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Old March 9th, 2006, 11:55 AM
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LianneCatherine LianneCatherine is offline
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Angry Yorkie Won't Stop Nipping - HELP!!

I have a 20 week old teacup yorkie who has been in obedience training for several weeks now and is coming along very well. She still makes messes in the house occasionally but is getting the hang of using the puppy pad, and when it gets nice out I will start taking her outside.

My problem is that she is constantly nipping at my hands and face. I say "OUCH!" and stop interacting with her when she does it, but nothing seems to get her to stop. I can't even pet her without her reaching her head around and nipping at my hand. She also puts her ears and head down when I go to touch her, like she's afraid or something. I have never done anything to make her afraid of me, and she's fine in every other way.

Does anyone know what this might mean or if it's just a normal puppy thing? She can't seem to sit still unless she's chewing on something. I give her treats and brush and pet her while her mouth is distracted to try and get her used to being touched a lot - I'm not sure if it's working though.

Could it also be that when people come over they let her bite them when she's playing? Or the cat?? They play pretty rough sometimes. I try and tell everyone to do the "ouch" thing, but I don't want to seem strict or overbearing. This is getting annoying!!!
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