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Old September 29th, 2007, 08:15 AM
catsnatcher-CDN catsnatcher-CDN is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Montreal
Posts: 651
Top 10 reasons why Martin is a cat with character:

10. When we open a bag of cat food. He dives into the bag. DIVES IN, people! (I'm gonna get this on video)

9. When Martin wants to be picked up he spreads his arms apart like a 4 year old. ( I swear)

8. When he is in your arms, Martin doesn't just sit in your arms, he plays dead. ( he doesnt use one muscle to hold himself up)

7. Martin never sits, he sprawls

6. When Martin first met my cats, he strolled passed them like he possessed the power of invisibility.

5. Martin refuses to eat unless he has company.

4. Martin never eats a full meal without taking multiples beaks.
a.He'll eat a few bites.
b.Jump in your lap purring and kissing your face
c. Repeats steps a and b.

3. Martin prefers dog food to cat food, comes when you call him, meows back when you talk to him, sits on command, plays dead...WTF!!

2. Martin thinks every lap belongs to him and behaves as though every man, woman and child is "THE CHOSEN ONE".

1. Martin doesn't realize he's homeless
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