Thread: Biting
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Old August 24th, 2006, 05:31 AM
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MyBirdIsEvil MyBirdIsEvil is offline
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I disagree with the gloves thing. Wearing gloves only teaches the dog not to bite gloved hands, and the gloves may actually make it worse since it will give her material to bite.
My puppy used to be really bad about this. I'm guessing she's biting leash because when she sees the leash she knows leash=outside and she gets excited.
Teach her to sit and be still when you put the leash on (note: you should already be teaching her the sit command, if you're not, do it!). If she's not sitting still leash doesn't go on and she doesn't get to go outside.
If she nips say "no" and stand back up looking away from her. Give her the sit command and then go to put the leash on again. Do this until she realizes the leash doesn't go on until she doesn't bite.
This is hard on such a young puppy since they're so hyper, and don't expect too much out of her too soon, but it is possible. I taught my puppy this at about 8 weeks old. She learned pretty quick to sit nicely when having the leash put on and sit nicely while having it taken off or no outside.
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