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Old April 27th, 2004, 08:42 PM
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I have allergies, but not to animals...
Old April 27th, 2004, 08:52 PM
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3 months old and living outside?That just makes me sick.

You love your animals.But yet you let a 3 month old pup live outside.

That is just pathetic...It really is....And don't give me that crap that the pup loved being out there.

"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
Old April 27th, 2004, 09:08 PM
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I did not own him when he was 3 months old. He was born in the summer, and lived outside most of the time, but in the sunroom at night... He lived in our garage at night until he was about a year old.
Old April 27th, 2004, 09:13 PM
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OH wow he graduated to a garage then was a bad adult doggie and he had to be put outside again.

Shame shame shame on you!
Cats only have nine lives because they stole them from dogs!Teehee
Old April 27th, 2004, 09:20 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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Of course, dogs love living in solitary confinement in garages. I really don't understand why my dog is with me all the time. She must be one of those oddities who likes human company.Maybe I should start keeping her in the garage?

And rescuekitty, I notice that when you whining on the CatSite about how you were being "bashed" here, you neglected to mention the fact that the cat is 9 years old, outside having kittens in this cold weather, and having them under a piece of sheet metal. Of course, I'm sure she is just SOOOO happy there, right??

You are just a saint!
Old April 27th, 2004, 09:22 PM
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LR maybe you should post the link of that thread on your cat board so they can see for themselves.
Cats only have nine lives because they stole them from dogs!Teehee
Old April 27th, 2004, 09:36 PM
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Mona,Mona oh Mona Crystal was not mine,you must have missread,I would NEVER EVER leave a dog outside
I don't own a dog,but my cats are part of the family,hair,nails and all
Crystal belonged to a couple we knew.I suspected she also had arthrities(sp),hence the knobs on her elbows(if dogs have elbows),probably from being out in the cold.She actually had husky eyes,a very strange, very light blue,but that was the only thing...
I fought tooth and nail to get them to understand,but I got nowhere with anyone...she had food and shelter, that according to some people is all a dog needs.Anyway,Crystal is gone now,she was 7yrs old and in her miserable existance maybe it was a blessing.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old April 27th, 2004, 09:41 PM
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Now that's a good idea Luba...Then they will know why she is being "bashed"

NOOOOOOOO anita,I didn't mean you....LOL..
"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
Old April 27th, 2004, 11:30 PM
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Go ahead... tell them about this thread. They know that my cat is a barn cat. And that she had the first two kittens under a piece of sheet metal where she thought was safest for her. They also know that I brought her into my sunroom and warmed up the first two kittens while helping her deliver the others. They also know that I helped the last of the litter to start breathing as she was limp and not breathing when born. They know I only found her because I went looking for her to check on her at 1am! They know I spent all night with her and didn't go to bed until 6am or later!! So I have a barn cat, and an outdoor dog. Big deal!! They are both well loved and spoiled rotten. Just because they sleep somewhere else, doesn't matter. It's when they're awake and playing with me, and running about and having fun being free around the farm that matters.
So hey, you wanna go tell everyone that I'm supposedly a cruel and inhumane person, go ahead. I know the truth, and that is ALL that matters!
Old April 27th, 2004, 11:44 PM
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By the way, I don't advocate that all animals should be outdoors. I just think that not all of them need to be indoors either... I agree that animals with little or no hair or those that are not in good health etc. should not be outside.
Rebuilding my barn for my other animals and feeding and letting them outside everyday, what was I thinking?? I should keep them in!! And as far as my cat... I mean, adopting my cat from a place that had tons and tons of cats to bring her home where she could get tons more attention for both her and her kittens..wow..I must have been out of my mind.. Instead of letting them grow up feral, I am finding them good homes. Wow, Am I EVER out of my mind!
Does that not sound crazy to you??? That's basically what you guys are telling me!
Old April 28th, 2004, 06:11 AM
MBRA518 MBRA518 is offline
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Originally Posted by Luba
Your correlation between domesticated animals (cats/dogs) in comparison to barn yard animals (donkeys/goats/horses) is ridiculous.

So just explain to me one thing....why do you have them to begin with?
Is it??? How do you know, have you owned any of those animals? I have and I can tell you that I love my Horses as much as my dog or cat...

Both my dog and cat to live indoors, but my family has had outdoor cats and dog over the years and all were very loved and happy. Some breeds to not lend themselves to being outdoor animals, but many do.

