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Old November 16th, 2004, 10:53 PM
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lezzpezz lezzpezz is offline
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London wants no ban

Oh dear Sammiec...I believe I know of the couple that is heading up the ban. I think they held a rally in the park a few months back and she was the head speaker. I thought she was leaning more toward addressing all agressive dogs, not solely the pit bulls, but I may be mistaken. I am quite bushed now from all of the activities tonight and may have my facts out of line. Is there any point to trying to talk to her? Are the lines in the sand so deeply drawn? Perhaps I will meet her and her family in the near future and can speak freely to her about current issues without inflaming things. It is such a volitile topic, but if approached with kid gloves, you'd be amazed at what can be accomplished.

Take, for instance, a woman who is on the same committee that I am, namely the London Dog Owners' Association. She was firmly set in her decision that all pbs should be banned. She owns a GS and a smaller beagle-type dog. I wore my "Punish the deed, not the breed" t-shirt to a past meeting and she quite clearly, albeit politely, said she totally disagreed. Well, after attending tonights' meeting, her viewpoint change 360 degrees! She left that meeting totally opposed to a breed specific ban, as she now realizes that this does affect her and her GS. She was impressed by the facts presented and the passion displayed by the public. Another convert!!!! as well as an educated member of the public.

If you have any thoughts on how I might tactfully approach your grandparents' neighbours, please let me know if I can be of service.

Have a good night.
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