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Old May 10th, 2010, 06:36 AM
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Masha Masha is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 747
Lilac Bush stopped blooming

My folks got a lilac tree several eyars ago and it bloomed in the first year and then stopped blooming afterwards. They thought it had too little sun in their yard so we transplanted it to my yard where there is more sun. Its been two summers already and even though it gets full and leafy it hasnt bloomed for the second year already.The lilac bush that my neighburs have, right on the same spot on the other side of the fence, blooms beautifully.

Any ideas about whats wrong with my lilac bush and what to do to make it bloom next year?
Monkey and Amy (cats)
Jermy (GSD)

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