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Old June 24th, 2008, 03:18 PM
hesterific hesterific is offline
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Originally Posted by Frenchy View Post
Oh and Nelly says good luck too , I showed her pictures of your boy and she said : rrrreeeerrrrr
Wowwie wow wow! Good thing Schultzy can't see the monitor, he'd start practicing his moves in hopes of a date with Nelly! She is GORGEOUS!

Originally Posted by Dr Lee View Post
From your excellent pictures, the mass does have a papilloma wart appearance, however, histopath is the only way to be sure! It sounds 9 months ago, you had the masses tested. It is a bit unusual for them to just recur 9 months later. Most often the warts occur and persist until the immune system can fight them off. However there are some that are persistent or recurrent. In my experience, the papilloma warts outside the mouth are bit more difficult.

A few things to consider. First, if it is a papilloma wart recurrence, I would want to make sure that there are no underlying problems which may have led to the recurrence. Also you might want to ask your veterinarian about the topical use of Aldara (Imiquimod) 5% which helps stimulate the immune system against the virus. I recently had a boxer patient who had a recurrent and persistent papilloma wart (biopsied it twice) and this medication worked well for it.
Thank you SO much Dr. Lee! I will ask about the Aldara. Is it for treatment, prevention or both? From what I found, Dane's are predisposed to the Inverted Viral Papilomas which don't go away on their own. They are so gross. I am paying for the biopsy; I want to know what I'm dealing with especially with the reoccurrence AND the predisposition. As you can see Schultzy is a Merle Piebald so you know he already has health problems (both parents carried the Merle gene). I wish I would have known that day what I was getting into. I learned the hard way that my three solid days of research should have been done BEFORE I picked the puppy. Thank goodness for pet insurance!

Thank you everyone for your kind words and expertise!

Hester and Schultzy
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