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Old March 6th, 2010, 10:43 AM
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NoahGrey NoahGrey is offline
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Wildlife rehabilitation

I am going crazy with finding a paid co op placement for school. Not to happy, that our co op professor excuse for just starting to get jobs is that everyone is late posting jobs...and we are done school in a month and a half. So we have only a month and a half to find a co op placement for the summer....all while competing with about 200 of your classmates, and other applicates.

So what I did was I applied to a wildlife rehabilitation center in Ontario. It is only a internship, with a couple hundred month. Housing is included.

I am very excited for this...just wish it payed an hourly fee (my goal was to make enough money topay off some of my visa and pay for my tuitition next year)...but I have to think of the experience it has to offer and it will be a great one Plus working so hands on with wildlife, as much as possible is what I want. One of the reasons why I miss working as a APO.

It still is Conservation, just in a different aspect. I am saying this, because I am in a Wildlife conservation program.
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