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Old August 22nd, 2008, 01:42 AM
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My baby boy

Hello Hazelrunpack,
He did not get any heartworm preventives and i am very prevalent with tis area. I only dewormed him about a month agao. For his tummy i think. I think I will ask my sister to take me and Dopey to the vet to get his blood checked. If he is really diagnosed with heartworm, how long can he usually last if left untreated because i wasted this 2 years, as the vet told me he has chronic asthma. But the wheezing did stop after the medication started.
Can you please teach me how do i start a new thread? and also can you help me cut the pic into a smaller size?
Thnak you so much for your help. It's so nice when i got somebody to talk to who loves dogs and cats.

Last edited by dopey; August 24th, 2008 at 02:14 PM.
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Old August 22nd, 2008, 08:25 AM
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If you suspect heartworm may be the problem, the sooner you get to the vet the better. Two years is a long time...the longer you wait, the more dangerous the treatment, but I've known dogs that recovered well after long-term infections.

To start a new thread go here: http://www.pets.ca/forum/index.php for a listing of forums. Click on the forum that is most appropriate for your thread, then click on the New Thread button at the top of the forum listing and you're set to go.

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Are you uploading pictures from your computer? Here's an FAQ listing that talks about adding images to your messages: http://www.pets.ca/forum/faq.php?faq..._special_codes

Good luck with Dopey! I'm looking forward to seeing pics!
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Old August 24th, 2008, 10:47 AM
missy322 missy322 is offline
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update on missy

I havent signed on in a while so I wanted to give an update. We moved and and Missy suprisingly did very well with the move, I was scared as I didnt know how she was going to handle it. She really seemed to like the new house and atmosphere so things were looking goor for a week or 2.
Her bump has gotten bigger, it has gone up in between her eyes and moved to under her left eye which was the side she would bleed from. I think she has gone blind in the one eye now, it is all red and goops up a lot. It is so sad to see. She has recently started to bleed from her right nostril now so I'm guessing it has pread into both nostrils now, again its not a lot of blood but it is there. I dont know how she is still hanging in there, but she is. I look at her at every night and it brings tears to my eyes because she looks so bad but she is still hanging in there. She has an excellent appetite, shes drinking water and she still gets excited to go for walks. Theres nothing we can do but watch and wait.
I'm wondering though, how long do they usually make it with this disease?
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Old August 24th, 2008, 12:25 PM
TakenAway2Soon TakenAway2Soon is offline
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Hello missy322 -

I haven't posted in awhile either. SO GLAD to read that Missy still has an appetite and in spite of it all is still loving life and her family. What happened to my dog Barfy sounds ALOT like what is happening to Missy. I wrote a post about him (#74) and the description sounds similar. The vet gave my dog about 2 weeks but defying all odds, he was still with us 5 months later. It also broke my heart to see what Barfy was going through. (At one point, I even had to help him "blow his nose" several times a day by squeezing his nostrils until some of the "goop" came out. Don't know if a vet would recommend this but it seemed to help my dog with his breathing...) ** Please keep us updated on your baby. **

PS/ Sabran, puppypwr, mrsjackblack, water101, dopey, and Libby Girl - How are you and your dogs doing?

Last edited by TakenAway2Soon; August 24th, 2008 at 12:26 PM. Reason: insert word
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Old August 24th, 2008, 03:43 PM
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I'm glad missy is still relishing her meals and enjoying life and her new house! She sounds like a real trooper!

As for your question about how long, Priscilla hung in there for about a year...
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Old August 24th, 2008, 08:58 PM
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Glad to hear she still up and running. My dog lasted about 2 months or so. He started lossing sense of smell and would not eat because of it. We could getting him to eat soft food, but the sneezing resulted in large amounts of blood all the time. Wishbone had been through a war with the cancer and a few other health issues in his life so sadly it came to an end on July 1. He went happy in our back yard after eating 2 Macdonals hamburgers we was set free family and loved ones by his side. It hurt and still does but he is no longer in apin and trying to please us like he did his whole life. We have since gotten a puppy to help our other dog who was by Wishbones side for 4 years. She took it very hard and after a few weeks was not doing well. The best solution we could come up with was another pup for her to play with and it did the job very well. The 2 dogs are very happy and I am sure Mandy still miss Wishbone but he is happy she has a play mate again, it was hard for him to keep her happy the final month or so.

