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Old May 24th, 2004, 12:13 PM
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g s crosses the line

Well,my g s is gonna go live with my ex fiance in ohio,she has lots of property,and a german shepherd about his age,yesterday he had a dentabone and would not let me near him,was in his crate eating it,watching me the whole tim,i got up to go to the kitchen and he got up and started barking at me,hair was up on his back like ihave never seent it stand before,after he got done barking at me he went back to crate..It is even to the point of if he has a bone in the living room and i call him over to me,he comes but hunches over and stiffens up.I love him more than anything but cannot live like this,i dont want a dog that i will always wonder if he is gonna turn on me.My ex's sister always said she would love to have him,i will miss him like i have never missed anything,cried for hours last night.I think it will be best,right now i live in an apt,and i know he gets bored,and i feel bad,he played great with her dog i think it will be best for everyone........Gonna break my heart though
Old May 24th, 2004, 12:52 PM
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Awww, thats so sad. Your heart must be broken.

Could you try telling him to sit before you aproach him? I always used to do this with my dog. Also you could try hand feeding him, or letting him chew on the bone while it is in your hand.
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Old May 24th, 2004, 01:01 PM
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It is the worst feeling ever,i am positvely devasted.He is my bud..I have tried everything,feeding him in a different spot,having him sit and putting a treat in his bowl,hand feeding.Acting like i am eating first from his bowl.He just will not relax and let me near him,yesterday caught me completely off guard,the lady i was on the phone with was like what is your dog barking at,i told her me..His hair straight down his back was up,scary sight..I also dont have the money to get professional help either,and now i just cant trust him.He actually stiffend up when he was drinking his water yestreday also.I dont recall ever being this hurt over anything or anyone,we have our routine in the morning after i blow dry my hair he wants me to blowdry him,after i brush my teeth i have to do his..I have been trying to see if he is getting better with this and it is just getting worse,maybe it will be for the best i live in a small apt,he will be going to the country in dayton,ohio..Wow i just cant see myslef without him,i take him everywhere i go, i will miss him more than words can say/////////
Old May 24th, 2004, 02:49 PM
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I'm going to be the 'mean' one here!

Sad Spoiled? Probably the best thing to happen to the dog, to be rehomed!!
(Hopefully properly)

Large breed, young dog in an apartment. What were you thinking, or actually 'not' thinking. Now through the dogs boredom and your lack of planning, he's being rehomed!!

Hope you've learned a lesson, and the dog I hope gets a more appropriate situation to reside.

Begin your verbal attacks towards me but this is exactly the kind of irresponsibility that leaves dogs dumped in shelters, tied up to the door of a pound, left at a vets or euthanized.

I'm happy you atleast are rehoming him yourself, this is 'not' his fault!
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Old May 24th, 2004, 02:56 PM
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I dont need your bs. I got him when i lived in kentucky was gonna get married to someone who works for nascar,so lets see i could taken him or let himstay with my ex who is on the road 5 days a week..I have read a million articles that say german shepherds adapt just fine to apt.living..And you dont know me from adam to assume i would dump him in a shelter,NOT in a million years,as i wrote before i would never do that i would just live with this problem,today of all days i dont need your f%^% up comments,so please go to another thread and make some one else feel like ****,you do it so well....
Old May 24th, 2004, 02:59 PM
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People dislike hearing the truth, you're no exception.
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Old May 24th, 2004, 03:08 PM
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I have no problem hearing the truth,i also know my situation,and the truth is i got a dog under the assuption i was getting married,it didnt work out,so i had the choice of taking the dog with me or letting my ex keep him,i choose with me,i did all the right things,i dont need you to try and make me think different.Have a good day..
Old May 24th, 2004, 03:21 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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And what experience does your ex have training dogs? What will happen to Damien if the ex can't handle the problem? Will the puppy be abused, exiled to life on a chain, abandoned, sold to a junk yard or passed on to someone else?

I am really wondering and concerned about the fate of this puppy and asking a civil question, so please don't reply in an angry and abusive manner.
Old May 24th, 2004, 03:23 PM
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Excellent point LR! Good questions.
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Old May 24th, 2004, 03:24 PM
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Unfortunately, when looking at different breeds of dogs, it's very hard to get a thourough understanding of what the breed is really like. Most books, websites, breeders... Will tell you only tell you the good stuff about the breed, and make the bad stuff seem trivial - when in fact, the bad stuff your dog did will probably make a lasting impression on you. I researched Great Danes for over a year before getting mine (books, internet, talked to a lot of breeders...), but NOTHING could prepare me for what I was about to encounter. Oskar was awsome. Everything I read about Great Danes was right on! He was extremely affectionate, gently and a beautiful dog. But he was a BIG Dog! That was the downside, he got everywhere because of his size. Nothing was safe from his reach. Great Danes are also hard to train. When I got Oskar, I lived at my mom's house and I was planning on moving here, in Ottawa, to go to University. As Oskar got older, I knew I couldn't bring him with me, so I left him with my brother (he lives with my mom too). That was very hard for me to do, but I had no choice. I know it's hard to understand, but sometimes we make mistakes, and most of all, we learn from these mistakes. I don't consider myself a bad pet owner (I now have a cat and a puppy), but I do see things differently. The worst thing for someone to do is chastize you about mistakes you have done in your life.

