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Old May 3rd, 2013, 09:09 AM
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dbg10 dbg10 is offline
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Ajax, Ontario
Posts: 496
Pattymac sorry to hear about your first two kitties. Good luck with Coco's blood work I hope his levels are low enough so you are able to take advantage of the new treatments.

SCM thanks for all the links to Tanya's information. I have been using them since Sam was diagnosed several years back but there is so much information there, I find it hard to keep track of what is there, and what isn't and where things are located. Her website has to be the most comprehensive information on the web today. Also for the link to the Azodyl capsule sizes. You also have done so much investigation into diets for kitties, I really admire your knowledge. Thank-you for sharing it with me. Growler is another one who has an encylopedic knowledge of CKD. I thank you for also sharing her knowledge with me for Sam's benefit.

I am not sure what time I am going to call the vet because it seems to always be busy there now because they are down one vet tech. But I do want to ask about the "Renal" because I have a feeling he will fight me when I try to give it to him.

I introduced a small amount of NV Instinct Turkey last night, one can split among 4 cats so it really wasn't much and I also had other food in their bowls. Well not one of them ate it. They totally ignored it and ate everything else in their bowls. That was the only flavour that Global had in stock, so when my son went in, he didn`t have a choice.

I will post the reason the vet ordered Renal after I talk to them. Thanks again!
Willing Slave to: Sam 17 yrs; Bailey 14 yrs; and Smokey 10 yrs.
R.I.P. Raggs 1997-2012 ; Pepper 1997-2009 ; Tiger 2000 - 2014;
"Please do not breed or buy while shelter pets are left to die"
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