Thanks for asking
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Old August 24th, 2008, 09:29 PM
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Water101's reply has raised an issue that I've been pondering for the last several months now...

Since losing Barfy, I've been wondering if we should get another playmate for my other little dog, Truffles. As they were constant companions, she took his loss very hard for ~ 3 weeks afterwards spending quite a bit of the time looking and listening for him. Having now adjusted to being the lone dog, I'm wondering if we should get her another companion or would it be best to leave well enough alone?
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Old August 24th, 2008, 09:46 PM
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How do you feel about a new dog? Truffles sounds like she's pretty adaptable and will do well as either the only dog or with another canine buddy.
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Old August 26th, 2008, 06:04 PM
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Both sides of Missys nose are clogged so I didnt think she could smell but maybe she can. I cant help but feel like the end is coming soon, she seems to get worse and then all of a sudden she'll chipper up again. It is so hard looking at her with how bad her eye looks, it doesnt even move anymore. She started with the bump and bleeding in the beginning of March and back then the vet said maybe 5 months. I just worry that she is suffering and we dont know.
What I do know is that I am thankful I have found this thread to communicate with other people who are going through or have gone through the same thing.
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Old August 26th, 2008, 06:40 PM
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Missy322 - In reply to your statement --> I just worry that she is suffering and we dont know.

I guess dogs are like people... They have good days and bad days. The criteria I would use is that if her tail is still wagging & she's glad to see you, then she is probably not suffering. Uncomfortable maybe but not suffering.

I knew my dog had taken a turn for the worst when he would yelp when I picked him up. Also, he would stand perfectly still and seem to be staring at something but his eyes didn't seem to be focused.
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Old August 26th, 2008, 07:17 PM
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With our dog he started not to eat and seemed to not be interested in things any more and it was like he was doing what he felt we wanted. Once the bad days out number the good days I started to prepare myself strongly for the end. We went out of town on a baseball tournament and I forunatley said my good byes before I left just in case. It turned out that the next day after we left he stopped trying. I should say that when we were leaving he was not interested at all that day. His end came on the 2nd day we were away. I knew I had to let him go and he was happy I believe that we were gone so he could let himself go. The dog will tell you in their own way when the time is up. Best of luck and ejoy every minute you have left and above all spoil them rotten I did and I am glad I did.
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Old August 27th, 2008, 06:08 PM
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Thank you both for that advice, it certainly does make sense. And I must say, I will continue to spoil her till the day she can no longer be spoiled!!
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Old September 15th, 2008, 01:04 PM
nlrmela nlrmela is offline
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My Husky

I have a 12 yo Husky, he started bleeding from the nose yesterday, today, he had another nose bleed, he is disoriented, his left eye is not moving, his right eye is bouncing all over, he cannot turn his head, and the left eye has blood in it. HE is at the vet now, and they will call when they know something. the waiting is making me crazy! Has anyone ever had a pet with all these symptoms??

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Old September 15th, 2008, 03:19 PM
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nlrmela - No, I'm not going to be much help. My dog had several of those symptoms but they were spread out off & on over 5 months. Please let us know what the vet has to say when you hear back. In the meantime, I'll be thinking about you and your dog & hoping for a good report!
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Old September 24th, 2008, 08:46 PM
skipper423 skipper423 is offline
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Will she live? I am worried sick

I have a 13 year old mutt who's been with me for only 9 months. She started her nose bleed two nights ago and I thought they filmed CSI at my place without telling me. There were blood splatters all over the place, I more or less hoped that it'd stop but this morning it got worse. Because of typhoon we weren't able to go and see the vet. I am worried sick and I feel so bad because she's had a very hard life. She's been living on a construction site for god knows how long and she came home with me in Dec 2007. I hope that God will give her several good years before taking her back. Please pray for us.

