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Old July 31st, 2014, 05:17 AM
gfpfleacare gfpfleacare is offline
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Smile Causes Of Arthritis In pets

Know more about arthritis, its causes and treatments to make sure you are helping your dog to get rid of it.

Know what is canine arthritis
Numbers suggest that about 20% of dogs and about 30% of cats over age of eight may be suffering from chronic pain and have a degenerative and week joints due to arthritis.

It is common in an overweight pet:

According to research near about 50 percent of the 171 million cats and dogs in the United States are either obese or overweight according to Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. This association has collected date? From 41 animal clinics, and this study has derived weight problems both in dogs and cats at percentages of 45 and 58 respectively.

This occurs when connective tissue present in the joints, cartilage, damages and friction occurs between the bones that form the joints when the dog moves.

The friction in overweight and tall dog breeds is maximum and such severe that a tissue which covers the bones, known as synovium, gets damaged.

Most of the dogs lose much of their mobility because of unbearable pain and moment problems in joints.

Types of arthritis:
There are two type of arthritis diagnosed in pets, the most common one is Osteoarthritis. The second type of arthritis known as Rheumatoid arthritis is rare in dogs and ratio of occurrence is more in the smaller dogs.


This type of arthritis occurs in dogs and cats where natural wear and tear occurs in joints due to age problems. In this type, degeneration of cartilage occurs in the joints.
Studies suggest that one in five dogs suffer from Osteoarthritis in the UK and we are still unknown about rest of the world.

Choosing right treatment is essential or rather prevention is best treatment to avoid the veterinarian bills and pain of your little pet.

Good news is that the veterinarian treatment approach for osteoarthritis in dogs and cats is similar to that in humans:

Maintaining a healthy weight
Early diagnosis and treatment
Proper medication
Rheumatoid arthritis:

This joint problem is rare and occurs mostly in small dog breeds. It can occur in small dog breeds which are eight months or less but studies suggest that it occurs usually in dogs from two to six years old.

Causes of arthritis in pets:
Age of pet is one of the most common factors which cause joint pain and related problems in dogs and cats but in spite of this, dog breeds which are heavy and tall are prone to these problems.

The other most common reasons for arthritis in pets is unidentified injuries, accidental conditions and heavy weight.

Signs of arthritis in pets:
• Licking, Chewing & Biting

Dogs and cats affected with joint pain may also begin to chew, lick or bite the tentative body parts. These unnatural things may cause skin inflammation in dogs in particular portion or they might suffer from hair loss in affected areas.

• Tiredness

Your pet might get tired easily for example if you call it from your living room and puppy is playing in backyard and if it feels restless after covering such a short distance then you should check out the problem. It also describes the pain that he might suffer while running or walking on the ground.

The more it gets tired it may takes few more hours while sleeping or resting.

• Difficulty Moving

Your pet might feel pressure to complete little daily tasks which he used to complete very enthusiastically. He might experience pain in other activities which was fun for him previously climbing or coming down from stairs or getting in or out from the car.

• Limping

The painful leg may develop limp, it might takes several days for it to be visible and most of the time it emerged when symptoms get worse.

• Muscle Atrophy

Pets with arthritis often develops muscle atrophy which is also described as dying off of the muscle tissue which occur due to decreased or inactivity in the muscles. Atrophied muscles, which may develop in leg of your dog, may look comparatively thinner than that of the other leg.

• Spinal Issues

Arthritic problems can not only harm the legs but it might affect other parts of spine. These problems in spine may lead to posture problems and backache and related symptoms in your pet.

• Irritability

The arthritic pet gets irritated and may tend to bite and snap if tried to handle or petted. And they get wild especially if pain occurs in affected areas during the handling.
Treatments for arthritis:

The arthritis is referred to as degenerative process of joints which is hard to cure but with proper treatment modes and care one can help their pet reduce pain and live quality life at its old age.
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