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Old February 15th, 2006, 02:47 PM
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LavenderRott LavenderRott is offline
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Jeannie00 - I too have had lousy luck house breaking pups - that is why my last few dogs have been older rescues. You made some mistakes, which you regret, now it is time to move on.

First off, get a crate and bring that pup back in the house. Every time your pup wakes up and half an hour after every meal, take him out. Take a toy or something so that if he sits down, you have something to get him moving again. When he goes potty - praise him like he just won the Lotto! If he doesn't go, put him in his crate when you get in, wait 20 minutes or so and take him out again. If you have him out of his crate (after he has gone outside) watch for sniffing and walking funny. Dogs walk a bit different when they have to poo and you will find that once you start watching for it you will be able to see the subtle difference.

Anytime you can not keep an eye on him - in his crate he goes.

If he has an accident, correcting him will not help unless you catch him in the act. If you catch him in the act, snatch him up off the floor and haul him outside!

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