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Old April 4th, 2006, 09:40 AM
Soroush Soroush is offline
Lucy's daddy
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 93
its like she knows that its bad but she still does it.
No, she only knows you get mad when she does it, so now does it out of your sight.
Exactly. She doesn't know it's wrong, but she sure isn't comfortable doing it in front of you which could become a bigger problem when you take her out. She needs to feel comfortable peeing and pooping in front of you so she does it quickly and comfortably when she's on the leash.

Actually NO dog thinks peeing or pooping in the house is wrong, but once they consider the house their home(where they sleep, play and eat) then they don't like to make it dirty limiting their playing/sleeping area. Plus most dogs feel more comfortable eliminating outside on the grass or weed by instict(why? I don't know!). They only do it inside if they fail to hold it long enough or if they're feeling stressed.

As far as puppies are concerned, they can't hold it at all! All they know how to do is play, eat and drink. That's why giving them enough time with their mother is very important as the mother corrects their behavior miraclously fast.
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