches 2.5 years
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Old January 1st, 2009, 11:38 PM
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Glad things are still going fairly well with Horton.

More pics would sure be nice when you have time.
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Old January 2nd, 2009, 08:27 AM
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Meg,thank's for popping in,since I mentioned you and Peaches,hope you don't mind..
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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