I have horses as well and i can tell you that it is the same in the horse world, there are many different ways of caring for and loving an animal... YOUR way is NOT the only way. To try and make this poor girl feel bad because she has taken in 2 animals that she loves, plays with and provides for because it is not how YOU would look after them is absurd. Many animals are happy outside, just because it is different doesn't mean it is wrong. some of you people need to step down off your soap boxes and realize that there are many ways to look after an animal. This girl was on another board looking for the best place to have her barns cats (that she rescued) spayed ... which is over and above what most barn owners do... she has also rescued that horse from a slaughter house because she is a caring pet owner with only concern for these animals in mind. So maybe you can all think about those things before you start telling a person who takes in unfortunate animals that she should give them up so someone can love them right (the way you would)... when was the last time you walked into a shelter, there are many animals in there that would love to have this girl care for them, indoors or out... Think of that!
Old April 28th, 2004, 06:56 AM
ladybug01 ladybug01 is offline
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I was just reading that someone kept their dog in a crate in their house while they were away, and this is better? I am so sure that my animals would rather be locked up in a 'cell' all day then outside.
So that means that all cats and dogs should be kept inside? even my neighbours police dog has its own kennel that it stays in outside.
Old April 28th, 2004, 07:16 AM
MBRA518 MBRA518 is offline
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Originally Posted by ladybug01
I was just reading that someone kept their dog in a crate in their house while they were away, and this is better? I am so sure that my animals would rather be locked up in a 'cell' all day then outside.
So that means that all cats and dogs should be kept inside? even my neighbours police dog has its own kennel that it stays in outside.
Exactly - I see those crates and shutter, I would never do that to my dog - but I've seen many people use that method - and the dogs don't seem worse for wear, so I see no problem with other people using them.... but they are not for me.
My mother keeps her dog outside when she is away from home - OMG that dog it "forced" outside in her insulated heated dog house - the horror! Mind you this dog is a special needs dog that has been through 2 surgeries and on meds for her life and her other dog was on 3 years of chemo before being put down at twice her expected age - but according to these people my mother is a horrible dog owner who should give her dogs up to the kennel too I suppose - OMG she also has 3 rescued kittens living in the barn too - all with proper vet care and they are all fixed - at her expense - but oh what a horrible person she must be!... give me a break!
Old April 28th, 2004, 08:06 AM
Green Acres Green Acres is offline
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Wow/what a major load of crap this read has been

I've got three aussie/border collie ranch dogs and 2 of them would sooner lay down and die than live in the house....only one of them actually prefers to sleep on the floor by my bed at night. I've seen folks who have "outside" dogs which are thoroughly deserving, in my opinion, of all the angry comments, and possibly even more, that have been made here regarding those who keep them outside on a regular basis. These would be those who live out their lives from the end of a chain, or in small runs, that are sheltered and fed to keep their good health but have had little experience with receiving the love and attention that is deserving of a family member....which is exactly what our "pets" are to us/they are all our "kids" so to speak. BUT to make a blanket statement, as a few have, that all dogs/cats prefer to live indoors as opposed to out is nothing more than a bunch of ignorant babble and worse yet to openly criticise someone for allowing their dog(s)/cat(s)(and other pets as be the case)and making it out to be a case of cruelty is beyond comprehension...........and any and all who fall into this mode of ignorant thought should not only be ashamed of yourselves but should try to get out a bit more/it's a big world out there/life and knowledge doesn't stop at your own front door....fanatics the lot of them/sheesh.

You know after reading this I sat here and looked at my dogs and wondered "Hmmm.....are you two outies brain damaged or something?" LOL.....well they ARE full of personality and are definately unique individuals(best damn dogs I've ever had!) BUT there's not a thing wrong with them for prefering to be outdoors and there's not a damn thing wrong with me for allowing them to. One likes to sleep in the bed of the pickup(he thinks it's HIS truck), the other can always be found on the kitchen porch(he's the family "sentinal"/you can see the main road and all the driveway from there), and then we have the family "love bug" who isn't happy unless she's under foot 24/7 and her nose is no further than scratching distance from you at all times and so of course she'd be the little beastie that likes to sleep by and under my bed. All three are well loved and very happy living exactly as they want to/where they have chosen to bunkie down each night has been by THEIR choice. When we've got pups and/or kittens they always start out life indoors as we've got far to many predators out in this area who a nice fat pup or kitty would be a delightful meal for but as they mature and start finding their way around the ranch they tend to carve out their own little niche and grow into having their own individual habits and likes and dislikes.....as well as they determine whether they are to be an outdoor or indoor pet.

