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Old October 8th, 2005, 05:56 PM
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wAggie wAggie is offline
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thanx, Puppyluv. I will take that as much second choice,... because this is seems like a very complicated situation...

Bearsmom, I looked at the site Puppyluv linked and there's a section for complaint filed for conduct of police officers and policies.

My situation probably deals with both.

The police officers left before answering my questions, they left me with the "you dont understand" and "you're confrontational" because they had to tend to "other calls."

This, believe it or not, had to do with my dogs. My dowstairs neighbour called them stating they were barking. They were NOT, and she lied. I was shocked. I had been watching a movie and they were in another room. Anyways, when the police officers came they said yes the dogs were barking. I told them that was because they had rung the doorbell. Standing around for 10-15 minutes, they said the dogs were not barking but it was still a warning.

I find that warning to be completely invalid. My neighbour made up a story about her situation, and the dogs barking. This all happened out of the blue.

I have been living in this residence since May; she's supposed to move out next saturday, and she starts this now. I am so upset.

All this seems like it happened out of the blue. She is ritaliating on me..... oh, I could go on and on, my apologies.

My neighbours and landlord can vouch for my dogs and my character. They can also vouch for HER character...


What are your thoughts?
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