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Old August 26th, 2006, 08:09 PM
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kashtin's kin kashtin's kin is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: small, decrepit-but improving!-farm in Southern Ontario
Posts: 563
Question Feral Cat Capture...Part 2 (appreciate tips!)

I posted a couple of months ago regarding a feral cat and her 3 kittens living (off and on) in a deserted shed just off our rural property. At the time there was also a family of badgers in the vicinity, which complicated things. I was looking for any ideas/suggestions re: capture of this cat family (hope to spay/neuter and find homes).

There were a few replies, which I greatly appreciated; I've tried to find my original post and those replies, but I haven't had any's no doubt due to my lack of computer skills.

I thought I would post a bit of an update, and explain my 2 month gap in posting; not to get into details, but I managed to get myself bitten in an unrelated incident (yes, I am a pretty experienced critter person/caretaker/slave...blush). I ended up having to get rabies shots, while also dealing with a bit of a family crisis, thus I am just getting back to the feral cat project now.

The mother and all 3 kittens are living in a different shed-again, just off our land-and are daily regulars at my feeding station by the back door, under a trailer. I have managed to [v. carefully] stroke 2 of the kittens while they are eating, but they are fickle i.e. I can touch them one day, but not the next.

There is absolutely no way I can just grab one, as I know they would shred me; from asking around it does seem that a livetrap is about the best option (I'd have to buy one, as there is no Humane Society etc. in my area...that is dealing with cats at this time). I'm prepared to try to do that ('trap'), but have never used a trap. Also, how might that work, in that there are 4 cat/kittens?

If it weren't for the breeding/overpopulation issue, I would be tempted to just keep feeding this family and do nothing more, but as we all know the family will expand exponentially. I am anxious to try to resolve this situation before winter arrives, and more importantly before the kittens breed.

If anyone has dealt with something like this, and/or has any advice, I would really appreciate it...and I won't just post and disappear this time. ...Look forward to any replies. Thanks.
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