Taken when she first came home, very shy but sweet.
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Old October 23rd, 2008, 06:26 PM
axgray axgray is offline
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Palliative Care

Hello Everyone,

I am new to this thread. My dog, Willy was diagnosed with nasal carcinoma the end of June. I've had two bleeds but since I starated to make all his food grain free and treat him holistically he's been doing well. Lately, aat night he starts to choke and has trouble getting his breath. This wakens me and I spend a lot of time trying to comfort him in the middle of the night. Has anyone else experienced this?

I feel I need to make a plan for palliative care. Has anyone done this?

Thanks for listening.

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Old October 23rd, 2008, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by skipper423 View Post
I have a 13 year old mutt who's been with me for only ten months, two days ago I came home and found blood splatters on the floor, walls and couch , I thought they came and did CSI at my place without telling me. I more or less hoped that it'd go away but this morning I woke up and blood was all over the place, my bedroom, the living room..........After reading this thread, I am really scared, she's such a sweet girl, having had a very hard life. She was a stray and had been living on a construction site for most of her life. I found her last year and brought her home. I pray to God that he's spare her and give her at least one or two years good times before taking her back. We have an appointment with the vet tonight and please please pray for us.
I'm sorry I missed your post. How did the vet visit go? And how is MuiMui?
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Old October 23rd, 2008, 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by axgray View Post
Hello Everyone,

I am new to this thread. My dog, Willy was diagnosed with nasal carcinoma the end of June. I've had two bleeds but since I starated to make all his food grain free and treat him holistically he's been doing well. Lately, aat night he starts to choke and has trouble getting his breath. This wakens me and I spend a lot of time trying to comfort him in the middle of the night. Has anyone else experienced this?

I feel I need to make a plan for palliative care. Has anyone done this?

Thanks for listening.

Hi, Andrea. Sorry you're going through this.

Is Willy lying somehow differently at night than when he sleeps during the day?

We had a dog with a different type of cancer--a hemangiosarcoma. The discomfort he felt from it when it hit his lungs was well-controlled with Rimadyl, which was the newest NSAID available at the time. Have you talked to your vet about pain management for Willy? There are a number of newer NSAIDs (Etogesic, Deramaxx, etc...) and other pain meds available now. If Willy is uncomfortable, they may offer him some relief.

Best of luck with Willy, Andrea. I know I don't have to tell you to spoil him rotten. He sounds like he's in loving hands.

Please keep us posted.
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Old October 29th, 2008, 05:07 PM
sabran sabran is offline
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Another update on my dog. She has a lot of discharge out of her right nostril, she'll get a bloody nose here and there, and is starting to get a bump on the top of her nose. But most importantly, nine months after being diagnosed with a nasal tumor...she's still with me. I never thought she would make it this long.

I highly recommend giving a dog diagnosed with a nasal tumor NSAID. Mine takes deramaxx. As my vet says, there are studies that show NSAID might slow the progession of the tumor and/or shrink it. If it doesn't do either, the one thing it does do is give the dog pain relief and an appetite.

From morning to night she's two different dogs. Every morning she looks like this is it....then by late afternoon she's back to being a little rascal. The only problem I have is trying to get her to eat mid-morning to give her the pill. Right now, the best thing working for her is mashed potatoes with cheese!!

This is from WSU Veterinary school....

An exciting and simple treatment of cancer is the class of drugs previously known as NSAID’s but now more commonly referred to as COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors. Nearly any NSAID has the ability to benefit any cancer patient through immune modulatory, pro-apoptotic, and anti-angiogenic effects, not to mention pain control. These drugs also act through suppression of cyclo-oxygenase (COX) 2. Many tumors, predominately carcinomas, have upregulated COX-2 and blocking the enzyme can help with tumor control. Piroxicam has been the drug most researched clinically, but theoretically any of the newer NSAID’s with greater specificity for COX-2 could give equal or better effects. Never underestimate the power of these drugs. The use of COX-2 inhibitors is one of the hottest areas of cancer research going at the moment and the whole thing started with an accidental discovery in dogs.