Heidiho, I hope YOU get better. And,as it was in my situation, I'm sure your dog will do much better in another house. I hope this has not discouraged you from ever getting other pets, because it should not!

When you do bring your puppy to this new house, try to stay there a bit (like a week or more if you can). Make the change gradually, start slowly and wait until he gets used to the new surroundings.

Good luck!
Old May 24th, 2004, 03:48 PM
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Are all of you crazy????? The dog is going to a GREAT home ,i am not some cruel, evil person.My god,my ex's sister has a great family,the money and time to get the food problem fixed,they are not those people who chain there dog out in the backyard,gimme a break,the fate of my puppy is awesome,i love animals just as much as the next person,that is why i am making this choice a very unselfish choice at that,because i love this dog more than you guys think,he is my pal,we go everywhere together...I wouldnt just dump him somewhere.
Old May 24th, 2004, 04:04 PM
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I pray you never have children! So the first time they give you problems you will not take and give them to someone else. That dog loves you try to work with him a little longer why would you give up on him? THAT IS CRAZY!
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Old May 24th, 2004, 04:10 PM
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Because the problem is getting worse,not better..Yesterday he actually came out of his crate to come growl and bark at me when i walked past him,it was a scary sight,the hair was raised straight up from neck to tail,i was in complete shock,and now he is starting to do the same thing if i am by his water bowl,i dont have enough money to go to a professional trainer..I love this dog also,but i cannot have a dog that i have to fear...Funny you say that the dog loves me,cause i was just thinking god does my dog even love me,if he did why would he get that pissed and come after me growling and barking when all i did was walk by his crate?????/
Old May 24th, 2004, 04:13 PM
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I don't know much about agression in a dog,but I suppose he had his reasons.
I've learned a lot being on this board and it takes a lot more than just loving to be a puppy-owner.
I don't doubt that you cared about him,you are probably lacking experience with puppies.
I am hoping the people who get him can take him for obedience-classes and will be able to spend more time with him than you were and I do feel sorry for both you and your puppy,I could not imagine giving any of my cats to anyone else....Hopefully you'll keep in contact with the new owners and tell them about the problem you had,so they are prepared to deal with it in a good way.
I met a prime example of a GS pup(7 month) yesterday having finished the first course in obedience training,an absolutely amazing puppy.
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Old May 24th, 2004, 04:20 PM
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I know the people very well,my ex's sister,they have a boxer and german shepherd,and when we used to all go over there they all played great together for hours..They live in the country and i love his family,they are great people.I just hope the people here realize that what i am doing here is the right thing for him and me,i dont want him to be a year old and still have this problem then give him away,i know being that he is just 5 months old he will be very happy and will adjust,i will be the one that doesnt get over this.I know in my heart this is the right thing and this is the hardest thing i have ever had to do.Yeah i know about puppies,this is my first with a large breed so the rules are alot different now...
Old May 24th, 2004, 04:29 PM
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For princess dont worry have no interest in having children and for chico,exiled to a life on a chain,junkyard dog...You cant be for real,that is the most absurd thing ever said to me is is almost comical,this dog will be WELL taken care of and spoiled,they just happen to have the yard and playmates he needs if i could i would buy a house get the best trainer i would do anything to keep us together,so please if anyone else has stupid comments like that and then have the nerve to say dont reply with an angry answer then dont say stupid ^&*like that..
Old May 24th, 2004, 05:12 PM
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You cant be for real,that is the most absurd thing ever said to me is is almost comical,this dog will be WELL taken care of and spoiled,they just happen to have the yard and playmates he needs
Having a yard and playmates is not going to fix your puppy's problems. Does having a playmate cure food aggression, do you think?

And if you think what I asked you (about being passed around, abandoned or chained) is "stupid" then you really need to educate yourself about what happens to dogs with behavioral problems, because you are truly clueless.