The cats we have are a necessary part of our ranch and family as they serve a double purpose being both pets and rodant deterents.....and it so happens that I am VERY allergic to them and as such I appreciate the fact that they enjoy ruling the feedbarn. The dogs are working dogs as well as much loved and treasured pets and they not only give us the very best of themselves each and every day out in the fields working the livestock but when works' done they bring much joy to our hearts. You best believe there's not an outing we go to where the dogs aren't included. If we go out with the horses the dogs are there. Go into town the dogs hop in the truck. We do ANYTHING the dogs are always present, accounted for, and having a good time. The two that happen to choose to live the bulk of their lives outdoors are just as happy as our little indoor girl is. The cats are barn cats and as such that is their domain, it's where they feel they belong, and they are not the half wild cats some folks think barn cats are/they are very friendly, healthy, and happy.....and they are not at any point going to be invited into my house due to allergies and my love for my families generations old passed down antiques....and any of you so called animal lovers who find that statement offensive well just you go and be all hetted up and offended/it's just common sense and personal preference and there's not one damn thing wrong with it. We actually put a woodstove in the feedbarn which we burn in during the colder season to keep it warm and comfy in there out of concern for their well being and comfort.....so yeah gees I guess since we let them live out there we don't care about them right? What a crock.

You want to whine and snivel over how bad some cats have it why don't you look to those who keep them in breadbox sized apartments with no freedom ever. A few folks here mention about how THEY(dogs/cats)were never asked or given a choice.....well how fricken hypocritical are some of you? Do you really think if it was up to the dogs and cats they'd all prefer to live out their lives in a dinky apartment? If they'd been allowed the freedom to choose their destinies do you seriously think they'd all prefer a litter box in your bathroom over a yard of green lawn? A scratching post to fresh smelling woody trees? A toy mouse to the real deal? Those of you who have a large enough place to afford your pets the choice to be either out or indoors at their leisure are certainly entitled to your opinions.....but those of you who are stuck in apartments and have forced YOUR choice on them to make them soley indoor pets haven't got a leg to stand on in this assinine half baked debate with a woman who evidentally not only has an abiding effection for her pets but also has the love to rescue animals that in all likelyhood would have ultimately otherwise been destroyed. It kills me to see so many point their fat little fingers at this woman because SHE has made a choice about how her animals live....and yet none of you see how YOU have made those same kinds of choices for your own just different ones. To those who say HER way is not the only way or necessarily the best well right back at you/just who in the hell do some of you hypocrites think you are?

Well after reading how this thread has deteriorated I rather doubt many, or maybe even any, will agree with me, my views, and possibly in how "I" choose to live with my animals.....and I couldn't care less. The reason I posted this wasn't to gain anyone's approval......... nor am I inexperienced enough to think it will give many of you cause to think before you judge/I know how hypocrites think and while honestly it would be refreshing to see someone open their eyes enough to acknowledge that not all outdoor pets are neglected or treated as second class citizens yada yada yada I really don't expect that much out of most/that could be a bit to much to hope for. I'm not looking to be offensive or defensive/just telling it how it is........and if you get all wadded up over anyone having a different philosophy from your own then all I've got to say to that is get over yourself.

Old April 28th, 2004, 08:41 AM
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Wow,some powerful comments
Having no experience in living on a farm,I can understand your reasoning and also that we have not been entirely fair to "rescuekitty".
But there are out-door dogs and then there are neglected unloved, outdoor dogs.There are barn-cats allowed to breed at will only to add to the thousands of unwanted cats in shelters and many posters here have a lot of experience with sad dogs/cats in shelters and seeing them being put down as not adoptable
Not everyone are as concerned about their"out-door"pets as you,I do believe Rescue-kitty is doing what she can for her animals,whether we all agree with her methods or not and I am wishing her and the mom cat and kittens all the best,hopefully the cat will be spayed to prevent any more kittens to be born under a piece of sheet-metal
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
Old April 28th, 2004, 08:55 AM
MBRA518 MBRA518 is offline
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Thank god... a resonable voice!

I agree, there are many "outdoor" dogs that are not properly cared for... but many are - there are also many indoor dogs that are not walked, and horror stories of dogs being kept in and forced to live in thier own feces.... there are extreames everywhere, it doesnot make people who keep dogs outdoors or indoors bad... it just means that there are some sick and unknowing or uncaring people in this world.

