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Old March 24th, 2011, 09:27 PM
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hazelrunpack hazelrunpack is offline
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Originally Posted by Goldfields View Post
I googled Gaura biennis, biennial beeblossom they call it, what a lovely name. I think it looks as nice as the one I have. Biennial compared to perennial though, I prefer the latter.
I hate to admit this, I have never seen a Hosta. I must Google that also. Oh, it is too, Hazel, very like it. I wonder if Hostas would survive here? Yes, zone wise they'd be fine. They are the plantain lily, and the Crinum mooreei is the bush lily. Hostas might be even nicer, more flowers and more interesting foliage?
The gaura reseeds pretty readily. Mine seems to have gotten crowded out by the 'feral' raspberry, though, or maybe just drowned in last summer's rain! Last year was the first year I didn't spot any. Might just be that it's there but won't be ready to bloom till this year, though, so I'll look for it again.

As for hostas, they love shade. Mine are in full sun but they require lots and lots of water and sun-scorch easily. The flowers are much smaller, I think, but the foliage is very interesting! All those huge leaves!
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