Thread: Dog whisperer.
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Old July 13th, 2006, 08:46 AM
Prin Prin is offline
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Exactly Kaytris! So often the body language of the dogs is either very suspicious or very afraid (most often afraid) and that is not something you want in your dog. You don't want your dog to obey out of fear.

Sure, he wasn't there when the treadmill was running, but people see the show and send their dogs to him. He is responsible for them, regardless of if he's training them or not. Like if you bring your car to a mechanic and the head guy makes an apprentice do the work and your car bursts into flames as a result, the head guy takes responsibility because he's the one with the reputation to uphold. Problem is, in the case of the dog whisperer, people who watch tv are too gullible and clueless (on the whole, no offense to anybody ) to research a bit and find out about not only the lawsuit, but also appropriate dog body language and appropriate training techniques.
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