Thread: Cat declawing
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Old August 4th, 2004, 10:34 AM
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Shae Shae is offline
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I wasn't even going to respond to your very uneducated remarks. However, I feel it is in the utmost best interest in vats for their owners to understand and NOT to listen to people as yourself. I have been a veterinary surgical assistant for approx 16 years. I finally refused to partake in declwing. What does that tell you? Read my above posts please. If someone came along and wanted to amputate your toes, would that be humane and fine with you? It might be difficult to balance for awhile but the pain should subside in oh, a few days to a couple you wouldn't mind would you?
You say your cat was running around and on and off furniture in 24 hours?! Really now? 1st, I think that's load of BS, but then again, I stated that, yes, indeed some recover faster than others.......BUT, what does this say about you as a pet owner? You are required to limit your pets activity for 5-10 days AT LEAST! For their own safety!! Ie: suture lines may open or swell, then in which casew would become abscessed from licking and / or jumping/activity., etc al. Which very well could require a whole new surgical process to put your feline companion through. Declawing is not for their own's something YOU simply choose to put them through for your own selfish reasons. Spaying and neutering howver, is for THEM and their wellbeing. As for you spaying and declawing at the same time, I'm a betting woman, you did that b/c you save on the anaesthetic cost when you spay and declaw in the one visit rather than 2 ! !
Use you head. Sorry if I appear rude, but people as yourself drive me nuts. Educate yourself. READ the above with the diagram. Ask to witness the actual surgery. Ask yourself why it is being deemed illegal to perform this surgical procedure in many countries (stated abover in earlier posts also)