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Old November 21st, 2011, 08:04 AM
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Zai Zai is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 5
Thank you Sugarcatmom, I think you may well be onto something with the systemic issue being linked to food, it makes absolute sense and I think I probably need to rethink her whole nutrition.

Her return of asthma coincided with her moving back with me to the UK where (contrary to France) we have carpets in the flat. She also goes out a lot less here and seems to prefer to use her litter box (I imagine for territorial reasons, we don't have our own garden here so she is not in "her territory" when she goes out), so the litter was the first thing that sprang to mind. She used to use "cat's best öko" litter, which is a pine-based clumping litter. Not too dusty, but reasonably dusty. I stopped that litter since I realised pine is also an allergen, and tried just about everything else under the sun. I quickly realised that clay litters, especially the clumping ones, were horribly dusty as well as extremely unhealthy, I used one for a day and then decided it just didn't feel right plus was dustier than I expected. In fact, all the other litters I tried were dusty, even the non-clumping ones, so I tried paper pellets, but she refused to use those. She had been pretty good about changing to the other stuff but paper was an absolute no-no. So the compromise we've reached and which seems to work is wood pellets: although it is pine so still potentially allergenic to her, she likes the smell and is happy to use them. Also, the pellets are very big so hardly dusty at all, and I clean the litter almost daily so that there is no accumulation of sawdust at any time... hard work but worth it!

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.
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