You should also try and learn a vocabulary that doesn't include 4-letter words. It makes you look..ummm...well - stupid!
Old May 24th, 2004, 05:20 PM
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I hope you have advised the entire family of the dogs current aggression problems and I hope they do not have young children. Your dog has food aggression problems which were probably aggrivated by your teasing of him by repeatidly taking his food awhile while he was eating (as you said so yourself). Think of how this situation will go, if he is in a home with other dogs. There can be and just may be a violent fight that ensues.

I do recall offering you some very very good advise on how to curb the food aggression and you were more consumed with how aggrivating it was for you to spend so much time feeding him...remember that? Training a dog does not happen over night. I have seen dogs (adult dogs) who have made complete turn arounds. Your dog is a pup and very easily worked out of a habit like that...IF you are consistent.

I suggest, that perhaps you should enroll the dog into an obedience course near the home he will be staying / living in and you should pay for it.(hopefully to get him started off right).

When is he going to his new home?

BTW your friends GSD thats his age, it is a male/female?
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Old May 24th, 2004, 05:30 PM
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Ok, so stuff changed in her life (she broke up with her boyfriend), which made her financial situation different from when she got the dog. For the benefit of the dog, she decided to keep it, since the ex-boyfriend is on the road all the time. Now, she can't afford training - which is normal for a person that has been through such changes in so little time. So why not let go of this instead of making her feel bad. If you love animals so much, try to help her get the puppy used to his new life. The welfare of the puppy is at stake here - and personal attacks are not going to help the pup!

If some of you are participating in rescue operations, you should know how to help her teach her ex's sister how to care for the dog - i'm sure you guys have had to place dogs that we're in similar situation. Good for the dog if he goes into a wealthy family - more money for trainers.

And maybe actually believing what people say would be good here, because either way, disbelief will not help the situation.
Old May 24th, 2004, 05:39 PM
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I am not clueless,i know what happens to dogs like that,he is not going to a home where people are that way...And for luba saying i should pay for it,if i had the money to do that i wouldnt be sending him,as i wrote before that i do not have the money to send him for training or i would..And yes i think him getting out and having a huge yard to run in will not cure im of this problem but it will be good for him.Yes they know what is going on,obviously,iwouldnt jsut let him go there and not tell them give me more credit then that...And i never said i didnt have the patience to fix it,i have tried quite a few different things and he just does not back off and it is getting worse not better.So didnt someone here i think luba say he shouldnt be in an apt anyway??? So which is it fix the problem and then it is ok that he lives in the apt??? Thanks mako at least someone gets it here..
Old May 24th, 2004, 05:39 PM
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Heidi, while emailing back and forth with you on Friday, I made a point of strongly discouraging you giving bones to the dog. This is why all this happened, you gave him a bone, which a food aggressive dog should not have. If he is to live happily ever after in his new home, I highly recommend they do not give him bones either. It could be a great home, but without proper training, this dog will not make it.

Old May 24th, 2004, 05:43 PM
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She indicated her decision to rehome was because of behavioural problems not financial. Though she made mention before of financial difficulties she didn't indicate keeping the dog was a problem.

From her very first post her issues were all related to her dog and behaviour problems. Many people have offered advise, some good advise I may add.

First she doesn't want to spend the 'time' to do the training, it takes too long. Then she doesn't want to feed a puppy more then 2x a day, because she just doesn't want to..her vet told her not to. I never ever heard of such nonesense from a vet! Someone else said their vet gave them the same advise on feeding 2x a day to a young pup, this is a vet I wouldn't go to.

Even if you work you can feed your dog morn, eve and night.

Goldenmom makes a good point about the dog and bones, something for me to think about (not with my Sadie just in general).

We have offered some great advise and yes some of us have been ticked off at times from her posts. She has had opportunities to change things and to me it did not seem 'from her own words' that she wished to put in a valiant effort. Much of it seemed like (in my observation) that she wanted the problem to be solved now.

I truly do hope this has been an educational experience. If this is your first dog heidiho then you realize now there is a lot to learn. Most of us progress through ownership, and learn as we go. Don't be afraid to take advise.

Now, the dog is being rehomed with aggressive behavioural problems, into a new situation with another dog.

There are many things to look at here, thoughts to explore.
Perhaps this decision was made in haste? Perhaps from fear?
Is this the 'best' situation to put this dog, that family and 'their' dog in?

Can there be other issues regarding this dogs behaviour? Is there a physical problem? Brain tumour for instance causing the aggression. That may sound far fetched to some of you (no pun with the fetched), but I have seen dogs including puppies act very peculiar because of illness.

