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Old September 30th, 2004, 10:59 PM
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moontamara moontamara is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Posts: 599
Dog food (yet again) -- Solid Gold not that great?

Okay, so I found Solid Gold here in Korea and Casey has been eating on it, but his itching has increased, not lessened. I'm now guessing that his allergy is to chicken, as that is the main ingredient and has also been present one of the treats I give him for training. (as of today, no longer!)

Since cooking for my dog is not an option (unless I want to get divorced a month after the wedding ), and the best dog foods I can find contain chicken, I've now resorted to Purina ONE Growth and Development. The main ingredients are lamb and rice, although I'm pretty sure there's some corn in there too, unfortunately, and I'm not convinced on the quality of the lamb meat.

Any further thoughts on what to do (keeping in mind that my husband is Korean and while he doesn't agree with dog-eating, he has grown up with relatives who keep dogs on chains ALL THEIR LIVES outside all alone, and until he met me honestly didn't know this was cruel... Having a dog in the house is a new concept for him, and one that he has warmed to immensely, but I don't want to push things too much!!!)
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