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Old January 14th, 2010, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Frenchy View Post
I never wanted to read this thread
I think this came out wrong ... what I meant was , I always associated nose bleed (on dogs) with cancer , that is why I didn't want to read this thread , I knew it was a very sad one.

Originally Posted by hazelrunpack View Post
At least the nosebleed stopped, Frenchy!
You don't know how relieved I was when I got home !!!
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Old January 14th, 2010, 09:35 PM
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no doubt, it would have scared the pants off me if it was one of mine! (we've got a bit of a "blood" issue here tonight, not the same thing, but still when there's a lot of it!):group hug:
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Old January 14th, 2010, 09:35 PM
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I understood what you meant, Frenchy It is a sad thread...
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Old January 14th, 2010, 09:36 PM
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for positive news on Saturday, Frenchy!
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Old January 14th, 2010, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by bendyfoot View Post
no doubt, it would have scared the pants off me if it was one of mine! (we've got a bit of a "blood" issue here tonight, not the same thing, but still when there's a lot of it!):group hug:
there wasn't a lot , just a drop on the floor. His nose had some inside and outside his nostrils .... but my first thought was .... cancer. I know I shouldn't but , after loosing 3 dogs to cancer , it's hard to think that there could be something else. Bailey's lump , on his rib cage , has been growing a bit , never went for the biopsy because the vet told me that they would have to take out 2 ribs , and that only for the biopsy. So Maybe , Bailey already has cancer , maybe not.
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Old January 14th, 2010, 09:54 PM
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I can only imagine my brain would be wanting to say the "C" word too after everything you've been though Hoping that it's nothing to worry about.
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Old January 14th, 2010, 11:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Frenchy View Post
I think this came out wrong ... what I meant was , I always associated nose bleed (on dogs) with cancer , that is why I didn't want to read this thread , I knew it was a very sad one.
I've read it before but have never replied because I know what the outcome usually is and can never think of the appropriate way to reply.

Frenchy, lots of for Bailey.
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Old January 22nd, 2010, 12:13 PM
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I did post this on another thread as well...it fits both. I've been reading this thread for a month or so and was hoping I would not be one of those to post here.....but sadly here goes
I was giving my dog a bath a month ago and he sneezed out the smallest bit of blood. At that moment I thought about how he started snoring a few months ago. I instantly knew something was wrong and I feared the worst. Tyson is an English Bull Trerrier and he is 10.
The Vet looked alarmed when I told him it was one nostril and immediatly sent me to a specialist. Tyson had a cat scan that showed a mass in his nasal cavity that was growing into the bone (never good) and a biopsy that showed a chronic Rhinitus. NEVER EVER take a nose bleed lightly! It could be as simple as a dental problem or as severe as Cancer.
Tyson is my best friend and I love him more than I could possibly express. It kills me to say they want to treat it as cancer and the prognosis does not look good.....
The nose bleeds are still not to bad but now he is starting to have reverse sneeze and gagging episodes. Its heartbreaking....
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Old January 22nd, 2010, 05:27 PM
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I'm so sorry you and Tyson are dealing with this, Lynzie. Does he seem to be feeling okay otherwise? Still eating, drinking, peeing, pooping normally? Sending that you have lots more quality time with your boy!

Please let us know what course of treatment you decide on and keep us updated on his progress, okay? We'll be thinking of you
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Old January 22nd, 2010, 07:29 PM
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I wonder why I didn't find this thread 2 years ago? I guess I get to be a part of this thread now too. My heart goes out to everyone who has had to deal with this disease.

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Old February 14th, 2010, 09:10 AM
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Thankyou Hazelrunpack. We have decided not to go with radiation for several reasons. What we are doing is treating with Deramaxx. It actually an arthritis drug but it seems to slow down the growth of cancer cells. He has been on it about 20 days and it seemed to help his breathing at night for a while but he has started snoring again the past few days. At first the snoring lessened quite a bit and he seemed more comforatable. He is eating and playing and for the most part seems OK. In addition the nose bleeds are minor and rare.
Hopefully this treatment will help and prolong....we'll see...
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Old February 14th, 2010, 01:17 PM
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Sounds like Tyson is doing great, Lynzie!!!

We'd love to see some pics of Tyson if you have any to share.

And here's to many more months of you two being together
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Old March 7th, 2010, 07:48 AM
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I'm glad I have come across this website. It has givin me alot of information. I just weep reading the stories.
I have a 10 1/2 year old golden (Timon). About 2 weeks ago I noticed blood on the sofa. We totally checked both our goldens over & over. Then one night I saw it was coming out of his left nostril. I immediately took him to our vet who checked him out & thought it could possibly be allergies. She said wait a week... the following week I took him to his original vet, who gave him a full exam and gave us all things it could be. He started him on antibiotics & gave him an antihistamine shot and said try this for a week. Well, it was not quite a week and I have now taken him to another vet, who did a blood workup and xrays of Timons head & lungs. It does show his left nasal passage is cloudy. Other than that, nothing else appears to be in trouble. Now the news is either a fungal infection or cancer - both bad. The vet is calling a specialist Monday to go over options. Something about a scope to see whats going on.
I guess in my heart I already know. He doesn't appear to be in pain at this point, but how do you know?
The vet did give me predizone, but after reading the side effects, at this point I have decided not to give them to him as it could cause more bleeding.
So, today I'm going to take my "baby" out in the sun and enjoy him.
It is really really hard and heart breaking.
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Old March 7th, 2010, 09:25 AM
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I'm so sorry you and Timon are going through this, jacqueline-a.

