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Old August 8th, 2010, 09:18 PM
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omg those orange kitties are too adorable
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Old August 8th, 2010, 10:49 PM
JennieV JennieV is offline
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I just saw the thread now.. Goes to show how much time I spend on here SCM, you are so awesome for saving CG and babies, the cuteness is just beyond words!
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Old August 10th, 2010, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by sugarcatmom View Post
You see the predicament?
Nope no predicament, you'll just hafta keep them all

Love the videos how adorable they all are The 2 kitten mummy charge in the first was so cute

Buzz Fuzzler looks significantly bigger than the others, is it all just the poofy fuzz or is he just growing like a weed?
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do

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Old August 11th, 2010, 01:46 AM
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Oh my .... those pics are sooooo adorable .
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Old August 11th, 2010, 01:50 AM
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Just realized that the pics were actually videos . That's a whole lot of cuteness you've got at your house .
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Old August 21st, 2010, 06:07 PM
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We need more pics! withdrawl
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Old September 17th, 2010, 01:11 AM
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Originally Posted by JennieV View Post
I just saw the thread now.. Goes to show how much time I spend on here
LOL and you thought you were late ......and, I also admit that I skimmed over alot of the replies while reading this.

SCM, what a wonderful person you are.

CG is absolutely beautiful and I'm so glad that you decided to keep her. Her babies are just too cute and I wish I could take one of the orange ones but I'm sure you will find great homes for them all.
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Old September 21st, 2010, 06:32 AM
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I like forums in general and I don't remember enjoying a thread this much. I followed the story from the beginning
How are the kittens and Cinnamon now?
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Old October 13th, 2010, 02:10 PM
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About time I gave a little update on CG and family.

Bijoux and Buzz Fuzzler have been adopted by some very good friends of mine, which means they'll still be in my life and I can continue to watch them grow up. Yay!!! Eric and Heike will keep feeding them a raw diet, augmented with quality canned, and NO dry food. They also plan to build an outdoor enclosure for them on their back porch. I'm overjoyed with how well they've adapted to their new home (they've been there just over a week). Eric even slept on the couch with them their first night there so they wouldn't be scared (the fact that he's a cop makes this even more awesome - not that cops don't have big hearts, I just don't always picture them curling up with kittens).

Paneer also has an amazing adoption story. Got a call from the MEOW Foundation that a woman named Margaret would like to see him. No details other than that. So we make arrangements for her to come over and she turns out to be the sweetest lady ever. So gentle and loving with all the cats, I immediately felt like she would provide a fabulous home. And then she told me her story. She's been a foster home for MEOW for over 8 years! She specializes in raising the orphaned kittens (ie bottle-feeding every 2 hours!). She also does MEOW's accounting and payroll, and works from home. Sadly, she had just pts one of her cats the day before, a foster failure with megaesophagus who had lived well beyond his expected lifespan. She was looking for a companion for her remaining shy kitty, worried that he wasn't going to handle the death very well. At the end of our lovely visit, Margaret mentioned that she usually only takes the homely or sickly cats, and that since Paneer was neither, I shouldn't be insulted if she didn't end up taking him. Thinking I probably wouldn't hear from her again, I was surprised and ecstatic to get a call the next day saying she was indeed going to adopt him. I guess she'd always wanted an orange tabby boy, and she'd always wanted a polydactyl. Here was a rare chance to get 2-for-1. Her dream kitty. After all the hard work she's put into saving the unsavable, she's entitled to at least that much.

So the Sunday before last, I sent Paneer off on his new adventure with Margaret, along with his favourite cat bed and some packs of frozen raw food. Whether he continues to get raw or not isn't even important, I know that Paneer went to one of the best homes possible. When I had taken all the kittens in to the MEOW shelter to get vaccinated and microchipped before going to their new homes, everyone there was thrilled to find out that Margaret was adopting one of them.

So that leaves Carrot Cake and Peppercorn. Need I say more? Yuppers, they're now a part of my family. DH and I had many a lengthy conversation before coming to the conclusion that they belong with us. At one point, we'd decided we had to give ALL of them up, that it would be best for Aztec if we went back to the way things were. 2 minutes after that discussion, we were sitting on the couch and Carrot comes running over, jumps up on my chest, and just stares right into my eyes. Like he knew, and was making a last-ditch effort to plead his case. I burst into tears. Then get this: Peppercorn runs over and does the exact same thing to hubby. Sits on his chest, staring into his eyes. The vibe in the room was intense. And then we knew, they were ours forever.