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Old October 29th, 2008, 05:45 PM
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"I highly recommend giving a dog diagnosed with a nasal tumor NSAID. Mine takes deramaxx. As my vet says, there are studies that show NSAID might slow the progession of the tumor and/or shrink it. If it doesn't do either, the one thing it does do is give the dog pain relief and an appetite."

Sabran - Alas, your advice was 6 months too late for my sweet little dog but I'm so glad that had it's working for your baby.

Keep us updated! Hugs to you and your "rascal."
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Old November 1st, 2008, 07:39 AM
sabran sabran is offline
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Originally Posted by sabran View Post

"I highly recommend giving a dog diagnosed with a nasal tumor NSAID. Mine takes deramaxx. As my vet says, there are studies that show NSAID might slow the progession of the tumor and/or shrink it. If it doesn't do either, the one thing it does do is give the dog pain relief and an appetite."

Sabran - Alas, your advice was 6 months too late for my sweet little dog but I'm so glad that had it's working for your baby.

Keep us updated! Hugs to you and your "rascal."
Sorry I couldn't help you. But maybe somewhere along the line..this information will help someone. The internet has become a great tool for health..both in human and animals.

Back in May I posted the story on this thread about the roller coaster ride I went through with her. It's been a very stressful journey of not knowing what was next. All the vet will say is..she'll have nose bleeds and one day they won't stop. Also, there come a time when the deramaxx will stop working. In the beginning every nose bleed I thought was the big one. Every morning I thought she wasn't going to make it through the day.

Because of the longevity of her illness, I've become less anxious in dealing with the her problems. Like a person at the end of the life...I want her to enjoy the time she has left. It's hard...knowing that this will eventually do her in. I've learned not to focus so much on the end and enjoy the time she's still with me.
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Old November 1st, 2008, 08:27 AM
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It sounds like you're giving her a great life, sabran!

that the Deramaxx works its magic a lot longer!
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Old November 4th, 2008, 02:23 PM
rutherford4 rutherford4 is offline
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1 years old mini doxie with frequent nose bleeds

I have a 1 years old female mini doxie Mia that for the last month has frequent nose bleeds out of one nostril. I have taken her to the vet and he went into her nose thinking that it might be a foxtail. He wasn't able to find anything up there but did notice inflamation. We did the steroid shot and that lasted 2 weeks and then we did it again and that on only lasted 1 week. Now we are doing predisone 2x a day and that seems to be doing the trick. At this time my vet is stumped at what could be causing this because she is a healthy, very active and only 1 years old. We are thinking that there might be a growth up there. Is there anyone that might have some insight on what I should have done. Thanks.
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Old November 4th, 2008, 02:56 PM
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You didn't do anything wrong, don't second guess yourself. You can only deal with what is. Your vet has checked for a foriegn object, that's good. If the predisone is working that's even better.
If you are concerned of a growth, talk to your vet. If the situation doesn't feel right, go with your gut. A 3D X-ray and scope are how we found our answer.
I wish you best of luck.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 11:44 PM
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Thank you puppypwr for the words of encourgement. We have be referred to the UC Davis animal hospital and have an appt on Wed. We are praying that it is something simple and that she will be okay.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 11:48 PM
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Good luck on Wednesday, rutherford4!

for something simple and easily taken care of!
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Old November 23rd, 2008, 12:55 AM
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To all,

I went on the internet to find a reason for my kittens symptoms, and found this forum. Let me tell you first of all, you are all such kind and heart warming people, I sat in from of my laptop and was just breath taken by your stories and advice for each other, it was amazing to find so many people coming together and helping one another. my heart goes out to all of you.

