Thread: The TJTwitter
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Old May 21st, 2010, 01:13 AM
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Thank you. I do believe that's what it was. I looked at that bird site I posted and the only similar bird I found was a blue bunting, which is not found in this region.

I really really need to clear my memory card on my camera and get another one then go bird watching. Actually I'm going camping hopefully tomorrow, so maybe I'll take it then
There are truly a lot of birds in this region due to the dense forests and varying habitats, and these indigo buntings seem to be quiet populous at the moment. My mother in law said her friend has them all over his feeder and he feeds the little black oily seeds (I'm assuming she meant the black sunflower seeds). She thought they were eastern bluebirds at first, but then realized they're smaller and without the orange belly.
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