Likely the scope is a rhinoscope? It's a tube they pass up into the nasal cavity through the nostril that allows them to have a look around and take samples. They might be able to flush the cavity, as well--if the inflammation/cloudiness/bleeding is from some foreign object, that may dislodge it.

If he starts showing signs of discomfort (pawing at his nose, for instance, or being more lethargic than usual) you might want to ask your vet about an NSAID. There is still a risk of more bleeding with them, but they don't seem to be quite as hard on the body as steroids are. he won't need them!

If you need us, we're here.

Give Timon a big hug for me out in the sun, k?
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Old March 7th, 2010, 02:46 PM
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Thank u

Thank you for responding. We spent 5 hours outside. Not quite how I planned - but I was on the blanket and Timon dug his usual hole and layed in it Actually had a picnic.... cheese - turkey - and his favorite bone. And now he had a bath and smells like a baby.
Can you tell me when they do the scope, will that make the bleeding situation worse?
Worse case scenario, have dogs survived from nasal cancer with quality of life?
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Old March 7th, 2010, 03:10 PM
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It sounds like a lovely picnic!

I can only speak of the experience that we went through with Priscilla. Her quality of life didn't degrade until right before the end. We never were able to confirm a tumor but the spot they suspected it was in would have been inoperable anyway. She didn't seem to have any discomfort till right before she died--it was one of the signals that said to us it was time to let her go. As it turned out, she once again took matters into her own paws and beat us to the punch. She always wanted things her own way...

As for the scoping--yes, it can make the bleeding worse but it's usually temporary. Make sure you have a talk with your vet before you decide what you're going to do. If he's doing his job, you should have a very clear picture of the risks vs. the benefits before any procedures are done.

I've never heard of a dog that had successful treatment for nasal cancer. I suppose, as with any cancers, there are some survivors, but none have posted here. That's not to say that it doesn't happen, just that in my very limited experience of the cases I personally have heard of, there have not been any successful treatments.

I know of one dog that survived similar symptoms, but the symptoms turned out to be caused by a grass awn up in the nasal passages and a nasal flush dislodged it. But that, of course, wasn't a cancer.

Sorry I could't be more positive for you. My heart goes out to you and Timon.
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Old March 12th, 2010, 11:14 PM
hotdiggitydog5 hotdiggitydog5 is offline
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i started with 1 in 1992 became 7...now only one..im worried after reading all these

i stumbled on your posts tonight trying to figure out why little dachshund starting getting nosebleeds and i have been crying for about an hour and a half reading these posts. we have been through a lot here lately with all our dogs coming of age and passing from old age. with only 2 dogs left as of November of 2009 (after losing a doxie(Hansburger 16) in 2/09 and a Norwegian Elk-hound (Francesca 10) in 6/09..I thought i couldn't handle no more... until my little Cocoburger ( my long haired red headed daschund of only 11) died January 3rd 2010 of bone and throat cancer that just snuck up on him and our family and wiped all the life out of all of us in January...including our last doggy left in our family...Chiliburger...she took it hard and stopped eating...slept a lot....and even had to have surgery on her teeth!! after all that..the nose bleeds have started...i didn't want to jump to conclusions, but after what we went through in the last year..of course i panicked and went to vet...it was hard to tell where the blood was coming from and id see splatter everywhere...clots too. but after vet visit i finally saw it was from nose. they took blood work and they said everything was normal...no kidney or liver problems...but the next day.. like i said to the vet the first time..she bleed so bad i thought she gave birth. i was horrified. she also messed on herself and it was like tar...this has gone on 10 more times..but they said not to worry..but i am...I'm her mom for crying out loud! i dont know what to do...all the procedures sound so expensive and after all the vet bills and meds i have paid for im broke. my heart is broken and i dont think i could take it...i know she is 14, but for 18 years i have always had a dog here and my home will be so lonely....and i just couldnt replace any of them.
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Old March 12th, 2010, 11:43 PM
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I'm so sorry it's been such a hard year for you

About the only thing I can suggest to you is to sit down with your vet and ask a lot of questions. You might want to ask about the cost of a scope and flush. If the bleeding is due to a foreign object, that may dislodge it. But if your vet feels it's more likely to be cancer instead of a foreign body, and she's 14, probably the treatments wouldn't give her a lot more time, anyway.

You should also ask about the signs of discomfort and have a plan for treating that if she needs it. Some pain meds aren't very expensive and they can be instrumental in giving your girl good quality of life. Cool compresses on the top of the snout can help stop a nose bleed.

