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Old December 8th, 2010, 11:43 PM
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hedgiemama hedgiemama is offline
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dracko - yep, they can bond quite well with humans. when a new person handles them for the first time they usually curl up in to a little ball, which contracts two strong muscles along their sides cause their spikes to stand up in all different directions. when they find a smell they like ( say you have something tasty on your had) or they just like the smell of you they do something called anointing, they form a slightly frothy saliva and then put it on their quills to make them have the same smell.

Within 36 hours of being born they have quills and by the time they are adults they have about 5000 quills. The quills not only protect them from predators but when they climb trees they arent very good at getting back down, so they curl in to a ball and the quills will bend on impact of the ground protecting them. the quills are made of keratin like our fingernails and they are hollow.

In the wild they are primarily insectivores but when they are kept as pets you can feed them a high quality cat kibble as their primary diet supplemented with meal worms and a few fruits and vegetables.

just a bit of information on them
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