Thread: E-Coli Up-date
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Old October 1st, 2003, 09:04 AM
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E-Coli Up-date

My Shepard/Aussie Shadow was diagnosed at Tufts Veterinary School of Medicine, with bacterial hepatitis. This was probably due to romping and playing in an area in my yard that was inundated with sewerage back-up and over-flow in the yard.
He had a liver biopsy and this was the confirmed diagnoses. He was hospitalized for a week and I almost lost him.

I would like to thank Pachiz for her input in helping me through this.
The vets up a Tufts saved his life. They have the best facilities in the area, and it is well worth my time and money to take him up there for a re-check, which is what I did last week.
His liver panel is now normal and he is now staying with friends because this is not a safe place for him to be.
I miss him on the passenger side of my bed and with me in my truck, but I know that he is safe and I see him everyday.

He will now have to be on a non-protien diet, strickly dairy and his canned food is Science-Diet W/D which is a prescription diet.

He is perky and his eyes are bright and clear and he is slowly getting his stamina back. He prances again like a Lepazan Horse, and I tell people I took him to the Vienna School of Dance.

Thank you all so much and especially to Pachize who babysat me through this whole ordeal with him. He is my "BOY CHILD" and I just could not stand to lose him, too.
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