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Old June 14th, 2006, 09:45 AM
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jessi76 jessi76 is offline
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Tucker is only protective of our home. anyone walking by our home, anyone that knocks on the door, anyone who pulls up, any stranger or strange animal in the vacinty of our home sets off Tucker's balistic "I-WILL-EAT-YOU" type growling and carrying on. for goodness sake, he once "protected" me all night from his own reflection in the mirror. literally, he layed ON me, and let out a low evil growl all night as he looked at HIMSELF in the full length mirror in my bedroom. (totally rediculous)

but, if we're out walking in the dark, and he hears a noise, he hides behind me. ya, Tucker is a big tough guy INSIDE the house, but out in the real world... he's a wuss and I end up doing all the "protecting".
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