Thread: Thank You All
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Old April 25th, 2005, 05:41 PM
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goldenblaze goldenblaze is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Ontario, Canada
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Thank You All

I feel I should say thank you to everyone who cared enough send me information and post their thoughts about xxxxxxxxxxxxx!

From this thread almost 7000 people read about this kennel, even if each person only told one other person about reading the thread we did get to alot of people and I'm sure stopped the sale of a few pups.

For your information I have alot of dirt on this place and plan on going as far as I can with this. I plan on still collecting everything I can to help each and every mother, father and pup that lives this life of hell.

To be honest, I don't really care that my number was posted by xxxx because I'm willing to talk to anyone who has something to share or add. I thank you all though for telling me it was posted before I read it myself.

I've met many great people on this board that are true animal lovers and want to see me go as far as I can.
I promise to never stop, I promise to use all I've learned to make a difference nothing you sent me will be wasted!

I am the first to admit I was wrong about xxxx and should of never bought my Lab from them, but I now know all about puppy mills and greed. I still have my petiton going and most have signed, if you haven't please do so as it will be printed and passed along with other very important information I have collected.

As I look at Blaze I think of his parents his brother and sisters, his poor parents are forced to live in that place day after day with no way to be free or to feel the love that Blaze has everyday of his life. I am very lucky Blaze is healthy today after a very long hard start in life with sickness.

I would never turn my back on him, I was there fighting with him through each Vet appointment, the skin scraping,
each time he was brave. Dr Judy and I were so proud of him he truly was a angel through the whole thing.

I hope Blaze continues to be healthy and happy as he deserves but we don't know what the future holds for him.
All I can say forsure is, I will be there with him no matter what. Blaze is my special boy, I'm sure we have all had one dog that we remember for some reason that effect our life in someway like no other.

Blaze has promised to stay with me till he is 16 years old,
what a swell guy he is. Again thank you everyone and keep your head ups... it's not over yet.

Help Stop puppy Mills Petition

Lorie & Boys

Last edited by marko; April 27th, 2005 at 05:25 PM. Reason: Following the rules
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