Thread: urinating dog
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Old July 24th, 2003, 03:06 AM
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Carina Carina is offline
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Well, if it's submissive/excitement peeing, there's ways to deal with that. Putting her in a time out or treating it like housebreaking isn't going to acheive much, though, since it's not a training or behavioural issue. The LAST thing you want to do with a submissive dog is punish them for submissive behaviour, that's terrible advice. And a dog should NEVER be put in a crate for punishment - time outs mean nothing to a dog anyway.

Is she spayed? FIRST thing to rule out is a medical problem - often young spayed dogs get spay incontinence; a short course of hormones will fix that. Also it could be a simple UTI - again, easy to diagnose and treat. Take her and a urine sample (or the vet can get one from her) to the vet.

If the vet rules out a medical issue, post back & I can tell you how to effectively deal with submission issues.
Good luck!
Cooper The WonderDog
Daphne The Destructo-Rott
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