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Old December 18th, 2003, 11:47 AM
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daisy18216 daisy18216 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 419
Sorry to hear that about your pet.

I never had any problems with mites, but I'd like to know what to look for in case it ever happens.

I'm going to look at your website. Petie was going bald around his ears (he is a pit bull), and he was losing hair around his eyes. We took him to the vet (this was last yr that this happened), and they scrapped his ears, to see if he had mites. There was no mites. She said he might be allergic to something in the dog food that we were giving him (pedigree). So we bought food from her (special food) and he was doing better. He looks like he's starting to go bald around his ears again, but not his eyes. We also put him back on Pedigree ( I know big mistake). We are looking for a better dog food brand. Anyway I want to learn more about these mites.

Sorry to just jump in here on your post amaruq. I hope your pet is doing better.
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