Thread: cat crying
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Old March 15th, 2004, 06:40 AM
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woodbyter woodbyter is offline
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Well certainly not to make light of your situation however I have rescued Siamese cats running around our house and they "TALK" 24/7. If it gets too quiet I wonder what is wrong and where they might be. My house is large enough that if they are in one end of the house I sometiimes can't hear them so I go looking. I have had other cats that suddenly take up communication for no reason at all and it is usually an older cat which I believe is wanting to be reassured they is still human life about...I also have a 15 year old toy poodle who wakes up - even in the broad daylight and starts barking and crying for attention. All I have to do is speak to her and she will quiet down. I think that is old age and she again just wakes up - gets scared at thinking she is alone and starts asking for verification there is still someone around. All part of raising older animals.
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