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Old September 27th, 2009, 03:05 PM
OilersChelle OilersChelle is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Trenton, Ontario.
Posts: 1
The vet is the answer!

I'm absolutely amazed at how many of you won't take your pet to the vet when they're doing something out of character. If your cat is urinating all over the place the it is likely that they have a urinary tract infection and/or a bladder infection. It could also be the sign of a tumor, among many other MEDICAL conditions.
Your pet needs to be looked at my a medical professional. Case closed! Animals don't typically change their behaviour without something triggering it. As much as you don't want them urinating around your house, they don't want to endure the pain that they're going through.

And to the person that was talking about their pet acting out and spraying, I have a simple solution. GET THEM NEUTERED! Your pet should be fixed at an early age. For male cats it prevents aggressive behaviour and spraying, and in females it prevents hemorrhaging. It's irresponsible not to have your pet fixed unless you're using them for breeding.
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