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Old June 27th, 2010, 09:45 AM
marcushaw marcushaw is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: St-Lazare, Qc,Canada
Posts: 8
well after reading all this, yes this post got heated when Merlin entered the discussion (not saying its merlins fault here) I think it took a turn for the worst, with throwing unecessary small comments.
We are all here to help DOGS, and human ''attitude'' should be left out of such discussions. Stupid human race cant do anything right lol.

Anyways, sometimes I think barf and raw feeding is starting to look like commercial dog food when people start to integrate ''salt, oats, kibbles, canned foods, oils, veggies'' etc.
Go back to primal feeding, Dog = Wolf.
Wolf dont eat salt kibbles or oats. If their systems does lack salt, they will lick rocks as rocks contain enough minerals as contrary to pure salt. As for veggies im not a fan of feeding them, tho I dont think they are ''wrong'' in a diet in little quantities. If they need veggies, they will eat grass, roots, leaves etc. Dogs can figuere out by themselves what they are missing, humans think..thus complicate things.
I feed my dogs half chickens, rmb, always in variety, so one day he might eat alot of boness, but the next day he might eat more meat then bones. At the end of the week, he will have had a balanced diet. Wolves can go easily 1 week without a kill, and still wont die, he might shed a few pounds, which has never harmed anyone (human or animals).
When I introduced new meats to my older dog, it took him a little bit of time to get around it, sometimes refused it, but trust me, survival skills popped in a short time since I would take the food away and resserve if the next day. They now eat everything without hesitation.
Anyways, just keep it simple and simple is raw prey model feeding. Dont try to crunch a weeks diet into 1 day, it is in no way natural for a wolf to ''everything he needs'' in 1 day.

ps. as for salt, my uncle is a pharmacist and a study freak, and he doesnt put salt on anything. Studies after studies has shown that we have way too much salt in our daily diets, everything we eat already has enough salt even too much, so dont salt anything. Salt dosnt desolve well in water, so drinking alot of water wont help, we use salt on Canadian winter road here just for that reason, it melts into ice and stays there, creating traction.

Stay pure, stay simple.
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