More to ponder.
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Old May 24th, 2004, 06:00 PM
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You please show me where i said it takes to long?? THAT IS BS.i NEVER SAID THAT. And guess what my ex just called and said his sister thinks three dogs are enough,how do you like that??? I am in a tight financial situation i am doing everything i can to do the right thing for my puppy i would do anything i could to change this,my family does not have money so i cant ask them,i am trying my best..And about all the advice you said i got here,how many times do i have to say my dog DOESNT RESPOND TO ANY OF IT.He is not fearful of anything i have tried.Any more suggestions Miss Luba?? Queen of know it all//
Old May 24th, 2004, 06:03 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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Ok, so stuff changed in her life (she broke up with her boyfriend), which made her financial situation different from when she got the dog
That was never given as a reason. The reason for giving him up is because of his food aggression. heidiho even compared him to the exorcist!

I, and others, spent time posting links and giving advice on how to fix food aggression. This is a 5 month old baby, and could certainly have overcome this problem. heidiho followed none of the advice and prefers to solve the problem by dumping the puppy. I'm merely asking how the new owners are going to handle this aggression. If heidiho, who says she loved this puppy, was not willing to work with him on his aggression, why would someone else - who does not love him - be willing?

I see stuff like this all the time, and the animal either ends up being passed from home to home, abused, chained or dumped in a shelter or on the street.
Old May 24th, 2004, 06:04 PM
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Heidiho...I am sorry,but were did I say your dog would become a Junk-Yard dog!! Please read your posts before you answer or name,names...
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Old May 24th, 2004, 06:13 PM
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So now what are you going to do with Damien? He's not going to your ex's sister?
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Old May 24th, 2004, 06:16 PM
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My apologies to you then,but someone did say that..What part of this are you guys not getting,yes he is the damn exorcist when it comes to food or bones,just like i am sure some of your children are at times.MY DOG DOES NOT BACK DOWN.............................................. .................................................. ...And since everyone is anti wacking or yelling at your dog,i am not sure what else to do.I have done alot of thinGs i read here that you guys said to do.HELLO!!! ISNT WORKING.....So what now??????? I am trying my best.....
Old May 24th, 2004, 06:23 PM
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If it's intended to upset or aggrivate me by calling me Miss Luba, I'll let ya know it's actually quite flattering.

I suppose when you stated it took you 45mins to feed your dog through the method I suggested, and it was too long for you to do....you continued to feed him this way?

How many times did people tell you to stop taking his bowl when he was eating before you finally agreed to stop? Remember you were actually considering giving him 'a good whack'! You say that the people on here area against hitting dogs, well aren't you? Or would you rather hit him?

You should be greatful to the wonderful people (even take me out of the equation if you dislike me) that have offered their advise, suggestions, time and heartfelt concern to you and your dog. You come across as a very ungreatful individual.

It is apparent this dog is too much for you to handle.

Here are rescues in your area, perhaps they can assist:

German Shepherd Rescue of Arizona
Contact: Jack Gartland
P.O. Box 40142
Tucson, AZ 85717
Telephone: 520-325-9649,
(Scottsdale area #) 480-350-4971
e-mail: jtgartland@dellnet.com

German Shepherd Rescue of Arizona
Contact: Tina Singer/Tony Gardman
1700 East Curry Road
Tempe, Arizona 85281
Telephone: (480) WOOF-555

German Shepherds Dog Rescue of Southern Arizona

Contact: Dianna Van Erem
e-mail: eremshep@juno.com

Ron and Margaret Nunally
PO Box 19696
Happy Jack, AZ (Phoenix Area)
520- 477-2216

Cheryl Wasar
Phoenix, AZ 85022

Shepherds Chance
Contact: Nancy Zeiher
23003 W. Durango St
Buckeye, AZ 85326
Telephone: 602-291-2272
e-mail: shepherdschance@aol.com

Miss Luba
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Old May 24th, 2004, 06:43 PM
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I would never turn my dog in..ever.....Ijust called a private trainer she is coming over firday at 4:30 $ 78.00 an hour,dont know how i will pay for it but i will figure something out,i do love my dog very much..Miss Luba..
Old May 24th, 2004, 06:51 PM
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Before you commit yourself to this trainer you may want to discuss your situation with a couple of the rescues in your area and get their opinion.

The rescues would know of appropriate obedience trainers to refer you to. This price sounds very high to me, and since you are having financial difficulties you may want to get the opinion of the rescues.

You don't necessarily have to 'turn' your dog in to a rescue they may be able to post your dogs adoption availability and assist you with screening. However, each rescue operates independantly and separately.

Rescues are 'not' shelters like the spca or humane society or city pound. They are operated *mostly* on a non profit basis by people who love animals and wish for them to be homed appropriately.

Until such time, if this were my dog I would feed him as I suggested for you to do, piece by piece one at a time. Reread my original reply to you on how to do this.
Cats only have nine lives because they stole them from dogs!Teehee
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