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Old June 4th, 2007, 01:35 PM
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CyberKitten CyberKitten is offline
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Our neighbour's kitties come over and sleep on our step and there is not much to do to stop it. My kitties only go outside in the back which is fenced in with a very secure fence and they only ever see the other cats from the door window or they hear them. They are all neutered though. But still... I worry about diseases and such since I was the one who urged them to neuter them which they did do! They can afford it but were just not thinking I guess.

I too am unsure how to prevent it other than keeping your cat in the house or going out with him. Even if you "shoo" the cat away for want of a better word, he will be back - cats are not easily dissuaded if they are stalking prey or if he smells the other cat. Water does not usually do it. Some people suggest garlic but that makes cat sick and I don't think that's fair to the cat - it is not the cat's fault they allow him to roam. Cats also do not like citris but I am not sure you want lemons around your property.

Maybe talk to the neighbour and ask her to keep him in (a wise choice for any cat)? I am assuming your mother's cat is supervised when he goes out? Could you perhaps create an enclosure for him since he does not go far, that might help?
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats" Albert Schweitzer
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