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Old November 18th, 2004, 05:29 PM
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Leashing 1 out of 3...bad idea?

Hello Ladies and Gents!

I was just wondering....

I have three cats one 12, one 2 and a 4 mons old babe. My husband and I were thinking about leashing Orlando (4mons old) and bringing him for trips to the park and getting used to going for trips...is this a good idea? What problems could arise from this?

We are double thinking this because we do not want to make Jesse or Fidel feel left out. We are afraid they will feel jealous and upset...is that weird? Are we a little over concious and over thinking it?

We were thinking of doing the smae with them but the are extremely afraid of anything more than our porch because it is so foreign to them. It causes them too much stress so we though we would avoid it. The baby how ever is young and impressionable and not at all fearful....

What do you guys think? Pros/Cons?

"Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is."
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Old November 18th, 2004, 05:56 PM
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Hi Tyr,
I used to have 3 cats. I put harnesses on all three when they were young and got them used to it, took them in the yard..etc etc..and gradually they got used to walking on leash. Two of them decided on their own that they just preferred being indoor cats or being in the yard with supervision.
The third cat (part Siamese and very dog like) loved going for walks and I took him everywhere. The other two liked to smell him when he got home and there was no jealousy on their part.
So although every cat is different, I would say give it a try, make sure the harness fits well and he can't get out of it. I used an H- shaped harness, with the neck collar snug enough that he couldn't get it over his head, and the body part just comfortable, not loose not tight.
I started with a thin light 6 foot leash, and when he was great going on walks I used a long 30 foot piece of heavy cord. 20 foot leashes are in the dollarama dollar stores for $1.
I don't remember whether my boy figured it out on his own, or I taught him, but he used to run to me and jump into my arms if he got scared. Sometimes he would ride on my shoulders if he felt insecure.
Hope this helps!
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Old November 18th, 2004, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by DogMa
I don't remember whether my boy figured it out on his own, or I taught him, but he used to run to me and jump into my arms if he got scared. Sometimes he would ride on my shoulders if he felt insecure.
Hope this helps!
lol. what an image.
I had louie out twice today (it was a gorgeous day here ... 67 for heaven's sakes). he makes every move like he wants to come with me but after i get the harness & leash on him, get him out the door (akin to dressing a youngster on a snowday, only to find they need to use the bathrom as soon as u get the toque on em' ) , he freezes, hits the deck, flattens out becoming part of the driveway, then slinks along the wall trying to find his way back in. it's really a site.
the rotty 2 doors down goes nuts when my neighbour lets her cat roll around in the grass (supervised of course), but doesn't even bat an eye at louie & me which really is a little surprising.
i'd love to be able to go for walks with him but i'll just have to wait till he lets me know he's ready (or willing ...to ride on my shoulder )
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Old November 18th, 2004, 10:57 PM
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My biggest fear would be getting to the park and finding an off-leash dog there! I wouldn't want that panic-stricken cat climbing me like a tree!

Are your older cats prone to jealousy? If not, I wouldn't really worry about it.
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Old November 19th, 2004, 08:12 AM
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As I've said before,my cats go out with me in the backyard,trained from kitten-hood,starting with a leash...now as soon as they hear the tinkle of their collars,they line up at the patio-door
In the summer we stay outside for hours,but as it is getting colder,they don't like to stay out too long,a shake of the treat-bag and they all run inside,like obedient little doggies.
Taking a kitten outside on a harness is a good idea,just be careful,they can be regular Houdinis and wriggle out of anything,I also would not scare him to death by walking him where there is a lot of traffic.
My cats actually amaze me,they are very obedient and Vinnie if he starts getting interested in what is on the other side of the fence,quickly changes his mind with a firm"No Vinnie!" I :love: my cats
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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Old November 19th, 2004, 12:34 PM
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Thanks guys and I love the stories!

My eldest cat Jesse is prone to jealously - he is not mean about it though. If the kitten comes and sits with me he stares at us with such intensity! I just do not want him to feel put out. The other one really could not give a rats A##. He does not really care about anything. He is the only one of the three who does not try to jet out the door when I come home from work. The other two are very crafty when they try to escape

So you guys think it is okay then? There is not a safety issue is there? He wont be able to pick up something, or fleas, or anything else I should worry about?

Do you think after he comes home a couple of time and the cats smell him that I should try bringing them to the park?
"Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is."
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Old November 19th, 2004, 02:17 PM
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"them to the park" Which them? All of the cats? I wouldn't. Too much to handle.
Start close to home and very slowly. With mine, I started in the backyard, with the door open a bit so they could run inside if they needed to.
I had one cat who when he was scared, would just run in a blind panic in any direction. He was one who chose to stay at home.
Remember you have a cat on a tether, perfect prey for a fast moving dog.
That is your biggest safety issue, that and getting loose away from home.
You have to be able to real in the cat quickly and get him up high if need be. And you don't want him digging his claws into you.
Take it slow, start close to home where he knows his territory. You need to see how he handles being frightened, and he needs to learn that you are his safety net.
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Old November 19th, 2004, 02:22 PM
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If the baby has all his shots and so forth, he should be fine. Have you tried little periods of leash and harness training to see how he does with them?

My Siamese baby is almost 12 weeks and will wear the harness with no trouble at all. She will also walk on the leash but it is slow going. And I won't push her. She was not keen on going outside and she is an indoor kitty. But if your little one likes it, i'd say go for it. As for dogs you can watch out for them and pic her if you see one. Could you not try all three at home or in your yard?

Mine is Houdini too - she managed to get out of the harness once (this has all been indoors so no harm thankfully) but I had not put it on properly so it was my fault that time.

I consider Yin Yin too young to take to a park though - and we have a private woodlot where I may bring her in the summer. (It is easier to access then). Maybe next summer, I'll take her out in the street and around the neighbourhood (it is quiet and residential).

Good luck!!
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Old November 20th, 2004, 03:26 AM
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Originally Posted by chico2
...now as soon as they hear the tinkle of their collars,they line up at the patio-door
In the summer we stay outside for hours,but as it is getting colder,they don't like to stay out too long,a shake of the treat-bag and they all run inside,like obedient little doggies.

Oh Chico too cute. My mom does the same with Cordelia. She comes running to the click of the patio door, then when it's time to go back in all we do is clap our hands... and people think you can't train a cat eh?
Windy~Smoke~Buddy~Palomine~Fagan~Asker~Mickey Blue Eyes Venus

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Old November 20th, 2004, 09:44 AM
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Thank's Dahmer!! Of course you can train a cat,just as you do a dog....Chico was always a "pawer",if I don't give him a treat fast enough,he'll remind my by giving me his paw,I've taught Rocky to do the same
Today it's raining here and I'll put my raincoat on and take them outside still,just like you would a dog.They'll just stay out long enough to sniff around and deposit their marks(Rocky,Chico),where maybe strangers have been,then all 3 will run back inside.They don't seem to have any concept of time spent outside,often 5 min is enough....especially on a miserable day like today.
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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