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Old March 30th, 2009, 03:30 PM
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Percy's at the vet

Percy hasn't been himself the last few days (although he never stopped eating, which was for some idiotic reason, reassuring ). He had a small bite on his head, healing well, nothing else that I could see.

Then yesterday he started limping, to the point where he had problems walking. I had already decided to bring him to the vet this morning and when I went to lift him up a huge abcess on the back of his front leg (I found out later) literally exploded. Pus everywhere. Rushed to the vet; he is still there.

If you think I don't feel like the most negligent catmother on the planet, you would be wrong. The infection had gone into the muscle so they had to trim a small area away, flush out the entire wound, then close with sub-cutaneous stitches as well as cutaneous. In addition, there were 2 other bites that needed attention (but no stitches) and he had to be declawed on one 'toe' because the claw had been ripped out in such a way that the whole area was damaged. My poor boy! He will be coming home tonight, stuffed with painkillers, and will have the bathroom and a heating pad to himself.

One positive: he tested negative for FiV, but will have to be re-tested in three months.

I couldn't feel worse or more useless. To think he had been quietly suffering all that time while I merrily bowled along. A wake-up call for sure.
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