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Old September 10th, 2006, 05:53 PM
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BabyBunny BabyBunny is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Posts: 23
RVT092481, I thought I'd tell you that on Friday Sept the 8th, I let my bunnies play in their playpen and it was divided up and Candice thought that she would hop over to introduce herself to JC and man was I pleased with her and JC they did not fight nore did they try to mate with each other, my husband told me to leave them in the playpen together and see what happens so I did so and I did not move to go to the washroom or to make dinner for my children I stayed there and watched to make sure that the bunnies were ok with each other and when I did have to use the ladies room I call my husband to come keep an eye on the bunnies. Saturday Ilet the bunnies play together again and they were fine once again I let them play together for 30 minutes on Saturday and I watched them the whole time they were together and then there is today Sunday I let them play again together for more then an hour and I am pleased to tell you that they are the best of friends and I will post pictures some time soon of the two of them playing together. I would like thank you for all your help in introducing my bunns together RVT092481. Thank you So Much
Rabbits r kewl
Mum to Candice n JayCee
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