As for Cinnamon Girl, well it's been a challenge. She went into heat 3 times, each additional time worse than the last. Aztec hated her, and it's been stressful trying to juggle it all. She finally got spayed just over a week ago, and the whole atmosphere around here has changed dramatically. She made an amazing recovery, playing with Carrot and Peppercorn as soon as she got home. Technically, CG is up for adoption on the MEOW site, but I've put so many conditions on the potential homes (no kids, no dogs, must have feline companion, etc) that it's not likely she'll be going anywhere. Plus, I have veto power. So unless the most amazing incredible adopter comes along, she's also here to stay. DH is warming up to that fact. He was really opposed to keeping her after she started going into heat and he saw the stress it was causing Aztec, but his heart is softening to the concept now. Especially when he sees how much she loves her kittens and how playful she is with them. And how much better she is with Aztec now that she doesn't want to jump his (old) bones. If a better home doesn't come along by Christmas (and I doubt there are very many homes as good as this one for her), then he agreed that we can adopt her. So keep your fingers crossed!

Anyway, I'll post some more recent pics in The Army of Cuteness thread when I get a chance sometime today.
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Old October 13th, 2010, 02:25 PM
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What a fantastic update! Sounds like those two little crazy boys were plotting on how to pull yours and hubby's heartstrings. I'm so happy they will be with you, and I have no doubt CG will also be around to keep her boys in line.

And it's good to hear Aztec is accepting they newbies. How is he with the dynamic duo?
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Old October 13th, 2010, 03:02 PM
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Thanks for the great update!! Now can you come get mine adopted for me? There are sooooo many free to good home ads right now and farmers with free kitten signs out it's disheartening.
I find it interesting that you specified no children as one of CG's conditions of adoption. Is there a specific reason for that? And yes, the change in all of them once they are s/n is amazing! No more hormones driving their behaviour.
Wonderful job!!!!
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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Old October 13th, 2010, 04:04 PM
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aww,scm,what a great update,thank you
cg is so beautiful,maybe someone will adopt her,but i hope not,i think she's home already.
also there are so many beautiful cats in shelters for people to adopt,looking at all the kitties needing homes is heartbreaking,but yours will all be fine
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old October 13th, 2010, 04:32 PM
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Originally Posted by 14+kitties View Post
I find it interesting that you specified no children as one of CG's conditions of adoption. Is there a specific reason for that?
Mostly due to her bite history. She's attacked me (and drawn blood) many times, and although with lots of love and careful handling, she has hugely improved in that area, I still wouldn't trust her around kids. Kids also stress her out. I've had lots of friends over with children in a broad range of 3 months to 12 yrs, and she growls and hides every time (can't say I blame her, I often feel the same way ). She doesn't do this with adults, even when she clearly feels shy. You also can't pick her up, and kids don't always understand that (although they probably would after their first evisceration).

Only 2 people have inquired about adopting CG. One was a mom with a 5 yr old, and I just outright said no without even coordinating a visit. As per above. The other was this really great guy, lived with his elderly dad and recently lost a cat to pancreatic cancer. If it was any other cat, I would have been totally thrilled (he was very interested in raw feeding, asked lots of questions about types of litter, scratching posts, vaccinations, etc), but I got the sense he was looking for more of a lap-cat. I suggested to the adoption coordinator that he check out some of the friendlier cats at the shelter and if he was still interested in CG, he could come back and spend more time with her. He ended up adopting a little love-bug named Shyla.
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb

“We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler
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Old October 13th, 2010, 04:41 PM
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Now that makes perfect sense. You are a great Mom and CG will appreciate it as she grows older by your side.
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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Old October 13th, 2010, 05:24 PM
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Awwww, what a great update, SCM and what a great mom you have been to CG and all her kittens.

Snowball hated Puddles when she went into heat (we had to wait 6 months for her kidneys and liver to heal after she got into poison), but afterwards, all was good.

Momma cats are sooooooooooooooooo much happier spayed, it does take about a month for the hormones to be completely gone.
Cat maid to:

Rose semi feral, a cpietra rescue, female tabby (approx 13 yrs)

Jasper RIP (2001-2018)
Sweet Pea RIP (2004?-2014)
Puddles RIP (1996-2014)
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Old October 14th, 2010, 09:47 AM
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gr8 update. I'd been wondering what happened to CG and her beautiful kits. sounds like a happy ending for all. Thanks for your excellent care.
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Old October 16th, 2010, 02:55 PM
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I was waiting for an update after reading all this wonderful story.
Thank you
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Old October 16th, 2010, 04:09 PM
aws1 aws1 is offline
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What a great story read every post start to finish. My wife and I went through a simillar experance with one of our fearl cats skeeter.What a wounderfull experance to have.Thank you for your kindness for helping cg in her time of need
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