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Old September 18th, 2009, 10:00 AM
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Gail P Gail P is offline
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Originally Posted by lunasong View Post
Oh, yeah - apples are toxic to dogs, and canines do not naturally eat carrots, lettuce or any other vegie - these are fillers dressed up as "healthy" for dogs. Dogs are CARNIVORES, not naturally omnivores -WE ARE! Vegies are good for us, but provide no nutrition to the dog, they can not metabolize them. They only eat grass to clean out their stomaches, not get nutrition. Wise up those of you who want to feed your dog salad!
I know this was posted a few months ago, but I've just now gotten around to reading it and had to respond. Canines absolutely DO eat veggies naturally. My dogs (all 8 of them) line up and beg for veggies. I do not grind them up, dress them up or hide them in their food, they come to me and beg whether I'm picking veggies in the garden or handling them at the kitchen counter. In the kitchen I'll be surrounded by drooling dogs when I'm peeling carrots. They love nice crunchy carrots or beans just as well (if not better than) their dog biscuits and seem to have no trouble digesting them. They also voluntarily eat lettuce, berries, celery (some like it better than others, same with cucumbers), pea pods, potato peels and yes even apples. All voluntarily and to no ill effect. Then again, I do have dogs with iron stomachs, and I almost have to laugh at all the discussion about grain-free feeding because my guys go into the chicken coop with me when I'm doing chores and help themselves to the chicken feed, which is nothing but grain If they eat too much it will pass undigested in some very grainy looking poops but if they only eat a little I never see the grains again. My dogs truly are omnivores, they eat their kibble, veggies, grains, plus soups and stews I cook for them and extra meat when they're working. Our house has very little in the way of waste food, many scraps go to the dogs or else out to the chickens and turkeys.
Beware of Mushers...They will suck you into their addiction!

If your dog thinks you're the best, don't seek a second opinion!

Last edited by Gail P; September 18th, 2009 at 10:06 AM.
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