As for the cat "deciding" to try and have her kittens under a piece of sheet metal... my god people get off it... it is not as if she forced the cat out there - most will chose to give birth in the hay (very warm) but some animals make strange choices, the fact is that the cat was helped and everyone is fine - that to me shows good animal ownership and concern.
Old April 28th, 2004, 09:07 AM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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I really don't think we are talking about working and herding dogs living on ranches who have jobs to do - at least they are not the dogs I'm talking about. These dogs are doing what they were bred and born to do and have full and satisfying lives.

I'm talking about people who keep their dogs confined in pens and garages (in cities and suburbs) for most of their lives. These dogs sit in solitary confinement all day while their owners work, and if they are lucky they might get 20 minutes of exercise when the owner has time. Then back into the pen for the night. They are treated like garden tools that are stored when not in use (which is most of the time)

This is no life for any dog and IS inhumane, as dogs are highly social animals. Actually, it's inhumane for any creature, which is why solitary confinement is considered harsh punishment for human prisoners. The main difference is that the dogs didn't commit any crime to deserve this.
Old April 28th, 2004, 09:08 AM
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Chico-> Did I EVER give you the impression that I owned a "neglected, unloved, outdoor dog"?? I don't think I did...
Did I not specify from the get-go that I was having my cat spayed as soon as possible?? And that I had gotten her from a friend (who does not spay or neuter at all!)to help DECREASE the unwanted pet population by SPAYING AND NEUTERING her offspring?! And if I cannot find good homes for those animals, AFTER they are spayed and neutered, then I will be keeping them...
And As MBRA518 said, Excuse me, But have you ever been able to convince a cat to have her kittens exactly where you wanted them? I don't think it's an easy task, expecially having just brought her home only a couple of weeks ago! She was not even used to her surroudings yet, and was more comfortable in somewhere dark and cozy... That was her choice, not mine!! If in fact I had "forced" her out there, I would not have been checking on her at 1am!! I would not have brought her and the two first born kittens into the sunroom and warmed them up!! I would not have stayed with her all night to make sure they were all okay!! If doing all that makes me an unloving pet owner in your eyes, then so be it. My animals are my life... They eat before I eat, and sleep before I sleep... Just because they live outside makes that no different!!
Old April 28th, 2004, 09:09 AM
bluequeen bluequeen is offline
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Well I definitely have to give my props to Chico for allowing to see a different point of view. I think it is disgusting how some of these people have reacted to rescuekitty. She provides nothing but an excellent home for her animals, and yes it is quite possible they prefer outdoors to in. It is quite understandable that her dog prefers to be outdoors, some dogs do and others don't. Obviously she wouldn't go and stick a chiwawa to live outdoors but she already said that..some people obviously don't care to read the entirety of her posts. As for her cat, there are many many barn cats out there and alot of them love it. What is better then being able to roam free and play all day. Maybe her cat started to have kittens under some sheet of metal or whatever but she did the right thing and moved them, it's not like she would have known where she was going to go, and cats like to be alone and away from everything generally, when they go into labour. Not only did she do the right thing but she also saved a helpless kitten..can you not see that she OBVIOUSLY loves her animals like crazy..rescuekitty..in my books you are an awesome animal mother and I wouldn't even worry about what these people have to say about you or how you take care of them.
Old April 28th, 2004, 09:11 AM
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Thanks Bluequeen... I know I have nothing to prove to anyone, but I just feel like I need to stand up for myself for some reason. But thank you!! You made my day!
Old April 28th, 2004, 09:22 AM
MBRA518 MBRA518 is offline
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Originally Posted by LuckyRescue
I really don't think we are talking about working and herding dogs living on ranches who have jobs to do - at least they are not the dogs I'm talking about. These dogs are doing what they were bred and born to do and have full and satisfying lives.

I'm talking about people who keep their dogs confined in pens and garages (in cities and suburbs) for most of their lives. These dogs sit in solitary confinement all day while their owners work, and if they are lucky they might get 20 minutes of exercise when the owner has time. Then back into the pen for the night. They are treated like garden tools that are stored when not in use (which is most of the time)

This is no life for any dog and IS inhumane, as dogs are highly social animals. Actually, it's inhumane for any creature, which is why solitary confinement is considered harsh punishment for human prisoners. The main difference is that the dogs didn't commit any crime to deserve this.
If that "is" your point - why were you attacking RK? She does live on a farm... her dog is not confined...

