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Old July 14th, 2010, 03:21 PM
Helene4 Helene4 is offline
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Location: Senneterre, Québec
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Thanks 14+kitties. She tried doing it herself when Roxy was eating or sleeping. It doesn't take long for Roxy to realize what is going on! Then the growls start... The mats are close to the skin so my sister can sometimes snip a little bit off but she is afraid of hurting Roxy by cutting near the skin. Little sis is also afraid OF Roxy when she acts up Once these ones are gone, I guess my sister should trim the fur regularly to prevent matts in the first place. I suggested catnip toys while she is being groomed; it might distract her but my sister doesn't think it will make a difference. My sister even brought treats but Roxy only had one thing on her mind: do not touch my butt !
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" Mahatma Gandhi
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