Thread: Rainbow Bridge
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Old June 20th, 2012, 10:33 AM
Lynda0421 Lynda0421 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 8
We sadly just lost Kobe cat who came to us as a stray almost a year ago. It is never easy and although our hearts are aching, Kobe knew he was loved and his last year brought us so much joy.

I wrote this for him and all the other cats carelessly forgotten and left to fend for themselves.
We love you Kobe and miss you!

I'm Pretty Sure I Lived With You

I’m pretty sure I lived with you about a year ago. I didn’t know the moving sign meant you had to go.

I came back to the place I lived as quiet as a mouse. Someone should have told me this no longer was my house.

I walked around for many months I didn’t often hide, I hoped someone would love me and perhaps take me inside.

I did my best to find some food or perhaps a mouse, I wished I could be warm and safe back inside my house.

I started feeling not so good and sat beside a tree, someone who had left me food, walked right up to me.

Because I trusted from a far, I stayed for a quick pet. She scooped me up and the next day she took me to her vet.

I got a really nasty shot to help me with my plight, and I knew I would feel better soon so didn’t try to fight.

She said I could no longer roam, out there on my own, the air was cold and chilly so now this house was home.

She loved me for almost a year and though her cat family had grown, I was never treated differently I was one of her own.

I cried and cried that morning to just go out and play, I didn’t know what lay ahead on that fateful day.

I never even saw the car, it was going much to fast, and as I lay between the homes I finally breathed my last.

She looked for me for a few days searching high and low, going to the pound that day would be the final blow.

I knew “this time” she’d never rest as long as I was gone. She’d never leave me anywhere where I would be alone.

Did you care about my fate? Have you thought of me? Because I was finally shown love, I’m glad you let me be.
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