My reason for searching was last night i found an ad on the internet for kittens who needed homs in my town and responded. I have a kitten (Jangkins) who i thought may enjoy a friend. I got a quick response from this kitten woman stating they were still available and where she could drop one off for me. She came by this morning with our families new member (Cypora), who looked to be quite healthy from the look of her. After spending some time with her i realized she has worms... i left the room to put a load of laundry in and when i came back her eye was dripping, i quickly washed it with a warm cloth and left to get worm meds for her. When i returned i found her laying on our living room chair with a nose bleed.

After cleaning her and giving her a nice bath, she was back to normal and playing about as kittens do. Until an hour later i heard her crying, I found her in a corner crying and trying to pass her stool. I tried to get her to the litter box in time but on our way she went, which is fine I dont mind cleaning after her under the circumstances, but her stool was covered in blood.

All in all I'm not sure what to say she has but am so afraid to take my wee one to the vet, and am dreading monday. After just a few hours with Cypora, i cant stand to think of our home without her. But am also very wrried about my other wee one Jangkins, as i dont know if she may get whatever this may be. Please, any help is appreciated and definately welcomed. My son and I dont want to let our little ones go.

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Old November 23rd, 2008, 01:17 AM
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Definitely get them to the vet as soon as you can! I don't know much about kittens, but I do know that worms are very treatable with the proper meds. Over the counter stuff is usually not strong enough to fix the problem, and some worms require specific medicine. So taking the new little one in to the vet for a definite diagnosis is the way to go! The vet may also recommend that Jangkins be treated, too.

The bloody stool may just be from worms, but there may be other causes to look into as well.

Is Cypora eating and drinking normally?

If you want to get more advice, you might want to start a thread in the Cat Health Forum with a descriptive title. More members will see it there--especially members who have experience with cats.

Good luck with your kitties! Don't be afraid to take your little newbie to the vet--the sooner she gets proper meds, the easier it'll be on all of you!

And welcome to the board.
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Old January 3rd, 2009, 06:10 AM
louisetara louisetara is offline
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hi, we have just been told the horrrid news yesterday that our german shepherd dog,tara has cancer in her nose, i cannot stop crying at the thought of losing her, she is 6 and is my best friend and shadow, we walk all over together she follows me in the house, i cannot cope without her, she is my best friend, she is quite poorly at the moment i think, as her nose is slightly blocked both sides with blood and she is mainly breathing through her mouth, the vet wanted to put her to sleep yesterday but i said no and we made the appointment for monday, i dont know how i am going to do this, but i know i cannot let her suffer, but one min she looks poorly and is heavy breathing and she sort of lays with her head up and eyes close and i dont think she is sleeping much, but she is still eating and drinking, and her tail is wagging, then she livens up and we think she is getting better, does anyone think she could get better, i am dreading having her put to sleep at the thought that she may get better.
this started around 3 months ago with a sneeze and a nose bleed, the vet has done an xray and said the results were inconclusive so he sent a swab of her nose off, and now says it is cancer, can he be 100% right just by doin these tests,

Last edited by louisetara; January 3rd, 2009 at 06:53 AM.
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Old January 3rd, 2009, 11:28 AM
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Unfortunately, louisetara, if the vet gets lucky with a collection of cells, yes they can definitely diagnose this :sad: Did you get a copy of the lab report? If you have any doubts at all, ask for a copy and take it to another vet for a second opinion.

I know this is so hard for you. But try to stay strong. Your girl is going to be confused by your sorrow now. You'll have time to grieve later--right now you need to help your girl live her last few days. Spoil her rotten and spend as much time with her as you can. You can afford to wait a few days if you want the second opinion, but move quickly so you can make your decision, whichever way you decide. Time is probably not going to be on your side here. :sad:

Does she seem to be in much pain? NSAIDs can be prescribed by your vet and are very helpful in pain management. Just remember to give them to her with food because they're hard on the stomach.

I'm so sorry you're going through this. It is such a shock when you get a diagnosis like this. It takes some time to wrap your mind around it. So listen to your heart, too, and listen to what your girl tells you. If you make a decision in love and with the interest of the dog, you can't go wrong.

Best wishes, Louise. Please keep us posted.
"We are--each of us--dying; it's how we live in the meantime that makes the difference."

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