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Old June 21st, 2010, 09:23 AM
aslan aslan is offline
Asteroids Champion, Starship Legend Champion, Rabbit Hunter Champion, Magic Ball Champion, Candy Tetris Champion, Bounce Back Champion, Breakout Champion
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Just curious how a simple post about a media article caused such a rigamarol...I haven't seen anyone bashing SS,,and i see no reason why this thread has become about a certain religion instead of what the original topic was...Like 14+ i was wondering what happens to the animals people already have as pets...

On a side note,,having met a laaaaarge majority of the member in person,,14+ included,,i have to say being in a minority also...I have NEVER met a more non-judgemental group of people in my life. Each member has included me no questions asked. Religion or lack of religion,,age, sexual identity,,etc are not an issue here,,how animals are treated is...