But on that, is it any better or worse for those dogs to be left in the house alone? I have a dog and a cat so they are not alone when I have to work but that is not a luxery everyone has. So should a person that can't have a pet in the house and not be with them for company all the time not have a pet at all... even if they can provide good care and love? Have you been to a shelter? any of those dogs would rather a life with any "responsible" pet owner and be outdoor pet.

Do you stay home with your pets all the time, to make sure they are not lonely? Must be nice to have that luxury!
Old April 28th, 2004, 09:35 AM
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I'm talking about people who keep their dogs confined in pens and garages (in cities and suburbs) for most of their lives. These dogs sit in solitary confinement all day while their owners work,

I have been chewing my lip not responding to this crazy argument. However, the above comment was made and I needed to respond.

For shame I am one of the above quoted people. I have a dog, 2 cats, a guinea pig and 2 horses. Yes I work, I am also a single mother who does not get a dime of support from anyone. My animals are very well cared for, all have been sexualy altered, except the guinea pig, and they all have food, warmth and water, yes even milk...again for shame...feeding milk to cats. I would challenge ONE of you posters to come and visit at anytime during a 24 hour period and find my animals neglected or unhappy.

Get off your high horses and worry about the cats that are running around and being caught by people only to be skinned alive or used as a sacrifice, or the dogs which are used for hunting and then left in the wild after the season ends. I think you get my point!!!!!!!!
Old April 28th, 2004, 09:48 AM
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I would also like to add my 2-cents about outdoor cats.Since most of us here are not lucky enough to live on a farm,indoor cats are are almost always the only choice,I 've seen many and they are happy well adjusted cats.
Life-expectansy for"out-door cats"is about 5yrs,while indoor cats can live 20+happy years.
My own 3 cats,do go outside,but only in my backyard with me and are always more than happy to go back inside and lucky for me,in -15C they only stick there paws outside and that's it and in extreme heat and humidity,they so prefer a cool house.
The city streets is no place for a cat,but that should not keep cat-lovers from having cats and indoors will have to be the only alternative other than being scraped off the street.Luckily I have big fenced backyard and my cats can climb trees,eat grass and whatever else they want to do,under my watchful eyes.
So,there are pros and cons to every situation
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
Old April 28th, 2004, 09:52 AM
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Yes,I am one of the fortunate ones staying home with my animals...the going to work bit been there done that
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
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Old April 28th, 2004, 09:56 AM
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So Chico, May I ask why you were bashing me so much if there are "pros and cons to every situation?"
I'd also like to add that although I don't know the exact age of my cat, she is somewhere between 8-10 years I believe. And she's been an barn cat all her life! And I know many of the other cats at my friend's place are just as old or older. I know one there is about 17. And they are all happy and healthy(Although I would have chosen to have them spayed and neutered to avoid more babies, but she's not me...).
I'm glad you never have a chance to get out and leave your poor animals all alone
Old April 28th, 2004, 10:11 AM
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outdoor animals

Over the years I have owned and LOVED, several dogs who just coudn't handle being in the house. One such dog was a rough collie by the name of Missy. We tried on several occaisions to bring her in, but she whined,scratched at the door and then started to howl. Our dogs had lovely insulated dog houses to climb into, filled with straw, and with a blanket stappled over the door way to keep out the wind. More times then not, on really blustery, blizardly days, the dogs would curl up beside the house instead of in it. We fed them a mixture of kibble, goats milk, and cooked oatmeal. They were healthy, happy and robust. My current dog, a siberian husky, prefers to remain outside and will sit at the back door begging to go out....the only reason we bring her in at night is that on two occasisions someone tried to steal her from our yard. Does this mean I love my dogs less then anyone else? NO! And you can talk to my veterinarian to see just how healthy and happy my dogs have been over the years!

For folks who live on farms, barn cats live in the barn....where they keep down the ammount of rodents in the area, thus providing a valuable service to their owners. Our barn cats are fed and watered every day, they are up to date on vaccines, and they are spayed/neutered.

Some animals just prefer the out of doors!
Old April 28th, 2004, 10:14 AM
jess-mcbess jess-mcbess is offline
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i agree with....

