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Old April 3rd, 2012, 08:42 AM
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sandyrivers sandyrivers is offline
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Maybe this will help?

Hi, this was just published on the web site PetsPlace...
It talks about cats and second hand smoke!

From PetsPlace

""Don't let this list scare you.

Everyone would love to have their cat live a long healthy life. However, many cats are taken away from us far too soon. Sometimes it is due to things beyond our control, but other times it's the result of a preventable problem.

Taking care of your cat's life is a lot like taking care of your own. There are genetic factors, but there are things in the environment that change life expectancy as well.

Many risk factors can shorten life expectancy. For example, if you were to ask your physician about risk factors for early human death some would be drug and alcohol abuse, obesity, low/no exercise, and driving without a seatbelt (just to name a few).

Have you ever thought about what the risk factors would be for cats?

Here are some of the factors that can lead to a shortened lifespan in cats:

No ID tag: Cats without ID tags may be lost and never reunited with their owners.

No Microchip: Tags can fall off, but microchips are never lost. Many clinics and shelters give cats with microchips a little extra care should they ever run away and get hurt. They will be stabilized and treated by veterinarians and given extra time for their owners to find them. For more information - go to Microchipping Your Cat

Cats Allowed to Roam: There are pros and cons to allowing your cat to go outside. There are some indoor/outdoor cats that live long healthy lives, but tons don't. They meet the fate of car accidents, animal attacks, and malicious humans not to mention the possible exposure to many infectious diseases. An alternative is to create a big screened in porch area where they can be out and safe. Some owners create a cat safe fenced yard that doesn't allow them out nor other animals in. For more thoughts- go to Indoor vs. Outdoor Cats.

Secondhand Smoke: Risk of lung problems and cancer is higher in cats routinely exposed to second hand smoke.

Access to Trash: Cats that are allowed access to trash can get into things that can cause life-threatening conditions. Think of everything that you throw into the garbage. What would happen if your cat ate it? Dental floss, yard, string, and ribbon are a few problem products. For more information on the dangers of trash go to Foreign Bodies in Cats

No Vaccines: Cats not given vaccines are at risk for multiple preventable diseases such as feline leukemia, panleukopenia, and more. For more information go to Vaccine Recommendations for Your Cat
No Heartworm Prevention: You've probably heard of heartworm disease in dogs but it is also seen in cats. It is often very difficult to treat in cats (more so than in dogs) and can be fatal. It is easily prevented by giving routine monthly medication. Go to Heartworm Prevention in Cats

Not Being Spayed or Neutered: Cats that are not spayed are at higher risk for mammary tumors (breast cancer) as well as a potentially fatal uterine infection called pyometra. Unaltered males are more likely to fight and escape the house to roam, allowing them the opportunity to get hit by a car or shot. For more information go to Neutering and Spaying Your Cat

No Check-ups: Cats without routine check-ups can have problems that can be preventable. Early diagnosis can cure many diseases.

No Emergency Plan: Owner that don't have any plan or resources to pay for health problems is a common cause of early death. I've seen very treatable problems lead to euthanasia because of lack of financial resources to treat those problems. Problems as simple as a broken leg or infection ended very sadly.
So what can you do? Vaccinate, spay and neuter your cat, microchip and keep him or her on monthly flea and heartworm prevention medications. Keep a collar and ID tag on your cat and keep him or her inside or on a leash/in an enclosed area when outdoors. Keep them out of the trash, up-to-date on vaccinations, and see a vet regularly. And take a few moments to consider your plan in case an emergency strikes; you don't want to say goodbye to your cat earlier than necessary.

Please don't let this list scare you. It might seem like a lot, but chances are you're already making sure that most of these things don't happen to your cat Read through the list and remember that it's easier to prevent a problem than it is to solve it later.

Until next time,

Dr. Jon""

Helper to:
Cookie July 1st 1999 f/ RIP July 31st 2008 -cat
Tonali June 3rd 2007 f -cat
Elphin April 21st 2008 m -cat
Stibule(Gino,Airell,Katla,Rasta)June 6th 2009 f- cat
Gino Ferrero April 8th 2010 m -cat
Airell Awenn Awnfenn Ep Berrth April 8th 2010 f- cat
Katla Chilam Balam April 8th 2010 f- cat
Rasta Farian Marley April 9th 2010 m- cat
Chipcat-Filou found June 12th 2011 (Ocicat 6months old) f-cat
Jane the Snow Cat rescued Dec27th 2012 f- cat
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