My heart aches for you, hotdiggitydog5. Cherish every moment you have with your girl and give her a big hug from me, k?
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Old March 13th, 2010, 12:22 PM
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thanks so much for responding....the vet seemed more worried about her irregular bowels than her nose because it wasnt bleeding when i brought her in...but he did do blood tests...but he didnt see what i saw in the amount of blood. im going to sit down and talk with him because shes my baby and i definitely dont want to see her in pain. the last 2 months with coco were my dearest...i had off work for 3 weeks for xmas and i sent 24/7 with him and i will do the same for my chili ....
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Old March 13th, 2010, 05:21 PM
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Keep us posted, please, hotdiggitydog5. And remember we're here if you need to rant or cry or just need a hug.
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Old March 13th, 2010, 05:48 PM
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i sure will...wish i knew this was here when my coco died...i still go through alot thinking of him and missing him. i attached a silly pic of chili with her eyes popped back ;0)
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Old March 13th, 2010, 05:50 PM
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Oh, what a sweetheart! I love silly pics! They make the best memories of all!
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Old March 16th, 2010, 04:25 PM
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well i talked to vet today and he is going to sedate her and xray her head...the scope is sooo expensive..so im going that route first....3 major nose bleeds just today and im worried sick...she doesnt go to vet til next week so i will update how she is doing...im really hoping shes the one who will defy everything but i have a feeling that im wrong......thanks gosh i get to spend alot of time with her.
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Old March 16th, 2010, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by hotdiggitydog5
im really hoping shes the one who will defy everything
I hope so, too!

I hope the xrays give you some good info.
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Old March 19th, 2010, 06:14 AM
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Originally Posted by puppypwr View Post
My ten year old Siberian Husky has been having nose bleeds from his right nostril for a few weeks off and on. We took him in to the vet at the beginning and the ex-rays didn't reveal anything suspicious, and the blood work didn't show an elevation suggesting an infection, and we got antibiotics.

We thought they were slowly getting better. Well, a week later he had a bad bleed. The were some pools of blood on the carpet, splattering all over the flood and wall, and mixed in were several blood clots. I rushed him to the vet, and they did another ex-ray and blood work, nothing. But, our vet gave us a different antibiotic, and a steroid for inflammation. She thought he possibly sniffed something up and it got stuck in his nose. We went 11 days, and this Thursday he had two small nose bleeds.

Our vet is at a loss. He has no other obvious systems, he’s eating normally, happy, thrilled when someone comes over to visit, and still a great temperament with our kids.

Any ideas, or anyone else go through this????
Hello.. My name is Alex i have a beautiful syberian husky and he is experiensing the same simptoms as your dog.. I have couple of questions for you reg 3-D X-ray.. Please call me or email me. I would greatly appreciate it.. [personal information removed: please PM OP for additional information]

Last edited by Blackbear; March 19th, 2010 at 10:38 AM. Reason: Please do not post personal information such as telephone numbers or email addresses
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Old March 19th, 2010, 11:00 AM
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Hi, Husky Lover. Sorry to hear you're having this problem with your husky

This thread was started long ago and I'm not sure if puppypwr still posts here. Has your vet suggested doing a CT-scan?
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Old March 24th, 2010, 11:18 AM
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I'm like others who found this forum whilst Googling dog nose bleeds and I spent a lot of time this afternoon reading this thread and , have to admit this, crying over the dogs you have all loved and lost. So sad. Tomorrow I take my 10 year old sheltie, Shady, to my vet following two mild nose bleeds, last night and tonight, both times when she's been excited about being fed. Only one nostril. The first time she left the rim of her food bowl red with blood, not so bad tonight. What I am curious about is whether some of your dogs started off quietly like that, I mean she's not sneezing for instance. I'm hoping her breeder, who is returning from the States tomorrow, gets back early enough for me to discuss it with her before we see the vet.
It is way past my bedtime here so I'll check back in first thing in the morning.
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Old March 24th, 2010, 02:07 PM
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Welcome to the board, Goldfields. I'm sorry you found us through this thread, though

Priscilla's nosebleeds came on slowly. At first, in fact, it was just a goopy nostril on that side (no blood, just clear mucous dischage). Eventually it progressed to occasional light nosebleeds, which became heavier and more frequent.

I hope the vet visit tomorrow goes well! Maybe your vet will come up with a different diagnosis

Please let us know what you find out!
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Old March 24th, 2010, 07:54 PM
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Thanks for the welcome. I tried to answer this a minute ago but it went off into cyber space. LOL. Yes, a bad way to join, but a very interesting forum. I reckon Shady's breathing is starting to whistle when she's excited. I couldn't pinpoint which dog it was but the nose bleeds seen to indicate that it's her. I thought of injury first but not now she has had another little bleed. I will let you know what my vet thinks.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 01:38 AM
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It's a different diagnosis but one many of you may gave got at the start, an infection which we'll treat with antibiotics? Time will tell I guess. Her breeder said it could be a secondary infection too.
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