I agree with rescuekitty. I have allergies to most animal dander, and although I have many now I couldn't before because we couldn't afford to have hardwood put throughout our house. We weren't made of money. Now I have my own place with hardwood floors, and love my puppy. She is a half indoor/half outdoor dog. She gets mad if she's inside for too long and it's not because we don't spend time walking her and playing with her. She goes for at least one long walk a day and we play for at least 3 hours.
I have a horse, and although she doesn't live at my house (i don't have a barn on my property yet) she's still a part of my family. I see her every day, and spend hours "playing" with her. She loves it, but there's no way she could come into my house. I'm sure she'd love too (she follows me like a puppy) but I'm not bringing her inside. Just because she doesn't live in my house doesn't mean that she's not part of my family.
I don't agree with cruel animal treatment, but living outside, in a barn (or animal house) with food and water isn't cruel as long as there's someone spending time with them, and LOVING them. As long as the basics are there, and there's someone loving them, playing with them, what's the problem? It's not like rescuekitty is leaving her dog out there to die, and I'm sure if anything were wrong with any of her animals, they would all be rushed to the vets, or a vet would be called to come and see what's wrong.
I don't think that people with different opinions should be so rude. You're looking down on someone for the way that they treat their animals...which is with love, caring, and understanding. If you're so moved about someone that's being good to her animals, why don't you focus all that effort onto an animal that needs your help!
Old April 28th, 2004, 10:36 AM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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If you're so moved about someone that's being good to her animals, why don't you focus all that effort onto an animal that needs your help!
I believe I do my little part to help those in need, if 87 cats and dogs rescued and adopted out since last August means anything. I would do more if I could.

If that "is" your point - why were you attacking RK? She does live on a farm... her dog is not confined...
I think you are confused. I never directed one comment to rescuekitty about her dog. I know nothing about it, and she keeps changing her story about the cat. She was initially adamant that this 9 yr old cat was to have her kittens outside in freezing weather, because she "likes it."

My point is that not everything animals "like" is what is good for them. Would you let your dog roam the street tearing open and eating garbage? I'm sure he would love to do it.

And the barn cats I've seen were anything but "healthy and happy". They were ridden with parasites, having one litter after another, malnourished, injured from fights and all intact. We have trapped, neutered and treated MANY of them.
Old April 28th, 2004, 10:53 AM
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We are not talking about working farm/ranch dogs.

I grew up on my Aunts farm.Well sort of.I spent my weekends and summers there.And I am still a country girl at heart.My aunt raised 5 Great Danes,A Newfie and a St.Bernard.Had Horses,Cows,and Chickens.These were NOT working dogs.But ALL 7 dogs slept indoors at night.And these are large dogs.Yes they spent alot of time outside.But so did we.The front door was always open during the day.So they went in and out as they pleased.

My sister is on a farm with 3 Huskies and a Border Collie.Yes the BC does work.She helps with the cows.But she does not stay outside 24/7..A cat that she had never seen gave birth in the barn.

Yes,if a pup is raised ONLY outdoors,then it will not be to happy being indoors.BUT,they can slowly be brought indoors.She kept this dog outside from the age of 3 months.And it is now 10 years old.

ladybug01.One of my dogs is a retired police dog.He was my brothers partner.He lived in the house as part of the family.Tron never lived outside in a kennel.Same goes for his new partner.These are working dogs.But when the shift is over.They are pets and part of the family.And sleep in a cozy warm house.

As for the comment about going to a shelter.A shelter will NOT let you adopt out an animal,especially if it's a dog that will live outside 24/7....So no,they will not be happy to adopt out to rescuekitty.And that I have seen being done at the shelter.A few people tried to adopt.But when they said the dog was going to live outside,they were denied the adoption.

And I would rather have my dogs alone in the house,then alone outside.
"A dog can express more with his tail in minutes than his owner can express with his tongue in hours."
Old April 28th, 2004, 10:55 AM
MBRA518 MBRA518 is offline
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Originally Posted by LuckyRescue
IAnd the barn cats I've seen were anything but "healthy and happy". They were ridden with parasites, having one litter after another, malnourished, injured from fights and all intact. We have trapped, neutered and treated MANY of them.
Well... bravo and thank your for your rescue efforts.... that is wonderful... but considering that you do rescue cats and such, it is not at all surprizing that your only experiance with barn cats has been what it has.... the ones that are well cared for and healthy do not need rescuing and if rescue is your only reason to encounter barn cats (many of the rest of us posting have horses - barn cats are a normal thing) you would never see the happy health ones.

But you need to realize that... your experiance is not the norm. Many if not most barn cats are happy and healthy.. and most are rescues of a sort - many people dump their unwanted house cats at a barn.... that's where most of ours came from.

My point here is everyone was quite harsh on this thread and most of it is from and uneducated/unexperianced view... you can not use your experiance of seeing rescue barn kittys as your source of info on all outdoor animals.
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