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Old April 8th, 2011, 01:19 PM
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Thanks Scottiedog for the suggestions. Duh I had never heard of a belly band and had to google it to find out what it was. I tried the T-shirt I used on Pepper and remembered that after it had been washed it didn't fit her at all and of course I couldn't get it over his head. So I contemplated using kling bandage with vet wrap on top of it but he wasn't particularly co-operative, so I gave up. Today I will be going out to see if I can find anything and a belly band may be just what I'm looking for. Your idea of a sanitary pad is excellent. Yes the tumour is essentially right below his rib cage and above his abdomen. Not sure how they fit so will have to check to make sure he can still pee with it on. I found a place that shows how to make one and that may be the answer. I'll let you all know what I come up with. I just don't want it to get worse when he's lying on the carpet and pulling himself along it to get to a treat which he does every night. I am also not sure if a T-shirt will work as it may not be long enough to cover the tumour. She suggested putting a draw string in it to keep the bandage in place but that could be done with a belly band too. If I could put his coat on upside down that would do the trick but he'd be so excited thinking he was going out he'd never settle down.

I expected something to happen with the tumour eventually as it is getting bigger and hangs down a bit more than it did before, almost like it's not as firmly attached to his body. He still is more energetic than he was a few weeks ago, but I do notice he is breathing very rapidly a lot of the time. His gums are not as pale as they have been, which is a good sign. The vet was pleased and surprised that he has lived this long and she didn't want to take more blood work because she said it wouldn't tell us anymore than we already knew. That's the reason she checked his temperature, if it had been elevated it would have indicated infection as well as a tumour. I know if she thought he was ready for the rainbow bridge she wouldn't hesitate to tell me.

hazel I've been using Suralan which is an antibiotic ear drop and my vet said to keep using it when he's rubbing his ears on the floor. It does settle him down for a day or two when I use it, so obviously something in there is irritating him. She found nothing when she cleaned them and told me I must be doing a good job when I cleaned them.

He was really hungry yesterday and demanded 2 full meals and then wanted more later at night which I didn't give him because of his weight. Lately he has been eating one meal later at night with his second meal often added to the first. However, when I do this I often cut back on the rice and just give him the meat and fish as extras.

I posted the funny stories of the cats and Raggs because I wanted to lighten up this thread when he was having good days. It amazes me how much he's come to accept his place in the pack since arriving here in January 2010 with no prior experience with cats.

Thanks everyone for your support and suggestions
Willing Slave to: Sam 17 yrs; Bailey 14 yrs; and Smokey 10 yrs.
R.I.P. Raggs 1997-2012 ; Pepper 1997-2009 ; Tiger 2000 - 2014;
"Please do not breed or buy while shelter pets are left to die"
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